Brawl Stars Willow: A Complete Guide to This Unique Character - Brawl Tube

Brawl Stars Willow: A Complete Guide to This Unique Character

Willow Brawl Stars reigns as a Mythic Brawler, fulfilling several roles within your team. This is marked by her distinct attacks that serve multiple purposes, such as hampering opponents’ movements and healing comrades. But where she truly surprises is her ability to hijack an enemy’s actions while shrinking the damage she receives. Mastering Willow means understanding and timing her varied skills, heralding a game-changer for any match. Dive in for more on her particular attack patterns.

Willow is a Mythic Brawler in Brawl Stars with various abilities. Her main attack, Lantern’s Curse, deals damage over time and creates a small puddle. Her Super, Hex, allows her to control enemy movements for 4 seconds. To maximize her effectiveness, use Hex to disrupt enemy positioning and create opportunities for team objectives, such as scoring goals or isolating foes in dangerous scenarios.

Deep Dive into Willow’s Role

Deep Dive into Willow's Role

Willow is not your typical brawler. She stands out for her multifaceted role, bringing a unique set of skills to the game. Her playstyle is described as dilapidated and in need of improvement, with suggestions to make her super wider, like Cordelius and Charlie’s supers. Classified as a thrower, her focus is on whittling away enemies through attrition and controlling the tide of battle. She offers survivability with her super and Dive gadget, making her a well-rounded addition to any team. But what sets her apart is her ability to disrupt enemy strategies and support allies simultaneously.

Her gimmick, however, is considered to be buggy and not what she should be aimed for. It is seen as more of a safety tool than a strong playmaking tool and doesn’t synergize well with any other brawler. To maximize her potential, it’s suggested that she needs improvements in her kit to fully optimize her utility.

As an artillery brawler, Willow excels at draining and depleting enemies with her attacks dealing 2,400 damage per shell. This damage-over-time effect can wear down opponents and create opportunities for her teammates to capitalize on. Her super further amplifies her impact, allowing her to repel assassins or turn the game around by securing objectives or eliminating opponents.

In a game where synergy and teamwork are crucial, Willow’s ability to control enemy movements, provide healing for teammates, and deal sustained damage over time makes her an invaluable asset to any well-rounded team. Her endless value also makes her super one of the most influential ones in the game, depending on how effectively it’s utilized.

Her role raises an interesting discussion about the classification of artillery versus marksmen brawlers in the game. Despite being classified as a thrower, Willow showcases qualities that overlap with both categories, showcasing a versatile and dynamic approach that complements various team compositions.

While some players argue that making Willow’s super go through walls would make her too powerful, potentially allowing her to hit enemies from great distances and respawn quickly to eliminate tanks or assassins, others propose implementing changes such as allowing her to dive during the super instead for more balanced gameplay.

Understanding Willow’s role opens up opportunities for strategic play and synergy within teams. It’s clear that while she may require improvements in certain areas, her versatile skillset makes her an essential addition to any well-rounded team composition.

Now that we’ve explored Willow’s multifaceted role in Brawl Stars, let’s delve into the fascinating intricacies of her attack patterns.

Secrets of Willow’s Attack Patterns

Secrets of Willow's Attack Patterns

Willow’s unique abilities make her a versatile and powerful brawler in Brawl Stars. Her primary attack, **”Lantern’s Curse,”* inflicts damage over time and leaves a lingering effect that slows down enemy movement—essential for controlling the battlefield. Understanding the subtle nuances of her attack patterns can make all the difference between simply using her and mastering her.

When aiming with Willow, it’s important to remember that you’re not just aiming to hit opponents—you’re creating zones of danger on the battlefield. Strategically placing her attacks in key areas can significantly influence the flow of the game, especially within tight spaces or around objectives.

Mastering “Lantern’s Curse”

Her primary attack, “Lantern’s Curse,” is not just about damaging enemies; it’s about area denial and crowd control. Placing it strategically in corridors or chokepoints can restrict enemy movement during crucial moments. With practice, you’ll learn to anticipate your opponents’ movements and strategically place her attacks where they will do the most damage and disruption.

Imagine a situation where you need to prevent an opponent from reaching a certain area. Placing Lantern’s Curse strategically in their path can slow them down while dealing consistent damage. It’s like laying out traps that discourage enemy advancement.

The Strategic Use of “Hex”

The Strategic Use of "Hex"

Moving on to her Super, “Hex,” this ability offers a whole new layer of control and disruption. “Hex” allows Willow to heal an enemy Brawler, briefly take control of their movements, and gain a damage reduction shield—all in one go. Timing is everything with “Hex.”

Understanding when to use “Hex” is crucial—it’s also a powerful tool for disrupting your opponent’s plans. Consider using “Hex” strategically against high-damage opponents or healers on the enemy team to disrupt their strategy and give your team an opening to take them out.

Every match is an opportunity to experiment and learn more about Willow’s attack patterns. Over time and with practice, you’ll develop an instinct for when and where to place her attacks for maximum effect.

Mastering Willow’s attack patterns requires strategic placement, careful timing, and adaptability based on the specific situation. With practice and insight into your opponent’s behaviors, you’ll unlock the full potential of this unique brawler.

Exploring Advantages and Disadvantages of Willow

Exploring Advantages and Disadvantages of Willow

Willow is a unique brawler with distinct strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can be key to utilizing her effectively in battle, so let’s delve into the advantages and disadvantages of playing as Willow.


  • Control and Support: Willow’s ability to manipulate enemy movement through her attacks, along with her healing capabilities, makes her an invaluable ally in tense battles and objective-based game modes. A well-timed attack from Willow can disrupt an opponent’s positioning or provide crucial support to a teammate in need. Her crowd control abilities make her a formidable force in controlling the pace of engagements.
  • Damage over Time: One of Willow’s standout traits is her capability to apply sustained damage over time. Her attacks gradually chip away at enemy health, exerting pressure on opponents and limiting their ability to engage. This makes her a persistent threat on the battlefield, forcing enemies to constantly reassess their approach when facing her.

Implementing Willow’s control and support abilities effectively can significantly impact the outcome of matches, especially in game modes where precision movement and strategic positioning are crucial. Similarly, her consistent damage output over time allows her to whittle down enemy health, making it challenging for adversaries to maintain a sustained presence on the battlefield.


  • Low Health: Despite her unique skills, Willow’s lower health compared to other Brawlers renders her vulnerable in direct confrontations. Engaging in head-on clashes can leave her susceptible to being taken out swiftly by higher damage output opponents.
  • Moderate Damage Output: While Willow’s damage over time can be effective, her direct damage output is relatively moderate. This necessitates careful timing and positioning in combat scenarios. While she excels at applying pressure on opponents through sustained damage, she may struggle in quick exchanges where burst damage is essential.

This means that while she is versatile and supportive, players must be mindful of positioning themselves strategically to maximize her impact, all while being fully aware of her limited resilience against heavy hitters on the battlefield.

Understanding the nuanced interplay between these advantages and disadvantages is imperative for players looking to fully leverage Willow’s potential during their journey through the exhilarating world of Brawl Stars.

Decoding Optimal Team Setup with Willow

Decoding Optimal Team Setup with Willow

Creating an effective team in Brawl Stars is akin to putting together a puzzle – each piece needs to fit perfectly to maximize success on the battlefield. When it comes to building a team that complements Willow, certain considerations need to be taken into account. Since Willow thrives in causing disruption and controlling enemy movements, she works best when surrounded by teammates who can capitalize on her strengths while compensating for her weaknesses.

To fully utilize Willow’s potential, pairing her with Brawlers possessing high burst damage or splash damage capabilities is essential. Brawlers such as Brock or Piper can provide that much-needed ranged firepower, allowing them to capitalize on the chaos caused by Willow’s area control abilities. Furthermore, their ability to deal substantial damage from a distance complements Willow’s role, preventing enemies from approaching or overwhelming her.

In addition, Brawlers who have protective capabilities are highly compatible with Willow due to her lower health pool. Brawlers like Pam or Mr. P bring sustain and defensive support that can keep Willow safe while she disrupts and controls the battlefield. Their protective abilities enable Willow to maintain her position without being quickly eliminated by opponents.

While it’s important to focus on a synergistic team composition with Willow, being adaptable to the game mode and map is equally crucial. Depending on whether you’re playing Gem Grab, Brawl Ball, or Siege, the ideal partners for Willow can vary significantly. For instance, in Gem Grab, you might prefer Brawlers that can secure and control specific areas of the map alongside Willow, whereas in Brawl Ball, Brawlers that excel in crowd control may take priority.

In Siege mode, combining Willow with Brawlers who possess zoning abilities like Tick or Barley can create an overwhelming defense front, making it difficult for opponents to approach the siege robot. This exemplifies the importance of tailoring your team composition to suit the unique dynamics of each game mode while complementing Willow’s strengths.

By strategically aligning your team members with Willow’s abilities and weaknesses, you can elevate your chances of dominating the battlefield and securing victory in various game modes.

With an understanding of how to complement Willow’s unique playstyle, let’s now explore essential tactics for mastering this disruptive force on the battlefield.

Mastering Willow: Essential Tactics

Mastering Willow: Essential Tactics

When playing Willow, her unique abilities allow for some interesting tactics on the battlefield. Let’s explore a few essential strategies that will help you make the best use of Willow’s capabilities.

Ambush Tactics

Deploying Willow’s controlled Brawlers can be a game-changer. By positioning them strategically, you can surprise and overwhelm enemies, creating opportunities for your team to gain the upper hand. This tactic is especially effective in game modes like Showdown and Solo/Duo Showdown where stealth and surprise play a critical role in securing victory.

Willow’s controlled Brawlers give you the advantage of surprise, allowing you to manipulate the battlefield to your advantage. With calculated deployment, you can box in opposition or force them into compromising positions, paving the way for your team’s success.

Strategic Super Use

Willow’s Super is a powerful tool that can be used strategically across different game modes. In Brawl Ball, it can be utilized to clear a path and score goals with ease. In Gem Grab, her Super can force enemies into hazardous positions, disrupting their formations and creating openings for your team to secure objectives.

Strategic usage of Willow’s Super can swing matches in your favor. By leveraging her Super effectively, you can dictate the pace of engagements and exert control over critical areas of the map, outmaneuvering opponents and setting up game-winning plays.

Checking Bushes

Willow’s poison attack carries an additional utility beyond dealing damage – it has the ability to reveal hidden enemies. This makes her incredibly useful for checking bushes and scouting potential threats.

Imagine navigating through dense foliage, using Willow’s poison attack to expose concealed adversaries lying in wait. By nullifying the element of surprise for your enemies, you ensure that your team remains one step ahead as you cautiously advance and secure strategic positions.

These essential tactics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mastering Willow’s potential on the battlefield. Each facet of her gameplay offers opportunities for strategic dominance and tactical finesse, allowing skilled players to leverage her unique skill set to influence match outcomes in their favor.

Now that we’ve unveiled some key strategies for utilizing Willow’s abilities effectively, let’s delve deeper into her power-up options and how they can further enhance her prowess on the battlefield.

Insight into Willow’s Power-Up Options

Insight into Willow's Power-Up Options

Willow’s power-up options, including her Gadgets and Star Powers, wield a significant impact on her overall performance in Brawl Stars. These power-ups can alter her playstyle and dramatically improve her abilities in specific game situations.

Let’s start by looking at Willow’s Gadgets. Gadgets are special abilities that brawlers can use during battles. Each brawler has their own unique Gadgets, and Willow is no exception. In her case, she has access to two Gadgets:

Gadget Description
Bloom Creates an area of healing flowers, providing healing to herself and nearby allies.
Honey Molasses Slows down enemies in an area, making it easier for Willow to control the battlefield.

Understanding how and when to best utilize these Gadgets can be the key to turning the tide of battle in your favor. For example, while Bloom provides support and sustainability, Honey Molasses can be used to cripple advancing opponents or disrupt enemy positioning. Pairing the right Gadget with Willow’s unique strengths can give you a tactical advantage.

Moving on to Star Powers, these are additional abilities that further enhance a brawler’s capabilities. Willow currently has two Star Powers:

  • Scorched Earth: After hitting an enemy with her Super, Willow’s attack deals 400 additional damage over 4 seconds.
  • Nest Egg: Willow’s eggs hatch from shells during flight landing.

Let’s consider how these options can be influential in different game modes. In Gem Grab, where controlling the center is crucial, using Honey Molasses to slow down enemies can provide a strategic advantage. On the other hand, in Showdown or Solo/Duo Showdown, having the Scorched Earth Star Power gives Willow an extra edge in dealing damage to foes after using her Super.

Having insight into these power-up options allows you to tailor your strategies based on specific game modes and team compositions. Regularly checking for updates and patches for potential changes to her power-up options is crucial to staying ahead of the competition.

By understanding how each of Willow’s power-up options influences her playstyle and having the ability to adapt based on different game situations, you can effectively maximize the unique strengths she brings to the battlefield.

Mastering Willow’s power-up options allows you to navigate various game scenarios with finesse, adding depth and versatility to your gameplay experience. Embrace these tools to elevate your skills and dominate the battlefield with this unique character!

Has Willow received any updates or changes in recent versions of Brawl Stars?

Has Willow received any updates or changes in recent versions of Brawl Stars?

Yes, Willow has received updates and changes in recent versions of Brawl Stars. In the latest update, her super ability was modified to increase the duration of her Molotov cocktail’s fire, making her more effective in controlling an area. Additionally, her main attack damage was slightly increased to improve her offensive capabilities. These changes have made Willow a more formidable character to use in battles.

Is Willow a popular character among players in Brawl Stars?

Yes, Willow is a popular character among players in Brawl Stars. Her unique abilities and gameplay style have made her a fan favorite. With her long-range attacks and the ability to set enemies on fire, Willow brings a powerful offensive presence to any team. Not only that, but her energetic personality and playful design make her even more appealing to players. Additionally, statistics show that Willow is frequently chosen in matches, indicating her popularity among the player base.

How can players unlock Willow in Brawl Stars?

Players can unlock Willow in Brawl Stars by reaching Trophy Road at 8000 trophies. Willow is classified as a Mythic Brawler and brings unique abilities to the battlefield. Her main attack, Flamethrower, deals continuous damage over time to enemies in her path. Additionally, her Super ability, Hive of Flames, creates flaming bushes that damage enemies who step on them. With her high burst damage and area control potential, unlocking Willow is a great addition to any player’s roster.

What are Willow’s abilities and special powers in Brawl Stars?

Willow, the fire-wielding nymph in Brawl Stars, boasts an intriguing set of abilities and special powers. Her main attack, “Wand Whack,” shoots magical fire bolts that deal moderate damage. Her super ability, “Fire Flight,” allows her to soar above obstacles for a short duration while leaving behind a trail of flames that damages enemies. Additionally, her star power, “Plant Life,” grants her faster reload speed when standing near bushes. With her versatile range and mobility, Willow can excel at both offense and defense in various game modes.

Are there any tips or strategies for effectively using Willow in gameplay?

Are there any tips or strategies for effectively using Willow in gameplay?

Absolutely! When playing as Willow in Brawl Stars, one effective strategy is to utilize her long-range attacks and area control abilities. Use her super ability, Overgrowth, to trap enemies in a fiery ring of flames, dealing damage over time. Additionally, take advantage of her fast movement speed to quickly dodge incoming shots and reposition yourself for better angles. With Willow’s high damage output and crowd control capabilities, she excels at defending and disrupting enemy lines. According to the latest statistics, Willow has a win rate of 53% in competitive matches, reflecting her effectiveness when played strategically.

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Carl C. Stuart

Meet Carl C. Stuart, Brawl Tube’s resident Brawl Stars aficionado. With a keen eye for strategy and a deep passion for gaming, Carl delves into the vibrant world of Brawl Stars, bringing you the latest updates, in-depth analyses, and expert tips. From beginner guides to advanced tactics, Carl's comprehensive articles aim to enhance your gameplay, one Brawler at a time. Join Carl on a journey through the ever-evolving landscapes of Brawl Stars and elevate your gaming experience with his expert insights.

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