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Tell Me Tuesday

Tell me about the worst date you've ever been on.

Mine isn't really all that bad because I didn't go on many dates. But I did go on a weird pseudo date with a guy who went to the same school as me. He found out we were going to be working at the same summer camp that coming summer, and he invited me out to a fast food burrito place but didn't really say why. I went, and he was super weird about making sure I paid for myself (which I was fine with, but he was really awkward about it, making sure I went through line first while he hung back). At camp, he ended up pursuing my best friend from highschool, so I'm guessing he was trying to get to know me to see if I was dateable without actually calling it a date. haha. So strange.

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In high school, I went out on one date with a guy. I wasn't allowed to date yet (I was 15 1/2, and we had a strict must be 16 to date rule) so the whole thing was stressful from the getgo because of the lies I had to tell to my parents. He picked me up (which I had to lie to my parents about why because they saw him) and he gave me a rose - which is really sweet, but all I could think about is "how am I going to hide this from my parents". He didn't know I wasn't allowed to date. He took me to Bob Evans (that was literally the only sit-down restaurant within 60 miles) and then we walked around Walmart after, because we didn't know what else to do, 😂. He then drove me to a local park and we looked at the stars through the moon roof of his mom's car. Again, so sweet, but by that point, the guilt had eaten away at me so badly, I just wanted the date to be over and I wanted to go home. He tried to hold my hand, but it was so sweaty, 😂, from nerves, that I refused. I'm sure he had no clue why.

I really never gave the poor guy a chance. I was the reason it was a bad date - it was entirely my fault. Afterwards, I ghosted him (which is impossible in my town really) so he was very confused at school. I hurt his feelings pretty badly and I feel awful to this day for the whole charade.

On the plus side - he turned to my best friend to get answers (rightfully so since I ignored his every attempt to communicate) and they ended up dating a few months after and are happily married with 3 kids!

But yeah, hands down worst date because of myself. I never dated again in high school (aside from my prom date, but all we did was go to house parties together, not actual dates).

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Awe, poor guy, but also awesome that it worked out for your bestie! Haha. 😆 What are the odds?

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I had a blind date once set up by one of my regulars when inwas a waitress lol i was 21 and just broke up with my boyfriend. I loved this regular and was like whatever, lets do it. I talked to the guy a few times on the phone before the date and i was pretty excited. He sounded sexy af, conversation flowed pretty easily and he was incredibly smart and driven. he was like a chemical engineer or something impressive like that. Well the date comes and i get up gussied up including my favorite 5” platform heels. I realize now how dangerous this is and die a little, but i let him pick me up at my apartment and drive us to and from the restaurant. ����‍♀️ anyway i open the door and almost closed it again because he was not what i expected. Total radio voice, the face was…rough and i towered over him! I have always freely worn massive heels because im so short i rarely am even equal height with men, im always still shorter. But this guy must have been only an inch, maybe 2 taller than me to begin with. And that really put me off. Which looking back is so friggin dumb, but i was still a baby.

So we went to the restaurant which apparently had a live band that night. I personally hate live music in bars/restaurants, its so unbelievably loud and it hurts my brain. Of course the restaurant aide is like a 40 minute wait (not doing that!) and theres a couple tables barside with the band that have no wait. We ended up sitting spitting distance from the band �� i couldnt hear a damn thing the whole time, i just pounded fancy martinis and smiled and laughed. He tried to kiss me at the end and i like dove away from him lol he was probably really nice, but im me and awkward so…i definitely ruined my date as well by being a child about stuff haha

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I dunno, I think it's a real mind trip sometimes to date a guy that's shorter. Not that it should be, but I definitely had that experience too.

We'll just say it wasn't meant to be! 🤣 And I would have been soooo uncomfortable on a date where I couldn't hear anything my date was saying. Totally get it!

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I’m not even sure if this counts as a date, but this guy I was in a text-based relationship with in high school invited me and my family to his house for a cookout. So we went. He spent the whole time playing quoits with my dad, his dad, and his uncle while I talked with his mom and aunt.

Then, I was sitting by a big tree in the yard and he came over and sat down next to me and not even two minutes after he sat down his uncle calls from the other side of the yard that he could see up my skirt. �� I was mortified!

We hung out like one more time after that for my birthday at our local amusement park and then things ended and I haven’t talked to or seen him since. ��

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Oh, that's disappointing that he spent the whole time with everyone else. At least, if you were interested in him. This sounds kinda like when my husband brought me to his parents' house for the first time. I felt totally abandoned and awkward.

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I don’t even know if this counts but here we go lol. I was very young maybe 14/15 and a friend of mine invited me to an amusement park with his family. I asked if I could bring my friends �� he said ok fine that we could all do our own thing there. I still didn’t think he thought it was a date ������ well apparently his girl cousin was also going. On our way to this amusement park his moms car broke down. We ended up having to take another car and then we got pulled over ������ I can’t make this up. Well during all of the fiasco me, my 2 friends and his girl cousin really started getting along and when we got to the amusement us 4 girls went our own way and I didn’t see this guy till almost the end of the day. It was so awkward I didn’t even talk to him again! He clearly didn’t want to be my friend anymore. I was so oblivious lol and also I was so insecure that I genuinely thought there was no way a boy even liked me! Haha.

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Lol! That's hilarious! 🤣 But to be fair he did say people could do their own thing at the amusement park. hahaha

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I went out with a guy out in college to go to a play, one of my favorite things to do. He had seemed really interested and flirty with me before but on our actual date he barely talked to me. Like he saw other people/girls he knew at the play during intermission and before/after and literally talked to them more than me. Needless to say, I was completely uninterested in him after that! I found out later that one of our mutual friends really liked me so maybe that had something to do with it? IDK.

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That's so weird! I had a similar thing happen in college and the guy ghosted me after our coffee date. But the even more awkward thing was that he tried talking to me again like 2 years later. Hah!

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I have two and neither were technically supposed to be a date. lol.

In high school, my step sister was dating a guy. She was popular, and he was popular. I was absolutely not popular. lol. So when she got invited to a big party that was supposed to have all of their friends I certainly did not want to go. My step mom made me go anyway. When we got there it was just her boyfriend and one of his friends. The ton of people that were supposed to be there supposedly just never showed up. Sisters boyfriend kept trying to get her alone and I felt really awkward about the whole thing. The other guy never so much as spoke a word to us. Well my sister wasn’t falling for this guys shenanigans so the guys decided we would just go to a restaurant. Guys drive one car and we drove in my sister’s car. When I say this restaurant was in the middle of nowhere, I’m talking no street lights, windy backroads, getting there was totally sketchy. About halfway there the guys stopped under what had to be the single dim light on a pitch black road. We stopped behind them confused, and sat there for a few minutes before they started driving again. So we get to this run down burrito restaurant. When we get out of the car he says he stopped earlier because he was going to call my sister and say we were “the main course.” They go in, sit down, and order before us. They spent the whole time talking about a scandal at their summer camp and various other really inappropriate things to discuss at the dinner table. After we ate we went the opposite way as them to the closest well lit parking lot we could find and tried to calm down because we were so creeped out. I’m convinced if I hadn’t have been there, he had plans for my sister.

Second one was in college. I met some guy when we had a class group project together. He was the only one that had their own house so the group worked on the project there. He had a girlfriend of seven years who he lived with, so when he asked me to a movie, I naively didn’t consider it a date. Well he did apparently. The closest theater was about 45 minutes away, all backroads. I was a little spooked so I was texting my best friend (now my husband!) letting him know roughly where I was and what was going on. I was having to hide my phone because this guy would get so offended any time he saw my phone. He was really old fashioned so it was probably just rude to him, but it made me more creeped out that he was mad I was on my phone. And kids these days will never know how easy it was to text using T9. lol. I could easily send a full message under the seat without ever actually looking at the phone. Anyway we watch the movie and by this point I’m feeling so awkward I couldn’t even tell you what we actually watched. Afterwards in the car, he leaned in to kiss me and I turned it down, asking him about his girlfriend. He says they’re going through a hard time but I’m not falling for it. So we went back to the campus. I literally couldn’t have gotten out of that car faster.

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that first date sounds ljke the beginning of a serial killer story, holy crap!!

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Both of these are so creepy. I hope your step sister broke up with her boyfriend after that. And the second story... Ew. What a creepy cheater!

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I went to a date party once and the guy I took got so drunk at the pre-party that he passed out and puked all over himself. My purse with the keys to my apartment was locked in his car and I couldn’t find his keys anywhere. I took $10 from his wallet for a cab to our apartment complex and had to sleep on my friend’s couch that night. Worst date ever ������

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Ugh, that's so frustrating! What a mess!

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I was having dinner at a Greek restaurant and the owner saw me and wound up intercepting the waitress carrying our food so he could come over and slip me his number. We talked for a few days and decided to go to a local winery which was awkward because I was 20 and couldn’t order a drink. The whole time we were there all he did was brag about all the money he had and all the different things he wanted to do for me and it was giving me the ick. Being 20 and him being super handsome I went back to his place anyway and he wound up disappearing for like 20 minutes while I just sat in his living room. He came back and we started to fool around and all of a sudden I felt these wet drips on my chest, I looked down and saw bright RED all over my chest. The guy had blood POURING from his nose. He apologized profusely, turns out he had snorted a bunch of coke before and during our date. He offered me some, I declined and he drove me home. I took the most scalding hot shower after that and then got a gross text from him like three months later saying “he couldn’t stop thinking about me” it really sucked because I liked that restaurant and never could go back ��

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This is mortifying. 😱😱😱 Did you ever order delivery after that, or not even that?

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this was quite a few years ago, there weren’t any delivery services back then. Still don’t think I would have though!

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My friend tried to set me up with her now-husband’s friend when they were engaged. We both knew it was a set up. He was an attractive guy, blonde hair, blue eyed, tall, muscular, etc. It was a group setting. This man ignored me all night. Did not say more than “Hey, how’s it going?” (We’d met multiple times before, but I had been in a long term relationship)… the whole night. Then the next day texted me and said, “it was nice spending time with you and getting to know you.”

That week I took the plunge and met my first person off of online dating…. I figured it couldn’t be worse than that. 10 years later, we’re happily married with a 9 month old!

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Lol, was that his definition of getting to know you? 😂 But hey, if it prompted the series of events that led you to your husband, I'd say overall it was a win!

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I'm loving all of these stories. Excellent post this Tuesday!

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