The Meaning Behind The Song: How I Got Over by Mahalia Jackson - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: How I Got Over by Mahalia Jackson

The Meaning Behind The Song: How I Got Over by Mahalia Jackson


I first heard the song “How I Got Over” by Mahalia Jackson on a rainy afternoon, as I stumbled upon it while browsing through a collection of classic gospel tunes at a friend’s house. Little did I know that this song would leave an indelible mark on my soul, resonating with me in ways I couldn’t have anticipated.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “How I Got Over” speak to the struggles and triumphs of the human spirit. The song begins with the line “I got over, well, how I got over” which serves as a celebration of overcoming adversity and finding strength in faith. Mahalia Jackson’s soulful delivery authentically captures the essence of the song.

In the first verse, the lyrics reflect upon the sacrifice of Jesus and the redemption he offers. They speak of looking back in wonderment at the divine intervention that led to salvation. It is a powerful acknowledgment of the profound impact of Jesus’ crucifixion and the grace that comes with it.

The chorus is an expression of deep gratitude towards Jesus for being a guiding force in one’s life. As Mahalia Jackson sings, “I’m gonna thank him for how he brought me, well, I’m gonna thank him for how he taught me,” it is a heartfelt recognition of the lessons learned and the blessings received through the journey of life.

In the second verse, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of the promised heavenly reward awaiting believers. The mention of walking the streets of gold in the new Jerusalem and joining the heavenly choir conveys a sense of hope and anticipation for a joyous afterlife.

Historical Significance

One cannot discuss “How I Got Over” without acknowledging its historical significance. Mahalia Jackson’s rendition of this gospel hymn gained prominence when she performed it at the March on Washington in 1963, just before Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. The song became deeply intertwined with the civil rights movement, serving as an anthem of hope and resilience during a time of immense struggle.

Years later, Mahalia Jackson posthumously won the Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance for her rendition of “How I Got Over” after its inclusion in the album “The Best of Mahalia Jackson” in 1976. This recognition further solidified the song’s impact and enduring legacy.

Personal Reflection

As I listen to “How I Got Over,” I am reminded of the power and solace that music can bring. Whether it’s finding strength in the face of adversity or simply embracing gratitude for life’s blessings, this song encapsulates the essence of faith and its ability to uplift the human spirit.

The pure emotion conveyed through Mahalia Jackson’s voice is nothing short of transcendent. It resonates with a rawness and authenticity that speaks to the depths of the human experience. Each time I listen to this song, I am reminded of the importance of resilience, gratitude, and the unyielding power of faith.


“How I Got Over” is more than just a gospel hymn; it is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the transformative power of faith. Mahalia Jackson’s soul-stirring rendition and the song’s historical significance make it a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire and uplift generations.

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