Full Time MBA - SFU Beedie School of Business

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The MBA that
puts you first

CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: the announced caps on international study permits DO NOT AFFECT Master's and Doctoral degrees. Find out more.

Full Time MBA

Lead. Innovate. Collaborate.

Join us where diverse thinking complements strategic decision-making, where emotional intelligence informs relationship building, and where business solutions transform organizations and communities. Embark on a transformational journey with access to dedicated career coaching, mentorship and networking with industry leaders and a trailblazing alumni community. Evolve into an innovative, inclusive leader with a global perspective.


Average cohort size


Comprehensive University in Canada (1)


Average representation of women in the cohort (2)


most livable city in the world (3)


Employment rate within 3 months of program completion (4)


Month program (including a 4 month paid internship opportunity)

Sources: (1) Maclean's Magazine, Canada’s best Comprehensive universities: Rankings 2023. (2) Based on 5-year average (2016-2020) of individuals who identify as women. (3) Mercer, Quality of living city ranking 2019. (4) MBA Graduating class of 2022.

The full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the SFU Beedie School of Business provides you with the opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge and skills to transform businesses in the public or private sector, as well as start your own exciting venture.

  • Committed to making your mark in a multinational company or start-up?
  • Striving to complement your technical skills with in-demand managerial & relational skills?
  • Inspired to lead a non-profit organization?

Our MBA program, through an interdisciplinary and experiential learning approach, equips you with the business knowledge, analytical skills, and applicable experience to successfully make a positive impact on business and society.

Meet our Students and Alumni

There’s no need to take our words for it – our students and alumni are our greatest ambassadors. Learn about their experiences in the MBA program and how it has helped them reach their career goals. 

Exploring fresh perspectives


Exploring fresh perspectives


Going into the full-time MBA program, Emma Langlois was worried that her non-traditional background and lack of formal business education would impede her. She learned that not only did her MBA cohort value her knowledge, her experience managing a team of 85 staff offered her a uniquely relevant skillset.

Building strong professional networks


Building strong professional networks


Spoorthy Takkallapalli had past professional experience leading a team at work united by a common background—engineering. The full-time MBA program’s cohort-based structure, however, allowed her to work with a group of six diverse students from a variety of backgrounds, making the learning experience challenging and fun.

Embracing the culture at SFU Beedie


Embracing the culture at SFU Beedie


Originally hailing from the Midwestern United States, Ben Myers was intrigued by the culture at SFU’s Beedie School of Business. From the intimate cohort size to the focus on experiential learning, he was excited by what the full-time MBA program at SFU Beedie had to offer.

Discovering your purpose


Discovering your purpose


Tingqiao Zhang has had several years of financial planning experience in several multinational corporations including IBM, General Electric, Nestlé, and Penguin Random House. But she was looking for something more—a greater sense of meaning and purpose to her life. The full-time MBA program allowed her to discover ways in which she could give back to her community.

I always saw myself working beyond clinical pharmacy. I felt that I could also shine on the business side of healthcare. I knew that with my strong clinical training an MBA would help open more doors and give me the mobility I was looking for in my career.

Morenike Akinyemi, FT MBA

Senior Project Manager, Transformation Delivery

Provincial Health Services Authority

FT MBA: Morenike

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