Traducción de la letra de There Are Many Ways To Say I Love You de Sylvan Esso al español | Musixmatch

Letra y traducciónThere Are Many Ways To Say I…

Sylvan Esso

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Última actualización realizada el: 17 de diciembre de 2021

Letra original

espanolTraducción en Espanol

There are many ways to say, ′I love you'
There are many ways to say, ′I love you'
There are many ways to say, ′I care about you'
There are many ways to say, ′I care about you'
Many ways, many ways
Muchas formas, muchas formas
Many ways to say, 'I love you′
Many ways to say, 'I love you′
There are many ways to say, ′I love you'
There are many ways to say, ′I love you'
Just by being there when things are sad and scary
Solo por estar allí cuando las cosas estén tristes y asusten
Just by being there, being there
Solo por estar allí, estar allí

Just by being there when things are sad and scarySylvan Esso

Being there to say, ′I love you'
Being there to say, ′I love you'
Cleaning up a room can say, ′I love you'
Cleaning up a room can say, ′I love you'
Hanging up a coat before you′re asked to do it
Hanging up a coat before you′re asked to do it
Drawing special pictures for the holidays
Dibujando imágenes especiales para las vacaciones
And making plays
Y haciendo jugadas
You'll find many ways to say, 'I love you′
You'll find many ways to say, 'I love you′
You′ll find many ways to understand what love is
You′ll find many ways to understand what love is
Many ways, many ways
Muchas formas, muchas formas
Many ways to say, 'I love you′
Many ways to say, 'I love you′
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Últimas actividades

Última edición porLaura Berenise Moreno Molina
Traducida porEmily Golia

Un lugar, para artistas.

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