27 Best Gin Blossoms Songs of All Time (With Video)
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27 Best Gin Blossoms Songs of All Time

If you were around in the early 90s, you might remember the sudden and massive rise of the Gin Blossoms. This Phoenix, Arizona band seemed to suddenly come out of nowhere to make a huge splash on the Pop scene at the time. Their sound combined Country, Alternative Rock, and Jangle Pop to create something smooth and very positive sounding.

The band hit the big time with their first major label release, 1992’s New Miserable Experience. This record included re-released songs from their previous work and a host of new songs as well. After their follow-up record, the band decreased in popularity and eventually broke up in 1997.

While they re-formed in 2001, they’ve never again reached the height of their 90s success. So, what are the best Gin Blossoms songs of all time? I thought you’d never ask.

A Quick Gin Blossoms Band History

Before we get to the best Gin Blossoms songs, it makes sense to add a few words about the band’s complicated and not entirely happy history. They started in the Phoenix area in 1987 and named themselves “Gin Blossoms” as a reference to the rosacea people can get on their face that is made worse by drinking.

The original band had Doug Hopkins on lead guitar and songwriting duties, Bill Leen on Bass, Jessie Valenzuela on lead vocals, Richard Taylor on Rhythm guitar, and Chris McCann on drums. But things changed around drastically. Robin Wilson came in as rhythm guitarist, then changed to lead singer, and Valenzuela moved to guitar. Drummer Phil Rhodes rounded out the classic line-up.

But, the biggest change that affected the band was with founder Doug Hopkins…

Near the end of recording their first major label record, New Miserable Experience, Hopkins was struggling with alcohol abuse. He was pushed out of the band by the label A&M, given a settlement, and replaced by guitarist Scott Johnson.

Shortly after the album’s release and its massive success, Hopkins sadly killed himself. The band’s follow-up album, Congratulations I’m Sorry, was named after the most common thing people said to the band in response to this mixed news.

Gin Blossoms broke up in 1997 but reunited in 2001. They continue playing and recording, albeit with some line-up changes, with their latest album, Mixed Reality, released in 2018.

Best Gin Blossoms Songs of All Time

27 Best Gin Blossoms Songs of All Time

Found Out About You (1989 / 1992)

One of the best-loved Gin Blossoms songs ever is “Found Out About You,” a track that goes back far in the band’s history. This was the first song singer Robin Wilson sang with the band.

It was written by Doug Hopkins, with most of the band considering it his best song ever. This song was first released on the band’s debut record, Dusted, in 1989. Then it was re-released on the New Miserable Experience record in 1992.

This song has a strong mid-tempo rock beat and jangly guitars that would become a big part of the band’s signature sound. Wilson gives one of his best vocal performances ever here. He keeps things smooth and sedate in the verses, then builds up in the pre-chorus and sings the chorus hook perfectly. And what did he find out?

This is a song of heartbreak, of a sort…

The suggestion here is that the singer has found out that his love interest wasn’t nearly as serious about the whole thing. In other words, he found out that the other half of the relationship was sleeping around.

Hey Jealousy (1989 / 1992)

The next track that originally came from 1989’s Dusted is “Hey Jealousy.” This is the most popular Gin Blossoms song ever and is widely regarded as their best song. After being re-released on New Miserable Experience in 1992, the song shot up into the charts, peaking at #25.

This song was the perfect radio-friendly hit back in 1992. It has a lively, upbeat rhythm and bright guitars. The chorus is simple and fun to sing along to. It all sounds really poppy. But, at the same time, this is a song with a darker meaning.

It was written by Hopkins and is about how his drinking and cheating destroyed his best relationship. As the writer, he received a gold record for this song. Although, he reported that he hated hearing it when it came on the radio. But, in 1992, it was nearly impossible to avoid.

Pieces of the Night (1992)

Our next song is a younger one, written and recorded for 1992’s New Miserable Experience. This is another song written by Hopkins, and in it, you can hear his beautiful artistry and the heart of a poet. But you can also hear his sadness, making this a pretty but melancholy song. The song has a gin-drinking reference that speaks to the disillusion Hopkins felt about his own unavoidable drinking.

It’s another mid-tempo Pop-Rock song that has a beat perfect for driving through the night. The vocals are very pretty here, with Wilson taking the lead and Valenzuela doing a great job supporting him on backup.

Allison Road (1992)

While Robin Wilson had the voice that the band wanted, they initially didn’t care for his songwriting. Well, that all changed when he brought the band a song inspired by an experience of driving down Allison Road in Texas with a girl named Allison. The result, “Allison Road,” is one of the prettiest ditties on the band’s first major label album, New Miserable Experience, or NME.

This song has a light feel, even though it has a fairly strong Rock beat behind it. There’s even room here for a pretty cool little guitar solo, one of the very few that Gin Blossoms includes in their songs.

The lyrics are kind of obscure and up to your interpretation. But, the general sense is that the writer’s point of view has been expanded by spending time with Allison. Recently, this song was featured on the soundtrack of the 2014 romantic film The Best of Me.

Until I Fall Away (1992)

Another track from 1992’s NME that is one of the best Gin Blossoms songs of all time is “Until I Fall Away.” This song was also written by Wilson, this time with co-writer Valenzuela. It’s slower and sweeter, making it a perfect Pop song for radio play. “Until I Fall Away” wasn’t a huge hit, but it did make it to #13 in the US Modern Rock Tracks chart and was also big in Canada and Iceland.

Wilson sings a strong lead, and Valenzuela echoes him beautifully on supporting vocals. The guitar work here is pretty and even has a bit of a light Country twang to it that sets this song apart from other songs by this band.

29 (1992)

There’s one more track from the NME album that I have to mention. This is a lovely tune that often goes overlooked on lists of the Gin Blossoms’ best songs. But, for me, this is one of the band’s best songs. It has a slower beat but still leans towards Pop-Rock. The guitars are light and jangly and just very sweet.

This song was written by Valenzuela, and I think it expresses his contribution to the band as a guitarist. Lyrically, this song is about that weird part of life – being in your late-20s and realizing that you’re not really young anymore. So, it’s a bit bittersweet, but generally just lovely.

‘Til I Hear It From You (1995)

This next track doesn’t come from any Gin Blossoms album as such. Instead, it was written between albums and was released on the soundtrack of the classic 90s movie Empire Records. The music was written by Valenzuela with the help of songwriter Marshall Crenshaw. Then, the lyrics were penned by Wilson, and it all came together.

The song is about unrequited or imperfect love, with a real strong feeling of longing created by the marriage of the melody and words. This song is bouncy and poppy. It has a perfect mix of melancholy and brightness, making it a perfect radio ballad. The little guitar riffs are great, and the singing fits perfectly.

As Long As It Matters (1996)

The year 1996 saw the return of the Gin Blossoms with their follow-up album to the massive success of NMECongratulations I’m Sorry wasn’t as successful, but still went platinum, showing that the band was still relevant. This album was similar in sound to the previous album, but with softened edges without the input of Doug Hopkins.

“As Long As It Matters” is a lovely Power-Pop ballad that was written by Valenzuela, Wilson, and drummer Phil Rhodes. It’s light and airy and just has a generally warm feeling. This love song was nominated for a Grammy in 1997 for Best Pop Performance but strangely lost out to a Beatles re-release.

Not Only Numb (1996)

Another great track from Congratulations I’m Sorry is the slow Pop-Rock anthem “Not Only Numb.” This song was written by Rhodes and Wilson and is a great example of the band’s mid-90s sound, which so many other acts were trying to replicate. You have a great beat, strong guitar work, and sweet-sounding vocals.

There’s also a bit of guitar distortion here and a cool riff in the middle of the song. The lyrics are quite interesting, playing with happy and sad themes mixed together. This song just has that special something that makes you want to hear it again and again.

Follow You Down (1996)

The last song on our list also comes from 1996’s Congratulations I’m Sorry is the most successful Gin Blossoms song so far. This song got to #9 in the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and for very good reasons. It’s basically a Pop-Rock masterpiece.

The driving beat gives this song great energy. The guitar work is full of big chords, and little jangly diddles give the song a whole lot of character. There’s a short but cool guitar solo, some harmonica, and even a tambourine to flesh the whole thing out. And the chorus has an unforgettable hook that you’ll be humming along to for days.

Whitewash (1996)

Highwire (1996)

Lost Horizons (1997)

Competition Smile (1996)

Cajun Song (1996)

Christine Sixteen (1998)

Long Time Gone (2002)

Learning The Hard Way (2002)

Virginia (1999)

Heart-Shaped Locket (2002)

Miss Disarray (2006)

Wave Bye Bye (2006)

Don’t Change For Me (2010)

Somewhere Tonight (2018)

If You’ll Be Mine (2006)

Break (2020)

Face The Dark (2020)

Want More Excellent Music From The 90s?

If so, check out our thoughts on the Best 90s Songs, the Best 90s Rock Songs, the Best 90s Love Songs, the Best 90s Grunge Songs, and the Best 90s Dance Songs for more enjoyable song selections.

The Very Best Gin Blossoms Songs of All Time – Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a sweet Pop-Rock band, you don’t have to look further than the Gin Blossoms. When they released their big record, New Miserable Experience, in 1992, they were the band with the right sound at the right time. They managed to write some nice songs that encapsulated all the happiness and melancholy of the Gen X experience at the time.

Most of the best songs by the Gin Blossoms come from this big record. But they continued to write other hits on their follow-up album. And they’re still together and putting out new music. So, I may have to update this list yet. You never know when a new song will catapult its way into a band’s best.

Until next time, happy listening.

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