Photo banner templates

Never run out of DIY photo banner ideas with our well-curated collection of ready-made printable templates. Free and easy to edit online.

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882 templates

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Printable photo banners by Canva

You've got a phone full of amazing photos, but they are just sitting there. Instead of letting them collect virtual dust, why not make a banner design with photos from your collection for personal or business use?

Whatever design style you’re thinking of, you can make it possible with Canva’s free photo banner templates. Don’t worry about having zero graphic design skills because our drag-and-drop interface got you covered. Believe it or not, with Canva, you can make banners in just minutes.

Throwing a birthday bash? Design a birthday banner with your cutest photo. Need a showstopper entrance celebrating a graduation? Explore some graduation photo banner ideas. Celebrating your kid's yearly milestones? Create banners using a 12-month photo banner template from our library.

To get started, browse our collection of free ready-made templates and pick a design that suits your needs. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, promoting your services or products, sending congratulatory greetings, or welcoming guests to a wedding, we’ve got plenty of DIY photo banner ideas you can check out.

Once you’ve chosen a design, you can now start editing. Begin by uploading the photos you want featured. If you want more creative options, choose from over one million stock images from our library. Then, switch up the background. From minimalist chic to confetti explosions, there's a background in our library waiting to complement your photos perfectly. Next, add some text to make your banner even catchier. With hundreds of fonts to choose from, you can mix and match a few to find a pairing that suits your style. Want to make your template playful? Throw in some quirky design elements like icons, illustrations, or vectors.

When you’re done, save and download your design in high-resolution JPG, PNG, or PDF and have it printed through Canva Print and we’ll deliver it to your doorstep.

Make the most of Canva’s free ready-made templates and start designing your coolest photo banner today.