The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of Kiel University — English

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of Kiel University

On these pages you will find in particular all information about your studies at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at Kiel University.

Quick overview

Institutes and Departments

Institutes and departments of the WiSo-Faculty

Information for your first semester

Everything for the perfect start to your first semester

Bachelor Programmes

Bachelor programmes: BWL, VWL, Sozio-Ökonomik, WiPo und WiWi

Master Programmes

Master programmes: BWL, Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Quantitative Economics, Quantitative Finance, WiPo und WiWi

Examination Office of the WiSo-Faculty

Information on examination matters (esp. examination dates, registration and deregistration, registration of bachelor / master thesis)



Portlet An-Institutes 2
