The Countess and the King: A Novel of the Countess of Dorchester and King James II by Susan Holloway Scott | Goodreads
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The Countess and the King: A Novel of the Countess of Dorchester and King James II

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Katherine Sedley lived by her own rules and loved who she pleased- until she became the infamous mistress of King James II...

London, 1675: Born to wealth and privilege, Katherine is introduced to the decadent court of King Charles II, and quickly becomes a favorite from the palace to the bawdy playhouses. She gleefully snubs respectable marriage to become the Duke of York's mistress.

But Katherine's life of carefree pleasure ends when Charles II dies, and her lover becomes King James II. Suddenly she is cast into a tangle of political intrigue, religious dissent, and ever-shifting alliances, where a wrong step can mean treason, exile, or death at the executioner's block. As the risks rise, Katherine is forced to make the most perilous of choices: to remain loyal to the king, or to England.

384 pages, Paperback

First published July 29, 2010

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About the author

Susan Holloway Scott

9 books749 followers
Aka Miranda Jarrett
Aka Isabella Bradford

Susan Holloway Scott is the author of over fifty historical novels and historical romances. Writing under several pen names, she has received numerous awards and honors for her bestselling books. With more than three million copies of her books in print, she has been published in nineteen foreign countries around the world and translated into fourteen different languages.

Susan has also written as half of the Two Nerdy History Girls (, a popular book & history blog with a worldwide following. Follow her on Instagram ( and Twitter ( She is a graduate of Brown University, and lives with her family outside of Philadelphia, PA.

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Profile Image for Jan.
970 reviews211 followers
March 16, 2021
Quite a fascinating and well-written historical fiction of the life of Katherine Sedley, who was mistress to James II for a number of years, mostly before he was king.

No matter how interesting the material, it's not always easy to make this kind of book readable. Sometimes the writing and characters feel flat, or the story can get bogged down in too much historical detail. Not so in this case. The author skilfully balances the background information and the actual events with making her characters feel real and believable.

The story starts when Katherine is just a girl - the spoiled darling of her rakish father, who is a crony of Charles II. I have to admit, for quite a while during this read, I just didn't like Katherine very much, even though the story itself was so interesting. She was famously a very clever wit, but in the first part of the book she mostly just comes across as a precocious smart alec with a cruel and sarcastic tongue.

Katherine was also famously 'plain', especially compared with the famous beauties at court that Charles II liked to surround himself with. I have to admit, I did get a bit tired of the number of times this was made mention of. Alright, already. She's plain, whatever that means in those days. But she undoubtedly had her share of charm and charisma, which makes looks irrelevant anyway.

I was hoping that as Katherine grew up and her relationship with James blossomed that she would mature a little and feel more likeable to this reader. And in fact, this did happen. It seems James and Katherine truly fell in love with each other, and Katherine didn't grate on me as much for the rest of the book, as her character mellowed and matured somewhat.

Their relationship was of its times. James was very definitely married and his poor wife had one miscarriage or deceased infant after another. James had openly had other mistresses before Katherine, and he was much older than her too. As for James' brother Charles II, whew! At least James didn't flaunt his mistresses as openly as Charles did.

The background to the story, and part of what made the times so complex, was that James had converted to Catholicism. His brother Charles II had no (legitimate!) children, so James was the heir to the throne of a Protestant country who did not want a Catholic king. No matter how much James loved his country, they did not love him because of his religious views.

I appreciated that the author made the historical aspects of the story understandable and interesting. It was a very readable book that kept my interest all the way through. I did not know Katherine's story previously, and avoided looking her up on the internet to avoid spoilers before the end of the book. Ms Scott has written other fictional books about historical figures, and I do plan to read some of them in the future.

This book was my March 2021 read for the RATA challenge: Stuarts setting.
Profile Image for Orsolya.
629 reviews286 followers
July 4, 2017
Restoration England and the reign of King Charles II were bursting at the seams with scandal, intrigue, and mistresses in the King’s royal bed. Yet, it wasn’t just the King passing his time with these wanton women- it was most men, including his brother and heir to the throne, James. One of James’s leading ladies was Katherine Sedley (daughter of poet and playwright, Charles Sedley). Susan Holloway Scott presents a novel interpretation of this relationship in, “The Countess and the King: A Novel of the Countess of Dorchester and King James II”.

“The Countess the King” begins with an introduction to Katherine Sedley, her father, and childhood in order to establish her roots from the innocent days of her youth and then follows her growth into adulthood (in fact, the chapters tend to skip ahead chunks in chronology). The blatant problem is that there isn’t much to be said for Katherine. Meaning, her character is one-dimensional, boring, vacant, insipid, and lacks any character development. She isn’t truly involved in any intrigue or excitement and thus, one questions why she is even the main character as she isn’t comparable to the show-stopping mistresses of King Charles II. This results in an absence of likability or support from the reader.

The same can be said for the entire plot of “The Countess and the King” or in this case: the lack thereof. Nothing truly happens and much of the text is merely ‘shown’ versus ‘lived’ except for small bursts here and there. Scott is guilty of an overabundance of, “As you know, Bob”- style writing and consequentially the pace is slow and the story is empty.

On the other hand, Scott has a way with words and offers beautiful, descriptive language which creates an aura of figurative illustration along with strong historical fact (she clearly conducted heavy research). This waters down the fluff and makes “The Countess and the King” more compelling to read. However, overall, the novel doesn’t feel strongly rooted in Stuart England and both the story and writing feels more Victorian in nature.

“The Countess and the King” does contain some bodice-ripper moments (I suppose this is natural when the novel is about a mistress) and therefore can be categorized as more of a romantic historical fiction.

James isn’t truly introduced into Katherine’s life until page 220 which again demonstrates Katherine’s inconsequence. Even after becoming James’s mistress; not much happens, nothing is learned, and Katherine doesn’t evolve or grow. It’s sort of baffling that she is the focus of a novel, at all.

Once James joins the pages of “The Countess and the King”; there is still an air of emptiness and slow plot. The reader waits patiently for a climax that never occurs. Indeed the best way to describe the novel: very flat with no uphill climb or descend. The events of notice don’t even involve Katherine and are more so derivative of the political scene and King Charles II. This flat line is acceptable within a character-study piece but as already established—“The Countess and the King” is a far stretch from thus.

It isn’t until the final quarter (perhaps even less) that “The Countess and the King” finally turns to more substance and depth. James becomes a stronger, more pivotal character when he takes the throne and Katherine finally offers an ounce of emotion and complexity. Although this is too little, too late; it is better than nothing at all.

The conclusion of “The Countess and the King” showed a little spunk but not nearly enough to save the novel. It is Scott’s ‘Author’s Note’ offering some insight into Katherine and the other figures involves that adds more essence to the reading. Sadly, the ‘Author’s Note’ is stronger than the novel and serves as a better epitaph to Katherine.

Scott’s “The Countess and the King” is a decent introduction to Katherine Sedley and some of the politics of Restoration England. However, it is better suited for those who enjoy their historical fiction novels on the fluffier, romantic end of the spectrum being that the novel suffers from a flat plot with no nuances, lack of character development, and no story arc/climax. As long as the reader doesn’t expect a masterpiece then there is enough of a sentiment of entertainment. “The Countess and the King” is recommended for readers interested in Restoration England or Katherine Sedley but merely as a lighter piece.
Profile Image for Elis Madison.
612 reviews196 followers
March 14, 2014
James II's first wife, Anne Hyde, was a love match.

(Is it me or is his facial expression kind of hilarious? You might need to view a larger version.)

When Anne died, his brother (Charles II) married him to the beautiful Mary of Modena.

It was not a love match. James, it seems, liked his women plainer (my kinda guy).

James's first mistress (while he was married to Anne AND Mary) was Arabella Churchill.

And after she was pensioned off, he turned to Katherine Sedley, our heroine.

Katherine was the daughter of Charles Sedley, a renowned wit, playwright, drunken exhibitionist and favorite of King Charles II. When his wife, (Kat's mum) went like WAY NUTS, he (really!)shipped her off to a convent-slash-asylum and hooked up with Anne Ayscough. Anne became his "second wife" (while he was still married to the first). Evidently Charles II chose to overlook the bigamy.

When Katherine hooked up with James II, we're told that Sedley objected.

For Kat, it was twu wuv. Likely it was for James as well. This is a guy who converted to Catholicism at a time when he was heir apparent to the throne of England and England wanted nothing to do with a Catholic king. He was exiled—twice, and Parliament tried more than once to exclude him from the succession. A less sincere convert would have converted back to the Anglican Church and settled things, but James held to his faith even though it was mighty inconvenient. He was, in other words, sincerely convinced that the Roman Church was the one True Church. When his confessors browbeat him for this thing with Katherine (they probably wouldn't have minded near as much had his mistress been Catholic) he wobbled, but he kept returning to Kat—even at the risk of his immortal soul.

Kat is presented as her father's daughter. She's a wit—sometimes not a nice one. She's not pretty but there's something about her that intrigues some men—Peter Lely may have captured it in his much more flattering portrait:

Note she's wearing a costume previously worn in an early portrait of her good friend Nelly Gwynn.

One of Katherine's interesting quotes about James sums up her bemusement that he would choose her. "It cannot be my beauty for he must see I have none," she said. "And it cannot be my wit, for he has not enough to know that I have any." Anyway, whatever they saw in each other, it lasted until England ran him off.

As with all the books in this group by Susan Holloway Scott, I really loved the insights into this period in history. Katherine, who is more of a villain in Duchess, the story about Sarah Churchill, presents her side of that story here, and her humor is well represented. Scott also writes historical romances as Isabella Bradford. They look to be Regencies (grumble) but I will probably pick one up next time I shop.

4.5 Stars
Profile Image for Amy Bruno.
364 reviews528 followers
September 1, 2010
In my historical fiction reading experience there are a handful of authors that you just know automatically that you’re going to love whatever they put out and each new book becomes the new favorite….well, Susan Holloway Scott is one of them for me!

In The Countess and the King, Kate Sedley is not your typical heroine…and I LOVE that! She’s not beautiful and a little too skinny, but what she does possess is a sense and humor, and a quick, sharp mind and an ever sharper (and quicker) tongue. I fell in love with her immediately just by reading the prologue page and was her champion throughout the book. I laughed with her, cried with her and raved against the injustices she was made to endure and felt victorious when she conquered. I think out of all the heroines I have read about that Kate is the one I could most see myself being buddies with. Like her I was an only child, mostly raised by one parent and prefer the company of men to women and use humor to deflect our shortcomings.

Kate’s relationship with her father was particularly fascinating to me. Charles Sedley was a favorite at the court of King Charles II as a poet and playwright and at that court is where Kate got most of her “education”. Treated more as a friend than a daughter, Kate’s father would have her stay out all night with him at either Whitehall or the gambling and playhouses. Not the typical upbringing of a noble lady. But it’s Kate’s uniqueness that attracts the attentions of James, Duke of York (future King James II). He might not be as clever as she, but she falls for him nonetheless and I very much enjoyed reading about their relationship, especially after he becomes King and her position is perilous.

Another treat for me was that we get to spend some time with Nell Gwynn (LOVE her) as she and Kate become good friends, as well as, Charles II and Louise de Keroualle (his French Mistress). I can imagine that Susan had a ball with writing some of those scenes!!!

Susan’s knowledge of the politics of the day are unquestionable, her writing is impeccable, witty and has a certain je ne sais quoi about it that I just can’t put a name to, but would know her style immediately.

The Countess and the King has taken the #1 favorite read of the year spot for me and I highly recommend it to all of you!
Profile Image for Natasa.
1,259 reviews
November 10, 2019
This book is rich in period detail and is well researched. Still, I found the book somewhat tedious, as it seemed to try too hard to be clever. So, though I enjoyed it I often found myself to be disengaged from it. Those who like historical fiction and tales of Restoration English, however, will find something to enjoy in this book.
779 reviews57 followers
September 20, 2010
The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott
Historical Romance- Sept 7th, 2010
4 1/2 stars

Katherine Sedley, the daughter of a mere baronet, was not blessed with either beauty or charms. But what she lacks in appearance, she makes up with her razor-sharp wit. Set in the decadent yet wildly dangerous royal court of King Charles II, Katherine captures the attention of the King’s brother, James Stuart, the Duke of York. Refusing to marry, she instead becomes the Duke’s mistress, sacrificing respectability for love and power. But when the King passes away and she becomes the new King’s mistress, can she navigate the treacherous court? With the growing tension between the King and the people, who will she follow?

For a historical novel with tons of facts crammed into it, this is a surprisingly easy to read and an ENJOYABLE historical novel. My grasp of the English history is rather pathetic. (I usually don’t read historicals unless it’s a regency romance.) Thankfully, Scott is a skillful writer who doesn’t rely on an information ‘dump’ to tell us the setting. Instead, she begins the book from the viewpoint of a child who discovers the court and its treachery and wonders, bit by bit. By following Katherine from her childhood, we are slowly introduced to the English politics in 1660s. So instead of having to learn Whigs from Tories in one huge, off-putting paragraph, we learn it as Katherine learns it - piece by piece. Slowly the events build up, until in the end, I felt like I know the distinction between those two English parties and their relevance to the plot. Unconsciously, I also learn more about English history than I ever will by trudging through a history book.

Though her lover, the Duke, is a royal prince, he is only a supporting player in this novel. The star of this book has always been Katherine. She’s so fully fleshed out and sympathetic character. Sure, I cringed at some of her bawdy humor, but I liked her all the same. I wanted her to succeed. I wanted her to best the duchess and keep the Duke’s constant attention to herself. I admired her resourcefulness and bravery. It is women like her that feminists should look up to. Given her limited circumstances - lower birth and ugliness, she makes uses her intelligence and managed to keep the duke’s attention for over seven years. She’s inspiring, to say the least. If you are a fan of light historical novels, you should definitely give this book a try.

Reviewed by Pauline from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
Profile Image for Rio (Lynne).
329 reviews4 followers
January 1, 2014
I was in the mood to return to Charles II's court and I was not really familiar with Ms Sedley. I enjoyed reading about someone new and returning to familiar characters. On the other hand the book dragged at times as Scott's novels can do. Ms. Sedley was a witty, non-conformist, which to me summed up Charles II's reign (free spending, no responsibility age.) I enjoyed it. It just wasn't a page turner.
Profile Image for Della Tingle.
844 reviews7 followers
February 6, 2020
When historical figures are as intriguing as those found within the covers of this book, who needs fantasy? Politics always has been, and always will be, a game, regardless of country of origin. It makes me think of the Hunger Games quote, “May the odds be ever in your favor.” Katherine Sedley is certainly a name to know if you love all things British, and I assure you, she will not disappoint!
Profile Image for Lucy Bertoldi.
111 reviews32 followers
March 28, 2012
Want to read a book that reveals 17th c history set in Charles II's English Court, filled with illustrious details of court life filled with historical precision along with love and the times (not to mention the glorious descriptions of setting and costume)- then RUN to get this!

By now most of you know how much I adore reading anything that has to do with Charles II, so imagine my thrill when I began reading the story of Katherine Sedley, James II' mistress. I never really heard much about her until now and I'm glad to say that this novel added another dimension to what I already knew about this grand court.

Katherine Sedley was no regular lady (especially by 17th c standards!) Not only did she not fit in in terms of beauty (too thin and rather homely for the times), she also spoke what was on her (witty) mind- and what came out was usually accompanied by swearing! Yet, she was of the nobility and her father (a politically involved playwright) was in Charles II's immediate circle...making Katherine by no means an ordinary or invisible lady.

Against her father's will, she refused to be bound in marriage and had no real aspirations for love (having been disillusioned and often mocked for her meager looks). How could she ever expect The Duke of York- future King James II to fall madly in love with her? Impossible- yet true! The poor Catholic King-to-be was completely mesmerized by this Protestant temptress. The powerful counsel of Catholic priests strongly advised James against this temptation; all the while making Katherine all the more seductive to his eyes...The King could in no way abstain from Katherine's lure.

Yet, Katherine Sedley was not the type to make demands on James- nor did she ever assume to be granted any favouritism by others- nor did she allude to the sort of grandiosity that other Grand mistresses (such as Louise de Keroualle- King Charles' favourite)...with Katherine it was always 'what you see is what you get'. Her love for James was real and she stood tall in her convictions and loyalty to England. A doting mother, a loving companion (lusty too- but written in such good taste!), Katherine remained steadfast to her English pride and would not be swayed from her own religion. Convinced that James was being brain-washed by his priests (her own mother's experience could not shake Katherine's conviction or disdain about this)-despite this, she never attempted to convert him to her own beliefs (but neither he, to his).

A tempestuous political time where Catholics and Protestants fought for idealism and restoration in England- the Countess and The King is a delicious read for anyone interested not only in the love story itself, but also in the politics and religious conflicts of the times.

I must say that this is a superb novel which will leave you completely satisfied in terms of history, historical figures in accurate detail, love story, entertainment (you've never met such an outspoken character as Katherine Sedley!) splendour of the court, perceptions and deceptions and- ultimately, the sadness that eventually befalls this type of love that is never quite meant to be.

I LOVED this book.

Note: You should also read French Mistress by Susan Holloway
Profile Image for Heather C.
494 reviews79 followers
September 3, 2010
Unlike all of Scott’s recent releases about the mistresses of Charles II, this book is about the mistress of Charles’ brother, James II. While still remaining in a world that is entirely familiar and comfortable to me, I was able to explore another side to the world that I loved. Charles is still a frequent visitor to the story without being the center of attention. There was one scene in the novel where all of the mistresses of Charles II, as well as the Katherine Sedley and I think James II, were all in one room together and it was like being in a room full of friends.

As always, Scott really impresses here, the writing is phenomenal and exceptionally bawdy. I love Katherine’s spunk, fire, and personality. She was allowed to grow up in a sort of no rules atmosphere within the edges of the court – which really makes for great story telling. As much as I have enjoyed Charles’ story in the past, I really enjoyed learning about James. He sort of had an “other brother” syndrome and was always trying to prove himself. His relationship with Katherine was so exciting and one of my favorites. But I want to emphasize that this was while he was Duke of York, once he became King of England I really couldn’t stand him anymore. As he embraced Catholicism and became less favored by the people, his relationship with Katherine changed and I just didn’t feel it so much anymore.

My favorite quote from this book, which wasn’t actually from the story, but from the author’s note, really sums up this story well. As you may already know, King James II is eventually ousted in favor of his daughter Mary and her husband William, and this was made possible in part by Katherine’s father (who said the following) – “as the king has made my daughter a countess, the least I could do, in common gratitude, is to make his daughter a queen” (pg 383).

Susan Holloway Scott hits this one out of the park yet again!

This book was received for review from the publisher - I was not compensated for my opinions and the above is my honest review.
Profile Image for Melanie.
922 reviews34 followers
February 15, 2018
I reviewed this book for Romance Reader At Heart website.

This year I've decided to venture out of my comfort zone and read some historical fiction. I always thought them a bit of too much history and not enough action, plot or romance. Since the plot is summarized by the blurb, let me jump in and tell you that this book has proven me wrong.

I wasn't really familiar with this time period, having only read one book set in it a couple of years ago. I did see couple of movies, notably "The Libertine" with Johnny Depp.

I think it a great gift for an author to have when she makes you believe you're a part of a story; makes you feel, taste, and smell the period as well as have you completely lost in this painting of life in England during this time period.

In giving such a vivid description, this book read and played out in my mind as a movie, or an even better description would be as if I were there next to Katherine. By the time the book ended, I felt like I lived and knew all the players personally. I was fascinated with every character she chose to introduce me to, and I was made to feel like I was hanging out with the King and his entourage!

What surprised me the most is how UN-boring it was. Ms. Holloway Scott's writing and knowledge of the Restoration Era was superb. What I didn't like is how Katherine and the author went out of their way in telling us that she was no beauty, but thanks to Google, I disagree. She was a very handsome and pretty woman. I don't think that only her wit and charm would have been enough to keep someone like James II interested for over seven years.

Regardless of that, I am in awe of this author and highly recommend you read this fascinating story full of well rounded characters, historical accuracy, a rich and evocative setting, love and intrigue, as well as substance.

Profile Image for rachel.
55 reviews11 followers
March 2, 2015
Although admittedly I did enjoy The French Mistress more than The Countess and the King, I was not entirely unsatisfied with this novel. The main gripes I might have would be that at times it did get a bit dull and the politics of the age seemed to bog down the story more often than not. Also, Katherine's relationship with the Duke of York did not surface until about halfway through the book and sometimes I felt like the novel focused less on her and James and more on her and her father. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but naturally I assumed it would have revolved around her relationship with the future monarch. Putting those minor things aside, I did love the historical accuracy that was maintained throughout, and you can clearly see that Susan Holloway Scott puts a lot into her research, which is, of course, much appreciated in royal fiction.
Profile Image for Hannah.
89 reviews5 followers
October 2, 2010
I saw this book on a display table in Barnes and Noble. I thought the cover was lovely and I'm a sucker for historical fiction, so I decided to get it despite having never heard of the author. And boy was I in for a treat! The heroine is likable, sassy, and a far cry from perfect. There are a lot of thorough and interesting details about the turbulent political climate during the reigns of Charles II and James II, but they were explained well and in such a way as to not go over the heads of readers who are unfamiliar with that era in history. I am happy to have discovered Susan Halloway Scott and will surely be checking out her other books. Many other romance writers could learn a lot about substance and character development from her.
Profile Image for Susan.
185 reviews12 followers
November 19, 2010
I think I read too many royal mistress books too close together which tempered my feelings about this book.
Profile Image for Ashlen.
126 reviews
March 21, 2018
A solid, if average, historical novel, elevated by the personality and wit of its protagonist, Katherine Sedley, the Countess of Dorchester. Despite the constricted era in which she lives, Katherine's unusual upbringing - with a "mad" mother, and "libertine" (drunken adulterer) father - grants her a greater sense of personal freedom than many women of her station in Restoration England. The majority of the book consists of Katherine's life at Court as she observes the politics of the day, refuses to settle for a loveless marriage, and eventually becomes the mistress of the Prince James, who eventually becomes the troubled Catholic King in Protestant England. It's hard not to pity James's wife, Mary Beatrice, but with literally every man in the book constantly committing adultery with numerous women, it's also hard to blame Katherine for choosing love with a married man when loveless marriages and hypocritical standards towards sex and adultery seems to have been the order of the day. My one complaint with the novel is that Katherine and James's relationship shifts very abruptly at the end, but overall I was satisfied with the book and the author's portrayal of an interesting woman who managed to evade the constrictions of her time.
Profile Image for Christine Cazeneuve.
1,250 reviews25 followers
December 25, 2018
I enjoyed it but I have read better novels by her. Try as I might I just couldn't really like Katherine Sedley. I mean I wanted to - here was a very plain girl (who knew it) full of wit (which I love) but I just wasn't buying what the author was selling. In the author's note she stated that Katherine was bothered by her lack of good looks, however, it was rarely shown in the book and I would have liked to have felt that with her more. In an era when women were mostly judged by their looks it HAD to have affected her a great deal no matter how strong willed she was and with writing historical fiction she have some liberties. All in all a good read for someone I knew nothing about and will seek to find others on her.
Profile Image for Bree T.
2,238 reviews98 followers
December 31, 2011
Katherine Sedley was born to wealthy parents. Unfortunately her mother suffered from a form of mental illness that resulted in delusions and thinking that she was actually Queen Catherine, barren Queen of England, a myth that is perpetuated by her doctor, who humours and fawns over her. Often Katherine’s visits to her mother upset her so she has little to do with her – her upbringing is mostly done by governesses but her father also takes a large hand in her raising as well.

Sir Charles Sedley is a poet/playwright who spends a lot of time at the various courts of King Charles II and from the time Katherine is around 9 or 10 he begins to take her with him. Young Katherine already has a rather smart wit and swears, can play cards, reads more than just the scriptures. She is exceedingly plain though, a skinny and ungainly child with no real promise in the looks department. Her father keeps her from gaining a position at Court, as he wants more for her than to be a whore. He also wants more than just a match with any old rogue, who would have her hand for her considerable dowry and fortune. Given this fortune, he wants Katherine to be free to marry for love and happiness but Katherine is never really inclined towards marriage.

From a young age she catches the eye of the King’s younger brother, his Grace the Duke of York and they cross paths quite often in Katherine’s youth. It isn’t until she is older though that she becomes his mistress. The Duke of York is some 25 years older than Katherine, older than even her father and onto his second marriage. With Charles II having no sons, James is heir to the throne of England, which causes some problems among the people as he is a Papist, a practicing and devoted Catholic as is his second wife Mary Beatrice of Modena, niece to the Pope in Rome. The Duke of York has problems siring children too, having only two daughters surviving from his first marriage and a vast number of babies that don’t pass infancy with the current Duchess Mary.

Katherine and the Duke’s liaison is a long one, lasting throughout his downturn in popularity and consequent exile by the King in order to calm the population who fear a vast Catholic invasion and seizure of the Crown. There is clamouring for the introduction of an act that would remove James, Duke of York from the line of succession and replace him with King Charles II’s illegitimate son, even a bastard being preferable to a Papist.

But James does become the King and Katherine, who thought that her position as Mistress to him would be like the Duchess of Portsmouth’s role to King Charles, is stunned to find herself in a tangle of vast political webs with King James vowing to abolish the debauchery that was so rampant in Charles’ court and return to moral and chaste times. Katherine is offered the choice of exile to several locations but will she take them up on their ‘offer’ (more like a threat) or will she stay in London to try and win back the man she loves?

The Countess and the King was my third novel read for the 2011 Global Reading Challenge seventh continent, which was free choice. Whilst the two I read previously predominantly dealt with King Charles II and his rather lusty appetite, this one was more focused on his successor, the Duke of York, his younger brother, a practicing Catholic and at times the subject of hatred, violence and the occasional assassination plot from the public, who feared anyone who was not a Protestant. And to have a Papist as the first in line for the throne….definitely cause for panic.

A bit like Nell Gwyn in The King’s Favourite, Katherine is known and applauded for her wit and intelligence but unlike Nell she is not in any way beautiful. Instead we’re kind of beat over the head with how ugly she is with even some of the ‘wits’ at the castle writing poems about her lack of looks. It forms a huge part of the book with Katherine falling prey to a man who doesn’t want her, only her money. She’s often ridiculed by the Court, shunned by the ladies in waiting to the Duchess and ends up falling out with her father over her relationship with the Duke. He introduced her to life within the Palace but did not react well to her becoming a mistress, in a display of hypocrisy that I couldn’t help siding with Katherine over.

The thing that most struck me about this book was that unfortunately, it’s quite sloooow pace wise. It starts when Katherine is about 9 or 10 and although we do skip forward in time occasionally, it’s basically a long time before anything of note happens. She doesn’t become the Duke’s mistress until she’s about 20 or so, maybe even older so it’s a lot of her just wandering around Court in its various locations being ‘witty’ and observing things that are going on. It’s 200 or so pages in to a 400 page book by the time she sleeps with the Duke and from then on it’s much more interesting. I think it might have worked better if the whole book revolved around her relationship with the Duke of York and the political situation of the time, with him being a Papist and the paranoia and hysteria this whipped up. That is all covered, but I get the feeling there could have been more depth to some of the aspects, such as the flippant remarks about Mary of Modena losing yet another baby. The first 200 pages do end up reading like a bit of a waste of time once you reach the really meaty part of the story.
Profile Image for Cait.
167 reviews
April 25, 2019
I always enjoy Susan Holloway Scott's novels, and this one was no exception. However, it didn't have the same sort of sparkle as some of her previous novels-- maybe I just find James II a dour and boring monarch in the shadow of his more gregarious brother Charles. While this book was still interesting and engaging, I didn't find it nearly as fun as Scott's novels about Nell Gwyn or Louise de Keroualle. Still, a solid 3 to 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Lettie.
57 reviews
August 12, 2017
This was a good book; the first I have read on James II. However, I could not get attached to, or care about, any of the characters. I would love to find another story about these two, to see if it may have just been the writing. However,I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for some historical fiction prior to Henry VIII.
Profile Image for Taylor Crenshaw.
114 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2020
I hadn't read any historical fiction novels about Restoration England before this. It's very different than my Tudor habit, but still very good! I look forward to reading more of Holloway Scott as I enjoyed her characters very much!
Profile Image for Michelle.
5 reviews
August 20, 2019
You did that hungry!! I loved it, every twist and turn caught me by surprise!! I can’t wait to read more of your books....
Profile Image for Kirstin.
94 reviews4 followers
October 18, 2012
This was my first book set during Restoration England. Heeding the voice of the English people was still a very new concept and it must have been a very dynamic time to live. Both Charles and James (I wonder what they would do to knowing a measly American is calling them by their Christian names ) never really grasped the concept of actually listening to the people rather than just hearing the words they were saying. While a lot of The Countess and the King: A novel of the Countess of Dorchester and King James II is about the politics of the time, it is more about the interesting Katherine Sedley.

She was the only daughter of Sir Charles Sedley. While not a member of the noble class, she was wealthy. She had an unusual upbringing since her mother was in a convent due to her mental illness and her father was a sort of playboy in his day. Essentially raised by her father, she was known for her wit and bawdry actions as well as being very plain. From a young age, she was surrounded by loose women and placed in situations well below her station. So it is of no surprise she became a mistress herself, a royal mistress. Fortunately for her, mistresses were not only common but accept during most of history (of course adultery was only disregarded for men).

I was actually surprised at how her upbringing was described. Her father continually remarked how he wished she behaved properly, yet laughed at her improper references and continued to openly frolic with women in public and in front of her. I know people raised their children very differently then and standards of behavior were, well let’s say complicated, but I have a hard time understanding her father’s intentions towards her.

There were two things that bugged me throughout. One was Katherine’s foresight. They never mentioned she was physic, but she quite often knew what was coming. I realize that this isn’t uncommon in fiction novels, but it was too much here. I wanted to find out about the good and bad as the characters figured it out and not be warned of the pending change of circumstance. I, also, got confused with all the Your Majesty, Highness, Grace, Lordship,….etc. I have read enough books to realize different titles were given to different stations, but come on!! When you mention 3 different people in the same paragraph without giving a name, it gets confusing. It got better after Katherine became a mistress and His Highness the Duke of York became just James.

Overall, I thought the first part of this book was more entertaining than the last. I honestly got a little bored once she became the mistress. It became more about politics and less about the people. Don’t get me wrong, the politics of the time are necessary to the story and I like learning about a different time, but the people interest me more. I rated this book a 3 instead of a 2 because I wasn’t sure if I thought the book was only ok or if I just didn’t like Katherine Sedley. I think more of it was my dislike towards her character which influenced my opinion of this book, but since most of Susan Holloway Scott’s books are about mistresses I am not sure I will be reading many more.
Profile Image for Erinpad.
364 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2024
Mistress to not just one King but two, Katherine Sedley is not to be underestimated. Born into a life of wealth and privilege, her father expected her to find a husband, yet Katherine is looking for so much more than to settle down. Brave and smart, she attracts first King Charles and then his brother the Duke of York, who then becomes king. As the official mistress to the king, Katherine finds the happiness she’s been searching for, however danger is close. Many of his subjects are troubled by the king's belief in Catholicism and fear is everywhere.
Though the book was intriguing and well written, I struggled to like the main character. At times, she seemed pompous and for such a witty person, she appeared to be lacking common sense. Still a decent read, just not a fan favorite.
Profile Image for Kelly.
55 reviews
November 21, 2010
3 words: Fab-U-lous!

Ok not technically three words, but I can't help it. This book was fabulous; there are just no other words. This is my first historical fiction in the 17th century, and it did not disappoint! The story revolves around a young girl named Katherine Sedley. Her mother is sent away for being a little on the crazy side, so she is sent to live with her father at the age of 10. Her father surrounds her with the company of his friends who are less then desirable characters. She was brought up without the proper manners that a mother would normally teach, and she often spoke very plainly. Katherine's father was a well known libertine and favorite of King Charles II, so Katherine was exposed to all of the fancy lifestyles that the court had to offer at a very young age.

When Katherine was young she was a very innocent girl and naive. She wanted to find a true love, but that was just not in the cards for her. She was heartbroken at a young age, and from then on never sought out to marry anyone. She hardly had the looks to find a suitable man, and always seemed to find the guy that used her. That is one great quality in Katherine, because she never needed to depend on anyone else, she was content to be on her own, and figure things out! She was often seen as a bold young woman that wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind, even when she was in front of the king himself!

When the Duke of York James II (King Charles II's brother) marries, Katherine is called to court to be with the new Duchess of York, because they are around the same age and the King hopes they can relate to one another. Katherine, however, has other plans, and soon finds herself as the mistress to the Duke of York. This is where all the great scandal and betrayal enters the story. Her father very much disproves of her being a mistress to the Duke, because surrounding the relationship involves a great risk. As England fights hard to become a Protestant church, her lover is Catholic and true to his convictions, which may in turn cause trouble for Katherine and James II. The two are true to each other though, and even had a daughter together named Lady Catherine Darnley.

There is so much more I'd like to say about this book, it has definitely opened my eyes to 17th century England, and I want to read more of Susan Holloway Scott's books. She writes in a way that it's easy to understand, but with the subtly of the English culture. It's hard not to get wrapped up in the drama that was 17th century England. A great book all around, and I think I've found a fascinating new woman to admire!!
484 reviews31 followers
May 23, 2011
Historical fiction author Susan Holloway Scott returns to the world she knows best: the racy Stuart court with yet another novel of a Stuart monarch's mistress. Straying somewhat from her Charles II plus mistress formula, Scott instead explores the life and relationship of Lady Katherine Sedley, the long-time mistress of King James II, Charles' brother and successor. By now I've read all of Scott's other novels, and have grown to enjoy them (I wouldn't say they would appeal to everyone, but definitely to certain readers). Particularly, I enjoyed her exploration of fascinating and fairly unknown women from history who defied social norms.

Katherine Sedley is no except. Growing up in a well-to-do home, Katherine preferred to swear openly, indulge in "male" hobbies -like politics, and even dare to take lovers outside of marriage as she pleased. Katherine, with a highly political father, ends up catching the eye of James, heir apparent and brother of King Charles II. Despite Katherine's lack of physical beauty and unremarkable connections, she finds herself as James' mistress and later mother of his illegitimate daughter.

Countess felt a little lighter on the politics than previous Scott novels, which made me a little sad -I always enjoyed the intrigue, but here it just seemed like there were just squabbles between Parliament's houses and parties, and between Parliament and Charles II, and Katherine was not really part of all this -it was offered as more of a backdrop to the period than anything else. However, Katherine was still portrayed as a strong female protagonist who frequently and without care defied what would have been expected of her for the time. Most interestingly, her relationship with James is shown as loving and powerful, rather than lustful and purely for convenience.

Probably the only thing that bothered me here is that Scott continued to stay in safe waters -there's really not much new here accept that she shifted to another Stuart monarch's collection of mistresses (guess she finally exhausted all of the interesting ones for Charles II). Other than that, same old story here....

I really enjoy Scott's novels, and I thought Countess was a solid offering from her, but I didn't enjoy it as much as some of her other novels and, frankly, I think I'm ready for something new from her.
Profile Image for Kelly A..
168 reviews31 followers
October 19, 2010

Before I say anything else, a BIG thank you to Historically Obsessed (one of my favorite blogs) for the giveaway that I won this book in! It was my very first time winning something like this! Also a thanks to the author, Susan Holloway Scott, for providing copies of the book! :)

If you read my somewhat recent-ish review of The Secret Bride, you'll know that I've been wanting to read a book about a less than perfect heroine, particularly one whose beauty wasn't gushed over every two pages. I've found that heroine! Katherine Sedley was a mistress to James, Duke of York before he became King. She was very plain and an unlikely candidate for a mistress to royalty. She did however have wit beyond her years and gender that made her a favorite at court.

The Countess and the King chronicles the life of Katherine from a child of about ten years until the time that James becomes King. We follow her through adolescence, heartbreak, scandal, and finally the love that she found with James. I really enjoyed reading about their time together. After reading about Charles II mistresses (the brother of James) and how corrupt and power-hungry those women were, it was refreshing to read about a woman who did not care for titles or jewels (although she got both).

Upon initially finishing the book, I would have rated it somewhere between 4 and 4.5 stars. I then turned a few pages and found an Author's Note. The author filled us in on what historically happened after the book ends; what happened to Katherine, her children, and the monarchy. After reading this, I immediately bumped my rating up to 5 stars. I LOVE when authors do this. When a novel is based on historical events or a real person, I always want to know what happened after the book ends, just a few pages of information is sufficient. A big thumbs up to this!

Overall, I adored this book. As I said before, 5 stars to a beautifully written and interesting story. After reading this and Dark Angels, I am borderline obsessed with the Stuarts and Charles II's reign (I feel like I am cheating on the Tudors!). I am definitely interested in picking up more of Susan Holloway Scott's work.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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