
Xtemporize podcast

Unscripted and Unrehearsed

Xtemporize podcast is "Rooted in Music"

Hosts Peter Baron and Raine Jordan (from Audio Key Reviews Magazine) talk with the top bay area musicians that are part of Peter's Backyard Improv series. The Backyard Improv series is totally unscripted and unrehearsed. It's all-improvisational the entire time. Creator of the now closed Impulse Room Jazz Club in Walnut Creek, Peter invites his musician friends to come and play in this popular series. It's almost theatrical in nature because the musicians are invited but they have no idea who they are playing with until they show up. And they have no idea what they are going to play until Peter gives verbal prompts through his stories. Many times the musicians are also meeting for the very first time.

The Extemporize Podcast gives everyone an inside look into these great musician. Their stories are very interesting. It's cool to get to know these awesome individuals even more. It makes you appreciate them even more. It's not always serious. With Peter and Raine you never know where it is going.

The Video Excerpts versions of the interview are on the Xtemporize Podcast Youtube channel. The Full (Audio Only) version can be found on Xtemporize Podcast channel on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Audible.

Tune in to learn more about some of the top bay area musicians.