The Cherry Orchard - Judi Dench - 1981 - TV - Remastered - 4K

The Cherry Orchard - Judi Dench - 1981 - TV - Remastered - 4K

The Cherry Orchard is a 1981 British TV drama film directed by Richard Eyre based on the eponymous play by Anton Chekhov.

Judi Dench - Mme. Ranevsky
Bill Paterson - Lopakhin
Anton Lesser - Trofimov
Harriet Walter - Varya
Suzanne Burden - Anya
Frederick Treves - Gayev
Timothy Spall - Epikhodov
Frances Low - Dunyasha
David Rintoul - Yasha
Anna Massey - Charlotte

This recording is for educational purposes only and is covered under Fair Use doctrine - Copyright - All rights reserved to their respective owners.

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