Barbara Jordan Poems

Who is Barbara Jordan

Barbara Charline Jordan (February 21, 1936 – January 17, 1996) was an American lawyer, educator, and politician who was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement. A Democrat, she was the first African American elected to the Texas Senate after Reconstruction and the first Southern African-American woman elected to the United States House of Representatives. Jordan was known for her eloquent opening statement at the House Judiciary Committee hearings during the impeachment process against Richard Nixon. In 1976, she became the first African-American, and the first woman, to ever deliver a keynote address at a Democratic National Convention. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, among numerous other honors. She was the first African-American woman to be buried in the Texas State Cem...
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Comments about Barbara Jordan

Jordan_welshy: such sad news about paul o'grady. an incredible talent indeed! i've always been fond of this performance with cilla black and barbara windsor. all are sadly missed.
Texam16: congresswoman sheila jackson lee announces campaign for houston mayor at local church
Cooperlevenson: barbara jordan used her public speaking skills to fight for civil and human rights. in 1972, jordan became the first african american woman to be elected to congress from the south since 1898. read more
Dap04655256: yep 805 born & raised santa barbara kobe camp black mamba goat ucsb & remember jordan bartending at o’malley’s for old spanish days fiesta every year and throwing a cigar out off the 154 pass at rancho san marcos golf course in 2005
Repswalwell: today i entered into the record jim jordan’s testimony to the january 6 committee. *then was reminded he refused to testify.
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Poem of the day

Robert Service Poem
The Song Of The Soldier-Born
 by Robert Service

Give me the scorn of the stars and a peak defiant;
Wail of the pines and a wind with the shout of a giant;
Night and a trail unknown and a heart reliant.

Give me to live and love in the old, bold fashion;
A soldier's billet at night and a soldier's ration;
A heart that leaps to the fight with a soldier's passion.


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