Guy Debord | French political theorist, filmmaker, and author | Britannica

Guy Debord

French political theorist, filmmaker, and author

Learn about this topic in these articles:

French literature

  • Battle of Sluis during the Hundred Years' War
    In French literature: The events of 1968 and their aftermath

    …occluding real life, according to Guy Debord, La Société du spectacle, 1967; The Society of the Spectacle). Posters and graffiti, the instruments of subversion, were elevated to a popular art form. Theatre experimented with audience participation and improvisation, a movement that continued into the 1970s. Rock music and comic books…

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influence of Tehgal

  • In Tino Sehgal

    …inspired by French Marxist theorist Guy Debord’s treatise about the “construction of situations” (1957). Sehgal trained “interpreters” to approach museum and gallery visitors with a comment or a question, in order to engage them not just in talk but in performance. His staged interventions existed only in the moment; there…

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Situationist International

  • In Situationist International

    …member of the SI was Guy Debord, one of the few people associated with the SI from its beginning to its end. Aside from Debord’s being the dominant and dominating member of the SI—often Debord expelled members for what he perceived as their political infidelity to the group—his La Société…

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