Metric Conversion Chart

Metric Conversion Chart
Understanding Metric Units

Welcome to our Metric Conversion Charts.

Here you will find a range of different metric measurement charts to help you to understand how metric units work.

There are also some handy printable conversion charts for you to use.

Metric Conversion Chart

There are quite a few major differences in the way that different countries measure amounts.

The terms "pint" and "gallon" can mean different amounts of liquid depending on which country you are in.

These differences can lead to quite a few problems when it comes to comparing quantities or prices per gallon in different countries!

But with metric units, things are different!

When you use metric units, it helps to standardise your units of measurement and avoid these problems.

Metric units also work with the decimal number system, where every conversion factor is a power of 10.

The charts below will help you to convert between a range of metric measures, from lengths to area and volume and weights.

Length/Distance Conversion Charts

Area Conversion Charts

Volume Conversion Charts

Weight Conversion Charts

Liquid Volume Conversion Charts

Printable Metric Conversion Charts

Basic Conversion Chart

This basic chart contains some basic conversions between metric units and also basic conversions between customary units.

There is a separate page for UK and imperial units.

Metric Conversion Chart

The charts below contain the same information as the above tables, but in one simple easy-to-print page.

There are two different charts, one with US spelling and one with UK spelling.

Metric Conversion Worksheets

As well as metric conversion charts, we also have a selection of metric conversion worksheets.

The sheets involve converting from a range of metric units.

They are a great resources for practicing multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

Metric to Standard Conversion Charts (US)

Math Conversion Charts Tyger Salamander

The following web information page is all about converting measurements from metric to standard units.

Please note that measurements in the US and UK differ for weights and liquid volumes.

These pages will help you to convert a range of:

  • lengths
  • areas
  • volumes
  • weights
  • liquid volumes.

from metric units to standard units.

Military Time Conversion Chart (24 hour conversion)

The following web information page is all about converting standard to military time, and military to standard time.

You will find an online chart on this page, as well as some handy printable charts.

There is also an online converter to do it all for you automatically!

If you want to know how to convert in and out of military time yourself, this is all explained too!

Using this page will help you to:

  • convert military times to standard times;
  • convert standard times to military times;
  • understand how to convert to and from military times.

You can also try our Military Time Converter which is an online tool to convert to and from military time.

Conversion Online Calculators Free

Our conversion calculators will help you to convert between units of measure.

We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.

Time Conversion Calculators

Our time calculators will allow you to convert any digital time into a military time, and back.

We also have a decimal time converter which will take a time in hours, minutes and seconds and then convert it to a decimal number which represents that time. This calculator will also take a decimal time and convert it to hours, minutes and seconds.

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion Calculator

We have a celsius to fahrenheit calculator which will enable you to quickly convert any celsius number to fahrenheit, or any fahrenheit number to celsius.

Popular Conversion Calculators

Here are some of our specific online calculators for converting between two units of measure.

Online Conversion Checker

Every effort has been made to ensure that the Measure Conversion Charts on this page are accurate.

If you wish to double check that the conversion that you wish to make is correct, or if the conversion that you are looking for is not here, use the link below which will open an online conversion checker in a new browsing window.


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