Bio — James Waterston

James Waterston is an actor and a pianist with a great love of New Orleans music.  He has had the privilege, among other roles, of playing Orlando (As You Like It NYSF, Mark Lamos, dir),  Jack (The Importance of Being Earnest BAM, Sir Peter Hall, dir.), Sir Andrew (Twelfth Night, Jack O'Brien, dir.), Iago (Othello CSC, Steve Maler, dir.), Elyot (Private Lives Maria Aitken, dir.), Konstantin (The Seagull Mark Nelson, dir.), Edmund (Long Day's Journey into Night twice, once with father Sam Waterston as Tyrone),  Richard (Ah, Wilderness!), George (Our Town) , and--not all at once--Brutus, Mark Antony, Cassius and Lucius (Julius Caesar in Paris, Bogotá, Boston, San Diego and beyond,  Arthur Naucyciel, and Daniel Sullivan, dir.).

He has appeared in premieres of Love and Information (national premiere, NYTW, Caryl Churchill, James Macdonald, dir.), Chinglish (world premiere, Goodman Theater, David Hwang, Leigh Silverman, dir.), Proof (West Coast premiere, SCR), Enemy of the People (on Broadway at MTC, in a new translation by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, Doug Hughes, dir. ), A Perfect Couple (WET, Brooke Berman, Maria Mileaf dir.), Parents' Evening (opposite Julianne Nicholson, play by Bash Doran), and American Hero (world premiere, Williamstown Theater Company, Bess Wohl, Leigh Silverman, dir.) among others.  

James' film and tv credits include: Six Feet Under (recurring), Dear Dumb Diary (Asst. Principal Devon), Treme (HBO), Dead Poets Society, Little Sweetheart, Live from Baghdad (HBO), Wedding Daze, Certainty (Peter Askin, dir.), Christy (Hallmark miniseries). James currently has two shows that premiered this fall: Flesh and Bone (Starz), and Red Oaks (Amazon Prime). He complteted a tour of Jean Genet's Hotel Splendids in Paris this past March and has finished shooting the pilot for David Simon's new HBO series The Deuce.


Photographer: Jordan Matter