Second City Cop

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Seriously Stupid Scandal

We (and others with long memories) are worried this might be the start of a bad number of years of scandals. And it's a type of scandal that we've already seen a number of times:

  • Chicago’s top cop has moved to fire a group of tactical officers suspected of stealing drugs and money and lying about the source of guns they took off the street without making arrests.

    Officers Daniel Fair, Jeffery Morrow, Kevin Taylor and Rupert Collins are accused of engaging in misconduct the Civilian Office of Police Accountability deemed “substantial and irrefutable.”

    In one case, Fair and Taylor took cash and marijuana during a vehicle search, COPA said in a report dated Jan. 26. GPS records show they drove to Fair’s block after the search and the contraband was never inventoried.

    Fair and Morrow also recovered a gun used in a slaying in Kentucky and let the suspect go, COPA said. Had the officers searched his name in a law enforcement database, they would’ve discovered he had an active warrant for murder.

    All four officers were interviewed by the FBI last year. COPA said Fair and Morrow admitted to “seizing firearms and completing false reports,” and Taylor conceded that he was aware of his colleagues submitting bogus paperwork. Collins, however, claimed he was unaware of officers covering up problematic gun seizures, COPA said.

Deals on the street for guns. Mis-inventorying items and stealing contraband. All so very familiar:

  • 002 Tact; Broken Star in 015; PacMan in 015; Special Operations; crooked Housing sergeant; Milwaukee Avenue robberies; maybe a dozen more our readers will cite in the comments (Flagg in 007; Miedzianowski)

And they were doing this with active GPS in their cars! And activated Body Cameras! Seriously, could you get any stupider? We can't believe Crimesha and the feebs are declining prosecution in any of the cases cited.

There are only so many ways to inflate numbers. Few of them are legal, some are felonious in nature, they've all been tried before, and they've all ended with cops going to prison. IAD barely has to break a sweat and the feebs probably have a form-set invented for the entire crime. 

You aren't re-inventing the wheel and you aren't going to outsmart the system. And with the lowered standards for hiring - and even lower standards for promotion - we see a few ugly years ahead for the Department.

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Who is This Moron?

We had heard stories of unknown person(s) driving ATVs over golf courses for no appearance reasons. Seems like they just enjoyed destroying the smooth manicured fairways and greens. Perhaps they were frustrated gardeners or some misguided "earth first" mopes destroying the earth in order to save it.

Maybe they were just assholes. like this guy:

  • A Chicago police officer has been charged with causing damage to a south suburban golf course.

    Prosecutors say Chicago Police Department Officer Romello Washington caused damage at The Meadows Golf Club in Blue Island two different times late last month.

    He is now charged with Criminal Damage to Property. CPD said Washington was relieved of his police powers on Tuesday.

Thanks for the bad publicity idiot. Anyone want to tell the class how this mental midget got hired and what his work product is like?


PPO Wounded

Is this another one of those "nice" neighborhoods that isn't so nice any more?

  • A Chicago police recruit was shot while driving a car, causing a crash on the Northwest Side on Monday morning. Police said the recruit was driving with one passenger westbound on Gunnison Street near Rockwell Street in Lincoln Square at about 12:13 a.m. when multiple shots were fired at them.

    As the victims tried to escape, their vehicle careened into several parked cars at Talman Avenue. "I just open the window to see what's going on. I see the Mustang crash into the SUV and I see how it turns around," said neighborhood resident Luis Mejia.

    The police recruit, a 21-year-old man, suffered a graze wound to the back and was transported to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, police said.

Caught in the crossfire of something? 

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to the kid. Hope this doesn't sour you on joining the force.


Retired (?) Exempt Coming Back?

We can't attach truth to any of them. The rumor says that McDermott is coming back to run CPD's convention response. Someone immediately discounted that in the comment section, and we can also say we had heard a completely different name for that position. 

The trouble with that is coming in so late in the game is almost a guaranteed failure, so Conehead and Larritorious might just be looking for a fall guy.

And speaking of the DNC, the obfuscation has begun in earnest:

  • The head of the Secret Service was in Chicago on Tuesday talking about security preparations for the Democratic National Convention. The Secret Service has the overall responsible for security during the 2024 DNC. However, Chicago Police are responsible for security outside of the event.

    Chicago police won't say how many protesters they are expecting for the DNC, but a coalition of groups planning to march on the convention said there will be as many as 40,000.

    "Even if it's not an act of violence, and it appears peaceful, but it's a violation of the law, blocking roadways, blocking venues, things of that nature, we will declare mass arrests in those situations and make those arrests," Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said.

    Snelling claimed he cleared the policy with a coalition of groups overseeing the consent decree on police reforms. They are not allowed to comment publicly, but one source said they do not support the mass arrest policy, despite what Snelling says.

So 40,000 "protestors," and the groups supposedly overseeing the "Consent" decree are already calling Larritorious a liar.

Hope for the best, because the planning so far looks atrocious.

UPDATE: McDermott still working? According to a couple comments, he's still with the Inspection division until he hits 55.

The rumor spreaders don't mean Georgas, do they?

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Amusing Revelation

On the stand, under oath, a feeb admits that the Hunter Biden laptop actually belonged to....Hunter Biden. And also, there was no tampering, despite what the democrap propagandists in the media reported for months on end:

  • No tampering occurred with Hunter Biden’s laptop, witness Erika Jensen, an FBI agent, told Hunter’s gun trial jury on Wednesday.

    The testimony debunks longstanding claims by Hunter’s associates that the laptop’s data was subject to “hacking” and “manipulation.”

    Hunter’s forensics expert, named Denver Riggleman, claimed during a CNN appearance in 2023 that data in the “public sphere” from the “Laptop from Hell” had “no relation” to the laptop. In other words, the president’s son’s defense team seemed to suggest that the laptop — or at least part of it — was not authentic.

    “No,” Jensen replied when the prosecution asked on redirect if she had seen any evidence of tampering with the laptop data, according to court reporters.

So when is the election do-over?


"Immunized" Still Dying

Just to remind everyone that four years on and the "vaccine" is still killing people on a daily basis:

  • Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

    Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

    Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

    “Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

You might notice the main link (and all the other links) are from Europe, because strangely enough, the US media won't cover these findings. In our lifetimes, there have been scandals and Congressional hearings for all manner of industrial/manufacturing/banking "errors."

But not a single outcry about a manipulated virus in a Chinese lab, financed by US interests, killing tens of millions and a failed "vaccine" forced on an ill-informed public that killed millions more.

Read even more here.


Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Quick Hits

A couple things we saw over the past few days that deserve some sharing:


Tax hikes on your vices:

  • Illinois legislators have called the bluff of online sports betting companies that are suggesting they might reduce operations — or close up shop in the state altogether — after being slapped with a higher graduated tax system in Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s latest budget.

    FanDuel and DraftKings will soon see their net revenue taxed on a scale that tops out at 40% under the spending plan passed by the Illinois General Assembly last week. That’s up from the 15% flat rate levied against sportsbooks since the now $1 billion Illinois industry launched in 2020.

    The top two mobile betting giants — who raked in more than $729 million from Illinois bettors last year and have come out on top by nearly a quarter-billion so far this year — say the hike is enough to make them “reevaluate their level of investment and participation in the state.”

We'll bet they'll stick around. Even a smaller piece of the pie is still worth a few hundred million.


Simeon High School graduation last week:

We won't even go into the stats of which grade level they read/math at.


9-1-1 response times grow, so get a gun - so says a former FBI firearm instructor:

  • We are now faced with an even greater responsibility of protecting ourselves and our loved ones until first responders can help. We know that even under the most fortunate of circumstances, it can take more than mere minutes for help to arrive. That’s why many Americans are taking their safety into their own hands by purchasing a firearm to protect themselves and their families. Organizations such as the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) have seen record demand for education and training resources, empowering individuals to be proactive in self-defense. This certainly includes acting decisively to stop attackers in the absence of law enforcement during an emergency. 

    While no law-abiding citizen ever wants to be involved in a life-threatening situation, we have seen numerous examples in Chicago over the past several years in which concealed carry license holders defended themselves from violent robberies — long before law enforcement could intervene. There are now roughly 450,000 CCL holders in Illinois alone, and that number continues to grow.

    It’s important to remember that Illinois is a “castle doctrine” state, meaning law-abiding citizens who are in their home are under no legal duty to retreat if threatened, and using deadly force is justified if it is reasonable to believe that it is necessary to protect yourself or another against imminent death or great bodily harm. Clearly, it is absolutely critical for anyone who assumes the responsibility of self-protection to be trained and educated in the use of their firearm. In a best-case scenario, there isn’t any shooting at all because you have been trained to spot developing danger and avoid it altogether.

If the feebs say get a gun, well then....that's the smartest thing we've ever heard a fed say.


Two NYPD Wounded

We keep hearing that uncontrolled illegal  immigration is supposed to culturally enrich the nation. We don't think they meant this:

  • Two police officers were shot Monday morning by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela who was driving a scooter, according to NYPD officials. FOX News reported the incident occurred “at the intersection of 89th Street and 23rd Avenue,” following an attempted traffic stop around 1:40 a.m.

    The attempted stop resulted in the illegal jumping off his scooter and fleeing, then shooting at the officers as they gave chase. FOX 5 New York noted  “the officers were working to address a robbery pattern in the area involving mopeds and scooters.”

    NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban said the suspect caught the officers’ attention by allegedly driving the wrong way “on 82nd Street near 23rd Avenue.”

Crimesha would declare this a "pretextual stop." 

  • The offender wasn't hurting anyone by driving the wrong way in violation of a number of racist traffic laws. 
  • Plus, he's after-the-fact-identified as brown skinned, meaning the cops are prejudiced. 
  • And the fact that he was driving a scooter in an area being inundated with scooter-driving armed robbers is merely an unfortunate coincidence.

They'll be charging the officers shortly for getting in the way of the bullets.

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No Election Fraud Anywhere!

The dems have been trotting this one out since the last couple stolen elections. "Nothing was ever proven in court," they cry, ignoring the fact that dem judges and bought-and-paid-for States Attorneys and DA's refuse to present cases to courts.

Explain this then:

  • A fine example of how foolish this blind trust is was found in the North Carolina statewide voter roll database. At the time the 2022 midterm was certified, a copy of this official voter list obtained via public records request contained 13,371 unique, specific registrants whose birthdates had been altered, as compared with a previously audited version. Birthdates are immutable. Can this be explained?  Is there a record of registrants requesting this correction? Who made each of the changes? 

    [...] The 13,371 changed birthdates bring into direct question the possibility someone is tampering with the voter rolls, in the absence of proof to the contrary. The fact that 12,610 of them voted in the 2022 midterm in North Carolina, a 94% turnout rate according to the official records, suggests that the person doing the tampering is not innocent. That is more than enough votes to sway most elections.

Or this:

  • In October 2021, the official New York State voter list showed 109 particular voters who apparently voted twice in the 2020 general election, through two different ballot entry points. In July 2023, the same document showed 226,000 particular voters who voted twice in the 2020 general election, through two different ballot entry points. Can there be an explanation for edits to an election certified as accurate three years prior? By raising such questions, volunteers in New York have drawn the ire of Attorney General Letitia James, who is now investigating New York Citizens Audit for alleged voter intimidation, under the Ku Klux Klan Act

Investigate those bringing the complaint? How democrat-like. 

Or this if you want something local:

  • In the Illinois 2022 midterm there appear to have been 291,234 more votes counted than voters who voted, a number obtained by comparing certified results with the statewide official list of voter registration and participation.

We haven't seen this covered in any of the local media.

Even aside from Illinois' rich history of voter fraud, the system is broken. Badly. Possibly beyond repair.


That's a Man Baby

The story claims one thing:

  • A 22-year-old Chicago woman is behind bars after Chicago police said she "fatally battered" and "concealed the death" of a 40-year-old man. 

    Victoria Greyson is charged with one felony count of first-degree murder and one felony count of conceal homicidal death, police said Saturday.

    She was arrested just before 1:30 p.m., May 30, in the 7400 block of S. Yates Blvd. 

    Police said she was identified as a suspect in the man's death. He was reportedly found in an apartment in the 7400 block of S. Yates Blvd. 

    Further details on what happened haven't been disclosed.

Get a load of the mugshot:

That's not a five-o'clock shadow. That's more like a half-past-eight-o'clock shadow.

And during "pride" month, too.

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Found the Story

Yahoo News, of all places, has the printable story of the Streeterville attack. Here's the first part of it:

  • A Chicago couple were attacked after going on a date in the Windy City's Streeterville neighborhood on Friday. The husband and wife were walking on the street when they were surrounded by an unknown number of teens Friday evening near Grand Avenue and McClurg Court, FOX 32 Chicago reported.

    The woman, whose name is Nina, told the outlet they were kicked, stomped on and punched repeatedly. She was two weeks pregnant at the time of the incident and found out afterward she lost the baby, according to FOX 32.

    "We believe in faith and it wasn't meant to be. So, we don't know why this happened to us," Nina said. Nina shared photographs of her injuries with FOX 32. The images show a chunk of her hair was pulled out and her eye was bruised in the assault.

Click on the link to read the rest, and maybe send an email or three to Crimesha....and maybe Prickwrinkle asking why her States Attorney refuses to do her job.


Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Test Results Out?

Going solely by what we're being told - we didn't bother taking the test as we're gone soon.

Passing wasn't the rumored 38%.

It's was 58%. Remember, to pass any e-learning or off-site "continuing education," you better get a 70% or you repeat the training.

Supposedly, 2,841 officers passed Part I.

Number 2,841 was seen at the uniform store buying his stripes already.


Savages Strike Again

So a group of non-demonized yutes ran wild in Streeterville over the weekend, attacking and beating a married couple out on a date night. 

Fox 32 has the report here, but there doesn't seem to be a print report with it.

The non-demonized yutes beat the husband pretty extensively, then caught the wife and beat her badly enough that she ended up miscarrying her pregnancy. The only two arrested were a 17 year old female and a 14 year old male among a group of a few dozen claiming they "owned the streets."

Crimesha refused felony charges so only misdemeanor charges were lodged and as far as we can tell, no one remained in custody for more than a few minutes.

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Man of God Almost Meets God

 Close call:

  • A would-be thief fired shots at a priest Monday morning after he caught two men trying to steal a catalytic converter behind Saint Ignatius College Prep, and also close to the University of Illinois Chicago, on the Near West Side.

    Police said two men were trying to steal a catalytic converter from a blue Toyota Prius parked outside the Jesuit rectory at Taylor and Morgan streets shortly before 6 a.m., when 74-year-old Fr. Jeremiah Lynch S.J, heard the noises.

    Saint Ignatius College Prep Director of Communications Kristyn Hartman – a former CBS 2 reporter – said Fr. Lynch opened the door and peeped his head outside to see what was happening.

    "He saw somebody under the car. He heard the noise, and he said, 'Hey, what are you doing?"  Hartman said, "and one of them – or both of them, I'm not certain of that – pulled a gun and started shooting; shot three times. 'Bam, bam, bam.'"

    The shooter or shooters were aiming for Fr. Lynch, Hartman said. She said the priest suffered some kind of an injury when the shots were fired, but its nature is not clear.

Maybe the good father ought to get a gun? If Jesus beat the crap out of money-lenders, maybe He could make allowances for being shot at.


Weekend Totals

We don't know if the media is downplaying it or just using different definitions of "weekend:"

  • At least 19 people were shot, two fatally, in gun violence across Chicago over the weekend, police said.

But the only acceptable statistics are those over at They use the same definitions all the time, so their numbers are consistently accurate.

Last weekend was actually 4 dead and 26 maimed.


Monday, June 03, 2024

Big Brother Always Watching

 And tracking your location:

  • Summons have been sent to the Illinois State Police, Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Gov. J.B. Pritzker in a case challenging the use of automatic license plate reading cameras across the state. 

    On Thursday in the Northern District of Illinois federal court, the Liberty Justice Center filed the lawsuit. Reilly Stephens, counsel on the case, said the ALPRs are virtually everywhere. 

    “Every time you drive on one of these expressways, they are tracking every time you go past one of these cameras,” he said. “They’re feeding that into a national database which is shared by thousands of law enforcement agencies across the country.” 

    In January of this year, ISP said they were increasing the use of technology to “target and track criminal activity.” 

    “Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) capture a visual of vehicle license plates and anytime a wanted or suspected vehicle is detected by an ALPR, an alert is issued and law enforcement are better able to locate and track the vehicle,” the agency said.

Except that's not all their doing. They're storing the license info in a database that can be accessed at a later should something pop up. Maybe a shooting, maybe a road rage incident, maybe (as the Liberty Justice Center suspects) headed to-or-from a political rally for someone who fata$$ doesn't like.

The government collects far too much data on everything and everyone, and then spends waaaaay too much tax money on storage companies - all of whom seem to be political contributors to Fata$$ and his buddies.


Another Dumb Idea

Another money tree located, sprouting million of dollars:

  • Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration on Friday took the next step toward making the “Plow the Sidewalks” campaign a reality, announcing a pilot program next year to provide city-run snow-clearing services in four areas across the city.

    The pilot will cost between $1.1 million and $3.5 million in those zones, according to a report released by the Johnson administration. Though the Department of Transportation will oversee the program, the city will tap into outside contractors for the snow removal services, which would activate when there are at least 2 inches of snow on the ground and can be used up to seven times per area throughout that year.

    “Chicago is a world-class city, and as a world-class city, it must be accessible for our seniors and individuals living with disabilities in the winter months during periods of heavy snow and ice,” Johnson said in a statement. “Our Plow the Sidewalks pilot program is an example of how our administration is committed to addressing the needs of all Chicagoans, and today is an important step forward in building a safer city where no resident is left behind.”

The picture they use to accompany the article is a bunch of police from 006 clearing snow in Chatham. Hard to believe we went through six-plus months of Academy time and never once did they teach us to run a snowblower.

What happened to kids going door to door and offering to shovel snow for the elderly and infirm for a couple bucks? Heck, we used to do it for nothing as long as we could haul to snow to our front yard and build the biggest fort the block ever saw.


Father's Day Mass

From the good folks over at the Chaplains Unit:


    All active and retired CPD members, Gold Star Families, Chaplains Ministry supporters, and their families are is the public.  Mass will be finished by 10:30 for the sake of on-duty worshipers on their lunch break.

    While this is a Catholic Mass, ALL are welcome to honor dads/grandfathers/father figures whose names are permanently inscribed on the walls of the CPD memorial. Bring a lawn chair or blanket...and a picnic lunch if you'd like to stick around.

    IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER, call Fr. Dan Brandt, directing CPD Chaplain, at (check your FOP book for the number) for status.

    Ample free parking is available on Museum Campus Drive. Uniformed CPD officers will direct you. The CFD 5-11 canteen will be on hand providing water, Gatorade, coffee and snacks.  And the mounted unit horses will be looking forward to seeing you as well.

See you there.



Akron, Ohio giving Chicago a run for the money:

  • Twenty-seven people were shot, one fatally, shortly after midnight Sunday morning in Akron, Ohio.

    The deceased individual was a 27-year-old man.

    WKYC noted that police received numerous calls on the shooting.

And outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

  • PENN HILLS, Pa. — A shooting at a bar in suburban Pittsburgh has left two people dead and seven others injured, police said Sunday.

    Allegheny County Police Department’s homicide unit said it has responded to a request for help by Penn Hills Police Department after the early morning shooting at the Ballers Hookah Lounge and Cigar Bar in Penn Hills.

    First responders discovered the bodies of an adult male and adult female inside the bar around 3 a.m. Sunday. Seven additional victims were found. Some were transported from the scene and additional victims walked in to area hospitals, Allegheny County police said in a statement on social media.

That's a medium speed weekend in Chicago, so let's see if they can maintain that pace all summer. 

We're betting no.


Sunday, June 02, 2024

Crimesha Writing Law Again

Which of course, she has no Constitutional authority to do (via The Contrarian):

  • If Chicago residents didn’t think Kim Foxx would inflict further damage upon Cook County’s justice system on her way out the door, think again. In another strike at precious justice calculated to frustrate the prosecution of criminals, Chicago’s hopelessly incompetent prosecutor, Kim Foxx, is once again creating controversy by advancing a proposal in which the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) would refuse to prosecute an array of offenses resulting from a non-public safety traffic stop.

    Under Foxx’s draft policy, the CCSAO would decline to prosecute some gun, drug, or theft charges brought by the Chicago Police Department (CPD) in instances where alleged violations resulted from what Foxx refers to as a pretextual stop.

    The culmination of the March 21 fatal shooting of an armed motorist, Dexter Reed, by CPD in Humboldt Park, Foxx’s proposal concentrates on what Foxx defines as a pretextual stop. What Foxx describes as a pretextual traffic stop occurs when an officer stops a vehicle for the objective of conducting a minimally intrusive criminal investigation unrelated to the motorist’s driving, with the actual purpose of investigating or searching for evidence of another, unrelated crime

    Though the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1996 pretextual traffic stops do not violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure, and the Illinois General Assembly (IGA) has adopted laws empowering police to carry out such measures, the sole objective of Foxx's proposal is to place constraints on proactive police work.

But as students of the political scene know, "Cabrini Kim" (aka Crimesha) is still demonstrating her loyalty to the criminal street gangs she befriended, defended and abetted throughout her political career....between bouts of spousal abuse.

Crimesha has used her two terms to abet property damage totaling in the hundreds of millions of dollars, a shockingly high incidence of un-prosecuted sex assaults and the deaths of many thousands of individuals. In fact, the biggest number of victims comes from the supposedly "oppressed" minority communities she ignores in her quest to demonize the police.

Wait until Prickwrinkle slates her for a judgeship.

Indoctrination Camps

That's all the public schools are any more:

  • The Chicago Teachers Union isn’t limiting its extreme contract demands to 9% annual wage increases and carbon-free schools. It also wants teacher control over curriculum in a way that could keep parents in the dark over what their children are being taught.

    Among the union’s 700-plus proposed contract provisions, CTU is demanding teachers be able to reject any district-provided curriculum to “choose what works best for students.”

    That includes any state-mandated curriculum related to “Black history, genocide and Holocaust study, Disability Rights Movement, LGBTQ contributions, culturally responsive teaching and learning standards, Reparations Won, CPS on interdisciplinary latin american [sic] studies, TEEACH ACT, Native American history, and antiracist curriculum, etc.”

    The demands also include a provision that “teachers shall not be coerced, retaliated against, or disciplined for using their preferred curriculum and materials.”

We can also safely assume the things that parents can't know about include "child grooming," "what's your kink?" and the ever popular "sex with a student" day.

This is all supported by Porky and the Springfield Perverts.


Saturday, June 01, 2024

Parking Revenge

Ol Conehead being petty again?

  • The city installed parking boxes and signs along a very short stretch of Washington Blvd the other day. Almost like it was only the 1400 block. Anyone seen the ticket writers out there in force yet?

We remember parking at the Plumber's Hall for union meetings. Is that courtesy still extended to us? It isn't that far a walk and the unions ought to stick together.

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Conehead Being Unethical?

Color us un-surprised:

  • The chair of the City Council’s ethics committee wants department officials to testify on the city’s do-not-hire list after the placement of former staffers of Mayor Brandon Johnson’s office “raised a lot of real questions and concerns.”

    Ald. Matt Martin, 47th Ward and chair of the Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight, filed a resolution Wednesday calling for the city’s departments of human resources, law and the Office of Inspector General to testify on the city’s “ineligibility for rehire” policy — which was updated earlier this month.

    Martin’s call for a hearing comes after WBEZ and the Chicago Tribune reported on the allegations from former mayor’s office staffers who complained of mistreatment and then were placed on the do-not-hire list.

It's too bad we can't go back to the old days. Remember Mike Royko's book, "Boss"? This was always one of the more memorable passages about Old Man Daley's networking:

  • His police Department's intelligence-gathering division gets bigger and bigger, it's network of infiltrators, informants, and spies creating massive files on dissenters, street gangs, political enemies, newsmen, radicals, liberals, and anybody else who might be working against him. If one of his handpicked office holders is shacking up with a woman, he will know it. And if that man is married and a Catholic, his political career will wither and die. That is the greatest sin of all. You can make money under the table and move ahead, but you are forbidden to make secretaries under the sheets.

Come to think of it, "progressives" probably view this writing as a "How-To Disassemble Government" guidebook starting with the Police Department.

Which brings to mind - have they had a baby shower for that unnamed alleged mistress yet?



From last week:

  • The Chicago Public Schools settled a 2019 civil case for $800,000 brought by a former student identified as Jane Doe against the Board of Education and former Gurdon S. Hubbard High School teacher Walter Glascoff.

    [...] Doe spoke out after hearing what a CPS-paid defense expert witness testified to in a recent deposition and might have said in court had the case not been settled."It's so frustrating," Doe said. "It makes me feel like they're saying that they agree with him that it was fine to do this to me."

    The hired expert is Dr. Prudence Gourguechon, a licensed psychiatrist in Illinois. She no longer practices, but she said she has been an expert witness in nearly three dozen cases—60% of the time for the plaintiff and 40% for the defense.

    In Doe's case, Dr. Gourguechon testified in the deposition that not all cases of sexual abuse are traumatic. She also said that not all teachers at a school are in positions of authority over students.

How many years did it take the leftists to go from "Believe all women" to "Only believe specific women who aren't accusing democrats" and "Rape isn't always traumatic"?

Will the media start keeping a running total of sex abuse/assault settlements any time soon? Or that isn't done for teachers having sex with students? And what funding pocket does that come from?


Friday, May 31, 2024

Well Done Officers

We still like to see some of these awards. First, most of them are well deserved, and second, good news is hard to find because the media and politicians work so hard to hide it:

  • Wednesday the Chicago Police Department honored officers for exceptional performance at the 63rd annual Chicago Police Recognition Ceremony.

    "I know most of these awardees, if not all, will be the first to tell you they were just doing their jobs. They didn't do this for the recognition," said CPD Supt. Larry Snelling.

    Officer Andre Balseca and his partners earned the superintendent's award for tactical excellence for an incident in July 2023 in which they stopped a gang shooting in a West Side neighborhood, taking fire themselves, and confiscated several weapons. "I would say it's nice to be recognized but we don't do it for this. You do it for your brothers and sisters," Balesca said.

    The memory of fallen public servants was front and center. There were tributes to Officers Andres Vasquez-Lasso and Areanah Preston, who both lost their lives last year.

Again, jobs well done.


"It Looks Bad"

So the aldercreature won't keep her constituents in the loop:

  • In a North Side ward where four people have been shot in the past week, and robberies and sex crimes are at their highest level in over a decade, the local alderman announced on Wednesday that she would no longer post crime alerts on social media or send crime alerts to her constituent email list.


    Something about racism and her belief that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.” Do you know what else leads to a perception of high crime rates? High crime.

    Which alderman with a skyrocketing crime problem is going to start playing “hide the football” with the people who elected her? Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth (48th), whose ward includes much of Edgewater and parts of Uptown.

Instead, she is telling her voters to call the police station for info. How about we save the voters some time and just post the standard answers here:

  • We have no information to share
  • First we're hearing about that
  • You better talk to the Commander's's the number
  • Maybe the detectives know? Here's their number
  • Ongoing investigation, that's all we can say

Hell, it would probably be better if we just kept doing that from years ago.

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Denver taking the next "logical" step in policing:

  • The Denver Police Department is planning to deploy aerial drones as 911 first responders, The Denver Post reports.

    Like other police units in the US, Denver law enforcement uses a fleet of drones for certain tasks, like mapping crime scenes and trailing suspects on the run. But now, the police force has its sights set on a new use case: responding to emergency calls.

    The plan paints a dystopian picture of the future of policing, raising plenty of privacy and resource allotment concerns. Besides, is a tiny drone really the first thing you want to show up at the site of an accident?

    But according to the cops, this is the way of the future.

Nobody wants the police. If the police do show up, no one wants them to do anything.

Might as well send a drone to hover about, film something, and do nothing.

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FBI Taking Direction from Who?

Remember when the FBI used to fight crime?

Now they meet with terrorists and their sympathizers:

  • Islamic pro-terror groups reacted to the Hamas terror attacks of Oct 7 not only with riots and public pressure campaigns aimed at politicians, but also by privately meeting with top federal and state law enforcement officials to demand that they lock up Jewish political opponents.

    The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm exclusively reported last month that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamist group whose leader had celebrated Oct 7, had been meeting with attorney generals around the country trying to convince them to arrest journalists and activists who had been investigating and exposing Hamas supporters.

    Based on our past history with CAIR, the Freedom Center could be one of their targets.

    Now, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), has been caught meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland and senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and Associate Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to also discuss targeting Jews.

Remember, the hamas-holes still hold over a hundred hostages (or their deceased remains) including six or seven Americans. And CAIR is a known money laundering operation for terror funding, but we believe isn't named on the SPLC's "hate groups" listing.

Disband these Stasi-wannabes already.


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Um.....What Now?

The city is moving the Air and Water Show because of the DNC:

  • The Chicago Air and Water Show will once again put on incredible displays in the skies and waters of Lake Michigan, but the dates were moved due to one of the biggest political events on the calendar.

    With Chicago hosting the Democratic National Convention for the first time since 1996, the Air and Water Show will take place one week earlier than normal, according to city officials.

    Typically the show takes place on the third weekend of August, but this year the Air and Water Show will take place Aug. 10 and 11, according to the city.

Great idea! Manpower is going to be stretched incredibly thinly, almost to the breaking point, and moving this event make sense....until you go to the Bud Billiken website:

What brain-trust did this? And who's going to tell Larritorious?


Hiring by Address

Remember yesterday's post about the Inspector General hiring people with criminal records?

The Department of Human Resources - essentially the hiring body for the entire city - is revamping practices across the entire city, evaluating Zip Code:

Persons who fall into the "Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Areas" or something like that, will receive hiring preferences over everyone, even military veterans.

The so-called "SEDA" areas cover 006, 007, 011 and 015 and your address takes priority over all other hiring considerations.

Detroit Part II is here.


38% Looking Good?

Part II of the sergeant exam is when?

And who has gotten their Part I results?

So how do we know who is eligible to take Part II?

Might the Department be hiding the results because the pass/fail score is going to be ridiculously low? 

It was a scan-tron test. You should have had results walking out the door.


Snowflake Gotta Snowflake

We thought this was a well thought out attempt at humor in the comment section about the home invasion in Lakeview. It hit all the right notes and was just unbelievable enough to make us chuckle:

  • Dear Friends, Family, and Kind Strangers,

    My name is Chris Murphy, and I am reaching out for your support following a life-altering event. On May 13, my home, and my entire world along with it, was violently invaded by an armed felon. During the ordeal, I was hogtied and left to fear for my life with a gun pressed against my head. I was convinced I was going to die. Miraculously, I managed to escape, but the trauma and injuries I sustained have left me struggling to rebuild my life.

    The primary assailant was shockingly out on parole for good behavior after a previous home invasion. This incident has not only shattered my sense of security but also highlighted the urgent need for better parole system management.
    The Impact:
    Emotional Trauma: The psychological toll of the event has been immense, especially since I was already in a vulnerable state due to the tragic death of my brother just last. This has lead to ongoing therapy sessions to cope with PTSD and anxiety.
    Financial Strain: Due to the incident, I am unable to work and am facing mounting medical bills, therapy costs, and the need for enhanced home security measures.

The comment went on begging for money therapy, mental health support, security upgrades and possible moving expenses. Hilarious, right?

Nope. 100% true. 

And here's the link to the GoFundMe site.

We're speechless.


Guess Who's Loaded?

Brother, can you spare a dime?

  • WLS-Channel 7 chief investigative reporter Chuck Goudie on Friday sold his six-bedroom, 6,204-square-foot French chateau-style mansion in Hinsdale for $4.05 million — slightly above his $3.995 million asking price.

    A Michigan native, Goudie, 68, joined ABC 7 in 1980 and has been ABC 7’s lead investigative reporter since 1990.

    Goudie first moved to Hinsdale in 1987 and with his late wife Teri, who died in 2022, owned three other houses in the DuPage County suburb before building the French chateau-style mansion.

Being a useless race-baiting tool for the Cook county dem party must pay dividends.

At least we know who's paying for drinks next time we see Cuck at the bar.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

It's OK!!! She Was Nuts!

As expected, the naked crack addict who attempted to murder a Chicago Police Officer was acquitted due to being connected to Prickwrinkle's mayoral campaign and being judged insane.

But mostly for being connected to Prickwrinkle's mayoral campaign:

  • A woman accused of attacking a Chicago police officer, stealing his squad car, and dragging him with it – all while she was naked – was acquitted of all charges on Wednesday, after a judge agreed with defense arguments of mental insanity.

    Following a bench trial last month, Cook County Judge Tyria Walton found Whitley Temple not guilty of one count of attempted murder, and also found her not guilty by reason of insanity on four other charges, including two counts of aggravated battery to a police officer, vehicular hijacking, and possession of a stolen vehicle.

    The verdict means Temple remains free, but must report to court for a meeting with mental health officials on a treatment plan.

This after a half-assed trial where Crimesha's office only called two officers to the stand. Crimesha, as you may be aware, received a shitload of Soros money, but also something like a quarter-million dollars from Prickwrinkle's campaign fund.

And the naked crack addict got a city job after her arrest and after being charged with attempted murder.


Almost Exactly On Target

The official weekend tally per

  • 11 Dead, 41 Maimed

The average over the past ten years?

  • 9 Extinguished, 42 Non-Fatally Ventilated

So all together, within a single body of the average.

Statistics are fun.

UPDATE: Among the totals were a police shooting:

  • Surveillance video shows the last moments of a street fight in Austin that ended when Chicago police opened fire as a man refused to stop stabbing another man, officials said.

    The shots hit both men, killing the attacker and wounding the person who was being stabbed, according to a statement released by Chicago police. The person was taken to Stroger Hospital in critical condition.

That's the trouble with shooting someone who's busy stabbing his victim - collateral damage. But the only other option is to watch him stab the victim to death, then be accused of (A) doing nothing or (B) shooting the assailant after he stopped being an assailant and was just about to surrender.

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Inspector General Wants YOU!

And by you, wouldn't believe it without evidence.

Here ya go:


That's right - they WANT criminals to apply to the Inspector General's Office.

What could go wrong?

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A full fledged gunfight?

  • Nearby residents said they mistook the gunshots for fireworks early on Memorial Day. The homeowner who fired his gun said he did what had to be done, in his own words. Although he didn't want to speak on camera late Monday afternoon, he shared haunting details of exactly what happened.

    Shortly before 5 a.m., a man woke up to hearing sounds of his car starting outside. He ran out to find three thieves trying to steal two of his cars, a Range Rover and a Maserati.

    He said he yelled to the thieves to stop, threatening to shoot, and that's when one of the suspects began firing at him from the street. The homeowner said he took cover behind a tree and returned fire. Dozens of shell casings riddled the street and sidewalk.

    Winnetka police blocked off the area near Willow and Sheridan for several hours while investigators collected evidence from the shootout. The homeowner said the thieves were able to break into his home through the front office before stealing the keys from the garage. It all happened while his five daughters were asleep inside.

Winnetka is essentially four square miles of money. Second richest suburb in Illinois, top twenty in the US. Homes average a million dollars with per capita incomes to match. And hopefully, armed to the teeth.

We're going to bet that the car thieves weren't local and may have arrived from twenty miles south.

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Obstruction by CPS

Don't expect any charges from Crimesha's office though:

  • For three critical hours after four students were shot, two fatally, at Benito Juarez High School, the school principal and some staffers threw up roadblocks to the police investigation and weeks later had to be threatened with grand jury subpoenas to spur their cooperation, the Illinois Answers Project has learned.

    Detectives on the scene of the mass shooting that happened just before Christmas 2022 quickly learned the four victims and the suspected shooter were all current or former CPS students and asked to view school surveillance video, to interview a student witness who’d given information to school officials and sought access to other records relating to the students involved.

    But at most every turn, according to public documents and police sources, school principal Juan Carlos Ocon and other administrators told detectives that cooperating would violate CPS policy, and they insisted on checking with their legal department. 

    The delays — which have never been previously reported — cost investigators invaluable time to interview witnesses and gather physical evidence, law enforcement sources said.

There is no legal standing or "checking with their legal department" for evidence of a crime. The statute is pretty clear.

One could be forgiven for asking what the gang affiliation of the principal is.


Illegals Rioting

More video of the Venezuelan riots:

The local media isn't covering it, so spread it around your social media sites and let people know what's really happening out there.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Reality Bites Hard

CWB again, doing the real reporting in Chicago:

  • Chris Murphy arrived at his new home in the 1200 block of West Diversey on the evening of May 13 and encountered a woman standing in front of his door.

    “She stopped me and asked me to call her sister,” Murphy said yesterday. He obliged but didn’t get an answer. As it turned out, Murphy says, the number he called was not to the woman’s sister. It was to Kaabar Venson, a freshly-paroled violent offender who prosecutors say was inside Murphy’s home, hog-tying his roommate.”

    Unaware that he had been duped, Murphy went inside.

What followed is any victim's nightmare:

  • “The first thing I noticed was my door was wide open and the light was on…. When I turned my head, there was a man in a mask pointing a revolver at me,” said Murphy, 30. “Suddenly, my whole world was flipped upside down and every decision I made was life or death. He told me not to f***ing move, not to say a f***ing word. He slowly walked over to me with gun in hand and pressed the tip of the revolver against my forehead. It was very cold.”

    As bad as things were, they were about to get much worse. Venson forced him into his roommate’s bedroom, according to Murphy. “I saw he was hogtied on the ground, but alive at least,” he said. The gunman ordered Murphy to the floor, took his wallet, and demanded his PINs.

    “Then he told me to put my arms behind my back,” Murphy continued. “With my face buried in the carpet, all I could hear was a tearing sound. Apparently, he was ripping up lengths of sheet to tie my hands, then my ankles, then tie my hands and ankles to each other.”

    “I remember several vivid instances I was sure I was going to die,” Murphy confided.

Then the real terror began:

  • Responding officers found 33-year-old Irene Jackson sitting on Murphy’s front porch, according to a CPD report. Murphy identified her as an accomplice in the home invasion. But prosecutors rejected felony charges against her, the police report said. Instead, she’s charged with misdemeanor theft for allegedly possessing pieces of mail and ID cards that did not belong to her, including a man’s Kentucky identification.

Eyewitness identification, and Crimesha goes for the under-charge again:

  • Cops, working in conjunction with the police district’s surveillance camera center, located Venson at the Diversey Brown Line station a few minutes later.

    “The whole ordeal was absolutely surreal. We lived in a safe neighborhood,” said Murphy.

Correct! You "lived" in a safe neighborhood (past tense). The cops did their jobs, apprehended both offenders, and the system kicked you in the teeth. But the kicking wasn't done yet:

  • Venson was released from the Pontiac Correctional Center ten days earlier after serving half of a 15-year sentence he received for burglarizing a Lakeview residence in 2016, according to Illinois Department of Corrections records. He returned to the Stateville Correctional Center on Tuesday after officials revoked his parole.

    “I was disgusted to learn the man was out of prison on good behavior and terrorizing us in our home,” said Murphy. “I just want to know how the parole board could let a man so clearly not rehabilitated in any way back on the street.”

Out ten days after serving 50% of his fifteen years sentence - we're guessing he didn't learn much in prison after his previous triple felony conviction.

So now the questions are:

  • Who did he vote for in 2020? 2022?
  • Who will he vote for in 2024?

You can see right now that democrat Crimesha (Cook County) and democrat Pritzker (appointer of Parole Board) and democrat Conehead (mayor of chronically understaffed CPD) have failed this guy in particular and Lakeview as a whole. 

But they're brainwashed to continue their voting patterns.


Quantifying Numbers

You know when police work started it's long and winding road into near-irrelevance? We can't pinpoint it exactly, but it happened in the first third of our careers, so just before the turn of the century.

Someone got it in their head that you could "quantify" police work the way you could quantify factory work or office work or sales work.
  • Factory worker A produces "X" number of units;
  • Office worker B answered this many calls for service;
  • Sales guy C moved "Y" resulting in "Z" amount of revenue.

Police work isn't that easily evaluated. There have been past efforts - Hazardous Movers, Rush Hour Parkers, School Absentees, Curfews, Misdemeanor arrests - "Index Numbers" in the parlance of the day. 

The trouble was that the numbers never went down - you were always expected to outperform the previous monthly or quarterly totals, usually by 3%-to-5%. After a year or two, it just wasn't possible to keep up without really resorting to hammering the citizenry, which didn't make you very popular. Sometimes, the only relief was if your commander got moved, everyone would back off, and you could begin the 3%-to-5% increases from a lower starting point.

Later, it was guns, and we all know where that went with deals being made on the street for "turn-ins" and cops getting caught up in IAD stings, not to mention the team scandals of the 2000's where drugs and outright robberies ended up being tangled in the street-dealing.

Then it was street stops, then community interactions, then blue cards. We probably missed a few, but we all used to joke about "preventing" ten or twenty homicides a day just driving through the ghetto shitholes and being seen.

Police work doesn't lend itself to proper evaluation except in crime numbers, and crime numbers are near impossible to control or predict, depending mostly on sentencing and society's acceptance of being a victim how many times a year.

Opinions? How do we get away from numbers-based policing?


Tickets All Around

Someone in the comment section suggested that the only way to completely do away with the over-wrought hysteria on traffic stops being used "pre-textually."

  • Ticket everyone - all stops are tickets

No more blue TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cards that are only used to hammer cops for documenting their jobs - done at the insistence of half-a-dozen different government agencies. You get stopped violating the law or because your vehicle isn't in compliance with existing state or city law, you get a ticket. You can pay it or you can go to court. It's all sign-and-drive anyway. No one is getting their licenses taken any more. 

And yes, we understand the attraction of the blue card - you fill it out with the pertinent info, then you have to go into the station and re-enter everything in the system because the mobile PDTs are down or unreliable, so it's time away from answering paper jobs and maybe in-progress events. And god forbid you might actually have to go to court one day a month.

Choose your poison.


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