
  • Jim Carrey revealed intimate details about his first wife during an interview with Arsenio Hall.
  • Carrey's marriage to his first wife ended due to their differing priorities.
  • Rumors claim that Carrey left his first wife for his Dumb and Dumber co-star, but the star denies this.

Easily one of the biggest comedy stars of all time, Jim Carrey has accumulated many loyal fans who like to know everything they can about him. Thanks to starring in so many movies that made millions at the box office, Carrey became incredibly rich and famous.

Despite being celebrated in the spotlight for several years now, Carrey has somehow managed to keep some parts of his life private. Most notably, most fans know next to nothing about Carrey's first wife. With that in mind, it is amazing that Carrey once overshared about his first wife during an Arsenio Hall interview.

What Did Jim Carrey Reveal To Arsenio Hall About His First Wife?

By 1992, it was a couple of years before Ace Ventura: Pet Detective made Jim Carrey an international superstar. However, Carrey's career was already taking off thanks to his role starring in the Fox sketch comedy show In Living Color.

Fox Entertainment's In Living Color controversies and cancellation
Via: Fox

Thanks to Carrey's fame at that time, he was invited to The Arsenio Hall Show in 1992. What fans of that show likely didn't realize when Carrey walked out on stage is the actor and comedian would get raunchy.

During the opening moments of Arsenio Hall's interview with Jim Carrey, the actor and comedian already had the crowd in stitches. Between making funny faces and riffing on celebrity interviews, Carrey quickly had everyone on his side.

Jim Carrey Revealed The Truth About His Ex-Wife During A Full-On Interview With Arsenio Hall
Via: TheThings

Then, the interview took a surprising turn after Carrey joked about when he was a fifteen-year-old virgin. Playing off Carrey's bit, Hall brought up the In Living Color stars marriage at that time. "You're a married man now".

The One Film That Almost Caused Jim Carrey To Walk Off The Set, And Willingly Give All His Salary Back
Jim Carrey was miserable on the set, and a co-worker had to check into therapy after working alongside the actor.

Without missing a beat, Carrey responded by saying, "Yes I am, yes I am, and she's insatiable." Even though Carrey has never been known for being overly raunchy, he then went on to joke about his intimate life with his first wife.

"Five years we've been married and I can't please her. No, I just, you know. You know women, they've got to have it. I just wish we could just hug once in a while." In response to Carrey's comments, Hall asked the actor if he liked being married.

"I do, I do, but it's like, if you please them, then you got it. You know, you got to get it together in the bedroom." Evidently aware that he may have been embarrassing his first wife at that moment, Carrey talked to Hall about how she might have been reacting.

Arsenio Hall on the set of The Arsenio Hall Show
Via: Fox

"I'm sorry. My wife is here and everything. I'm sure she's hiding her head right now but that truth. You got to please them. If you do, they treat you so nice the rest of the time." Carrey then went on to joke about his first wife treating him well.

"You wake up the next morning, you got like a freshly made pie on your chest. They come in, 'I made the crust myself.' But if you don't, you get that note in the refrigerator. 'There's hot dogs in the freezer. I've gone to the store to buy more batteries.' You got to get it together guys."

After those remarks, it seemed like Hall was anxious to change the subject away from the bedroom. As a result, he asked Carrey about what he did when he was on hiatus from In Living Color. Throughout the rest of the interview, Carrey didn't tell any more stories about his first wife.

Why Did Jim Carrey Divorce His First Wife Melissa Womer?

During the mid-'80s, Jim Carrey and a woman named Melissa Womer met at The Comedy Store where they were both working. After some workplace flirting, Carrey and Womer went on to tie the knot in 1987.

Jim Carrey Saw A Salary Increase 20 Times Larger Of The Initial Offer For Dumb And Dumber, But Jeff Daniels Wasn't As Lucky
Both Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels weren't exactly thrilled with their initial offers for Dumb and Dumber.

That same year, Carrey and Womer added to their little family when they had a child together. Born in September 1987, the couple named their daughter Jane Erin Carrey.

After Carrey and Womer got married in 1987, the former couple finalized their divorce in 1995. The year before in 1994 Carrey became a superstar thanks to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber.

As a result, some people accused Carrey of ditching his wife once he became a star. The fact that Carrey went on to marry his Dumb and Dumber co-star Lauren Holly caused even more drama. At that time, Holly was labeled a homewrecker and people thought Carrey was a Hollywood cliché.

Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly from Dumb and Dumber
Via: New Line Cinema

In 1995, Rolling Stone published a profile about Jim Carrey. For that piece, Rolling Stone quoted Holly talking about being called a homewrecker. “They keep calling me a home wrecker. I feel for Melissa, but they were completely apart when Jim and I met.”

In response to Holly's remarks, Rolling Stone followed up with their take on the timeline. According to Rolling Stone, Carrey didn't leave his first wife for Holly. "A minute’s study of Carrey’s time line bears her out, even allowing for the five months of ’93 that are in dispute as to the date of formal separation."

Jim Carrey
Via Instar

Rolling Stone then quoted Carrey talking about the rumors about his divorce. Based on Carrey's remarks, it is very clear that the actor resented the things that were being said about him at that time. As Carrey pointed out, he didn't know he was about to become a superstar when the decision to get divorced was made.

An Audience Member Caught A Special Moment During David Letterman's Finale Between Chris Rock And Jim Carrey During The Commercial Break
David Letterman's final episode of the Late Show featured memorable moments off-camera including the likes of Jim Carrey and Chris Rock.

“All these things come up – like, well, he went Hollywood, and he left his wife, and s**t like that. Well, it wasn’t about that, you know, it was f***ing everything was up in the air. Everything. You know, how the hell did I know that Ace Ventura was going to be a hit? I didn’t.”

Now that it seems clear that Carrey didn't leave his first wife for Lauren Holly, that begs an obvious question. What really led to Carrey's first marriage ending?

Jim Carrey looking sad
Via: Instar

Amazingly enough, Rolling Stone spoke to Carrey's first wife Melissa Womer about what actually led to their divorce. Based on how Rolling Stone summarized Womer's comments, Carrey's focus on making it in Hollywood made the former couple want different things in life.

"Carrey has publicly complained that he would come home from walking 'on the moon' as Ace and be unable to handle the old domesticity. Melissa recalls saying: 'You must come home and put your feet back on the ground and take your garbage out like everyone else, or I can’t be married to you.’ And basically, he called my bluff.'"