Margaret Butler: Girls' Agency and Community-Driven Change

Margaret Butler is a co-founder of Amplify Girls. In the Girls’ Globe Solidarity Studio, social entrepreneur Amina Umuhoza speaks with Margaret about her journey. They talk about the transformative power of girls and young women across East and Southern Africa.

Through community-driven initiatives, Amplify Girls aims to amplify the voices of adolescent girls, nurturing their agency and fostering holistic development.

Margaret’s story began in Rwanda, where she worked with Partners in Health, witnessing the profound impact of community-led interventions. Recognizing the crucial role of adolescent girls in these communities, she co-founded Komera, focusing on providing holistic care tailored to their needs.

Central to Amplify Girls’ ethos is the recognition of local leaders’ expertise and the importance of including them in decision-making processes. The initiative strives to bridge the gap between grassroots organizations and global platforms, ensuring that community voices are heard and valued.

“Local leaders have the answers, they understand the social dynamics that girls are facing, they have the connections to community, and they’re often ignored.”

One key aspect of their work is promoting girls’ agency. Through research and collaboration with local partners, Amplify Girls developed a measure for adolescent girls’ agency. Listen to Dr. Brenda Oulo share more about girls’ agency in this episode of the Hey Changemaker! Podcast.

“Girls agency is an ability for a girl to create change in her own life and in her community.”

Creating safe and inclusive spaces for girls to thrive involves engaging communities, challenging gender norms, and addressing systemic barriers. Margaret Butler emphasizes the need for holistic interventions that encompass education, healthcare, and community engagement.

In advocating for girls’ rights and agency, Margaret calls for the inclusion of community-driven organizations in policy and decision-making processes. These grassroots organizations are often overlooked but play a crucial role in providing essential services and support.

“True solidarity, true trust takes time to develop and we have to be there for the long-term.”

For Margaret, solidarity means walking hand in hand with communities, fostering trust, and making long-term investments in girls’ futures. It’s about recognizing the interconnectedness of our efforts and working together towards a common goal.

Margaret Butler’s journey exemplifies the power of solidarity and the importance of amplifying girls’ voices. Through initiatives like Amplify Girls, girls will realize their full potential, which is essential to create a more equitable world for all.

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