Tamberi ready for magic of Roma 2024 | European Athletics
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Tamberi ready for magic of Roma 2024

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  • Tamberi ready for magic of Roma 2024

Olympic, World and European high jump champion Gianmarco Tamberi has declared his intent to win gold in front of his adoring Italian fans at the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships, taking place 7-12 June at the Stadio Olimpico.

 “I must win and confirm the gold medal I won two years ago,” said the Italian, who has also been confirmed as his nation’s flagbearer for the Paris Olympics in a massive summer for the sport in Europe. 

Magic of the Olimpico

Tamberi will be going for a European Championships hat-trick, having won gold at both the Amsterdam 2016 and Munich 2022 editions. And the additional lure of a home championships and an excitable home crowd is lighting the competitive fire in the Italian showman.

“Even if I won’t be in full shape yet. The magic of the Olimpico will be able to help me even where my preparation doesn’t reach.” explained Tamberi.

There is a long love story between Tamberi and the Stadio Olimpico.  Two years ago at the Golden Gala Pietro Mennea Diamond League meeting, he indulged the fans with selfies and autographs between jumps. 

However, he has never managed to win at the Golden Gala Pietro Mennea meeting in the four editions held at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome (he finished second in 2020, third in 2016 and 2022, fourth in 2019) and will be looking to end that losings streak in June.

The men’s high jump final will take place in the evening session of Tuesday 11 June, with the qualifying round in the morning session on Sunday 9 June.

Chris Broadbent for European Athletics

Photography from Colombo/FIDAL

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