39 Facts about the movie Indiscreet - Facts.net
Kally Timmerman

Written by Kally Timmerman

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Rottentomatoes.com

Indiscreet is a classic romantic comedy film that has captured the hearts of moviegoers since its release in 1958. Directed by Stanley Donen and starring the iconic duo of Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, the movie takes viewers on a delightful journey filled with wit, charm, and unexpected twists.In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Indiscreet and uncover 39 interesting facts about the film. From behind-the-scenes stories to trivia about the cast, production, and reception, we will explore the intricate details that make this movie a timeless gem.So grab your popcorn, get cozy, and join us as we dive into the wonderful world of Indiscreet!

Key Takeaways:

  • “Indiscreet” is a classic romantic-comedy film from 1958, starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. It was a box-office success, known for its witty dialogue and timeless appeal.
  • The movie explores themes of deception, romance, and societal expectations, while capturing the charm of London. It continues to be cherished for its enduring legacy in the romantic-comedy genre.
Table of Contents

Indiscreet was released in 1958

Released in 1958, Indiscreet is a classic romantic-comedy film directed by Stanley Donen.

Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman were the lead actors

The movie stars iconic actors Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman in the lead roles, portraying characters caught up in a delightful romantic entanglement.

The film was based on a play by Norman Krasna

Indiscreet is based on a successful stage play written by Norman Krasna, who also adapted it into the screenplay for the film.

It was nominated for several awards

The film received nominations for three Academy Awards, including Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.

Indiscreet was a box-office success

The movie achieved commercial success, earning over $6 million at the box office, making it one of the highest-grossing films of 1958.

The iconic theme song “Fascination”

The movie features the popular theme song “Fascination,” composed by Fermo Dante Marchetti and performed by Jane Morgan.

Filmed in Technicolor

Indiscreet was filmed in vibrant Technicolor, enhancing the visual appeal of the movie.

The chemistry between Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman

Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman’s on-screen chemistry was widely praised and contributed to the film’s charm.

The movie was a collaboration with Universal Pictures

Indiscreet was produced in partnership with Universal Pictures, known for its successful productions in the 1950s.

It explores themes of deception and romance

The film delves into the themes of deception and romance, portraying a complex relationship between the main characters.

Indiscreet was critically acclaimed

The movie received positive reviews from critics, who praised the witty dialogue and the performances of the lead actors.

The screenplay was written by Norman Krasna

Norman Krasna, the writer of the original play, also penned the screenplay for Indiscreet, ensuring a faithful adaptation.

The film’s director, Stanley Donen

Renowned director Stanley Donen brought his unique vision and storytelling style to the film, adding depth to the narrative.

Indiscreet was shot in different locations

The movie was primarily shot in various locations in London, adding to the allure and charm of the film.

The film’s runtime is around 100 minutes

Indiscreet has a runtime of approximately 100 minutes, offering audiences an enjoyable and entertaining experience.

The movie features elegant costumes

The film showcases elegant costumes that reflect the fashion trends of the late 1950s, adding visual appeal to the movie.

Indiscreet became a favorite among audiences

The movie quickly became a favorite among audiences, who were captivated by the captivating performances and engaging storyline.

The film’s timeless appeal

Despite being released over six decades ago, Indiscreet continues to be cherished for its timeless appeal and enduring charm.

The movie’s impact on the romantic-comedy genre

Indiscreet left a lasting impact on the romantic-comedy genre, inspiring future filmmakers and influencing subsequent films.

Cary Grant’s suave and sophisticated portrayal

Cary Grant’s portrayal of the charismatic and sophisticated leading man added to the allure of the film.

The film’s witty and humorous script

The movie’s script is filled with witty and humorous dialogue, keeping audiences entertained throughout the film.

Ingrid Bergman’s captivating performance

Ingrid Bergman’s performance as the intelligent and charming female lead captured the hearts of audiences.

The film’s beautiful cinematography

Indiscreet boasts stunning cinematography that enhances the overall visual appeal of the movie.

The movie’s memorable quotes

Indiscreet is known for its memorable quotes, which have become iconic lines in the world of cinema.

The chemistry between the supporting cast

The supporting cast of Indiscreet also contributed to the overall chemistry and dynamics of the film.

The movie’s intricate plot twists

Indiscreet includes clever plot twists that keep viewers engaged and guessing until the very end.

The iconic dance sequence

The movie features an iconic dance sequence that showcases the elegance and grace of the lead actors.

The film’s memorable soundtrack

Indiscreet’s soundtrack perfectly complements the emotions and atmosphere of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

The movie’s impact on popular culture

Indiscreet has left a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing subsequent films and being referenced in various forms of media.

The timeless appeal of the film’s romance

The romance depicted in Indiscreet remains timeless, resonating with audiences across different generations.

The film’s exploration of trust and betrayal

Indiscreet explores the complexities of trust and betrayal within relationships, adding depth to the storyline.

The movie’s clever use of humor

The film successfully combines romance and humor, creating a delightful blend that keeps audiences entertained.

The enduring popularity of the film

Indiscreet continues to be popular among movie enthusiasts, who appreciate its well-crafted story and memorable performances.

The movie’s impact on Cary Grant’s career

Indiscreet further solidified Cary Grant’s status as one of Hollywood’s most beloved leading men.

The film’s exploration of societal expectations

The movie touches upon societal expectations and the pressure to conform, adding depth to the characters and their motivations.

The portrayal of London’s charm

Indiscreet beautifully captures the charm and allure of London, providing a picturesque backdrop for the story.

The film’s themes of self-discovery and personal growth

Indiscreet explores themes of self-discovery and personal growth, as the characters navigate their emotions and make important life choices.

The movie’s stylish production design

The film’s production design showcases the elegance and sophistication of the era, adding to the overall visual appeal.

The legacy of Indiscreet

Indiscreet’s legacy continues to thrive, with the film remaining a beloved classic amongst fans of romantic-comedy films.


Indiscreet is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for decades. With its brilliant performances by Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, the movie delivers an enchanting tale of romance and deception.

The film’s witty dialogue, sophisticated humor, and glamorous settings have made it a favorite among moviegoers of all ages. Whether you’re a fan of classic cinema or just looking for a charming and entertaining movie to watch, Indiscreet is sure to satisfy.

So, grab some popcorn, settle into your favorite armchair, and let Indiscreet transport you into a world of romance, intrigue, and unforgettable moments.


1. When was the movie Indiscreet released?

The movie Indiscreet was released on May 20, 1958.

2. Who are the main stars of the movie Indiscreet?

The main stars of Indiscreet are Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman.

3. What is the genre of Indiscreet?

Indiscreet is a romantic comedy film.

4. Who directed the movie Indiscreet?

Indiscreet was directed by Stanley Donen.

5. Is Indiscreet based on a book?

No, Indiscreet is not based on a book. It is an original screenplay.

6. Where was Indiscreet filmed?

Indiscreet was primarily filmed in London, England.

7. What is the plot of Indiscreet?

Indiscreet follows the story of a famous actress who falls in love with a charming man who may not be as he seems.

8. How long is the movie Indiscreet?

Indiscreet has a runtime of approximately 100 minutes.

9. Did Indiscreet receive any awards or nominations?

Yes, Indiscreet received two Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress and Best Motion Picture – Comedy.

10. Is Indiscreet suitable for all ages?

Indiscreet is generally considered suitable for all ages, but it does contain some mild romantic themes.

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