膠紙的英文單字,膠紙的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


封箱膠紙Adhesive Tape ; Seal Label ; OVIDA TMT

干膠紙drygum paper

紅膠紙Red Tape

糊膠紙viscose paper

膠紙板pertinax; micarta; turbonit

膠紙包poly-warp ; bsp ; polyarp ; POLYWARP

膠紙帶masking tape

膠紙機packing tape dispenser

膠紙印相masking tape

明膠紙gelatin paper

雙面膠紙Double-Coating Tape ; adhesive tape double



  • 材料: 橡皮圈, 厚紙皮, 雙面膠紙.

    materials: a rubber band, thick paper, double side adhesive tape.

  • 鮑勃的所有學生都通過了考核,在最難的平行泊車項目中,他耍了個技巧,在車的右后窗上貼了張新澤西魔鬼圖案的膠紙

    all of bob「s students passed. for the hardest part, the parallel parking, he had a trick.

  • 我跑到屋里找膠紙,那樣我就可以把小木棍黏到風箏上。

    so, i ran inside, looking for tape, so i could tape the stick to the kite.

  • 不要留舊標簽在運用過的紙箱上,運單應貼在箱面上,不可覆蓋運單的電腦條紋碼(包括用通明膠紙),要堅持運單平滑潔凈。

    remove all old shipping labels, place the dtw express waybill on top of the package; never cover thd bar-code (even with transparent tape); do not allow labels to become wrinkled or dirty.

  • 將已貼上畫面端進入,拉起畫面,由一人抽出背膠紙,一人推展板到頭為止。

    the picture has been affixed into the end, pull up the picture, by a person out of a push plate gummed paper, the end date.

  • 據悉蒙德里安是用鋪上紙條來畫的,就像很多裝潢師和當代畫家用封口膠紙的道理一樣。

    it is known that mondrian painted his stripes by laying down strips of paper, the way decorators and contemporary painters use masking tape.

  • 對有缺陷品作正式但無定義的標示,例如用鉛筆或膠紙

    non-conformings are marked with formal but not defined means, such as pencil or tapes.

  • 遮光膠紙(紅膠紙): 在菲林片上,遮蓋保護范圍用的半透明但遮光的紅色有粘性膠帶.

    masking tape: a translucent, light - blocking red adhesive tape for masking out the protected areas on film.

  • 可將粘在下表面上的膠紙沿板邊折上.

    the film on the lower surface can be bent upwards along the edges of the plate.

  • 不要留舊標簽在使用過的紙箱上,運單應貼在箱面上,不可遮蓋運單的電腦條紋碼(包括用透明膠紙),要保持運單平滑干凈。

    remove all old shipping labels, place the dtw express waybill on top of the package; never cover thd bar-code (even with transparent tape); do not allow labels to become wrinkled or dirty.

  • 你也可以把封面全貼上膠紙

    you can cover up all of your little mishaps!

  • 我們用膠紙把東西粘在一起.

    we use sticky paper tape to stick things together.

  • 方法采用透明膠紙粘貼法對部分大、中專學生進行蠕形螨檢查并分析原因。

    method mite samples were collected from college students using tape preps method and examined.

  • 我司是一家專業於家具輔料的廠商,我們的主要產品有熱熔膠、封邊條、木工膠水、小瓶膠、水膠紙和拼縫線等。

    we are one of the manufactory specialized in furniture accessory. our main products are hot melt adhesive, edge banding, glue, school glue, water tape and flat-fell seam.

  • 不要留舊標簽在利用過的紙箱上運單應貼在箱面上不可掩蔽運單的電腦條紋碼(包括用透明膠紙)要保持運單膩滑干凈。

    remove all old shipping labels, place the dtw express waybill on top of the package; never cover thd barcode (even with transparent tape); do not allow labels to become wrinkled or dirty.

  • 產品已經開封或曾被使用 ( 例如:包裝膠紙、盒被撕去或樽蓋巳被扭開 ).

    any product that has been opened or used ( taken out of its plastic wrap or box ).

  • 材料:橡皮圈,厚紙皮,雙面膠紙

    materials: a rubber band, thick paper, double side adhesive tape.

  • 方法:采用擠壓涂片法和透明膠紙法。

    methods: cellophane tapes were adopted with squeezing and smearing method.

  • 寬幅膠紙帶(ducttape)通常發音為ducktape———說真的,對於很多美國人來說,在發現了這一普通的生活用品的正確寫法時還真是感到意外呢。

    「duct tape」 is often pronounced 「duck tape」 - indeed, it comes as a surprise to many americans to discover what the correct term is for this common household item.

  • 膠紙或許能暫時地解決問題,但是它治標不治本。

    scotch tape may solve the problem temporarily, but it cannot take the problem away.

  • 以約60度角度恒定速度,將膠紙撕起.

    pull out half adhensive tap from samples with 60 degree and invariable speed.

  • 墻上空空蕩蕩,只偶爾貼著些美紋膠紙。在一個角落里,還貼著一張小小的鉛筆肖像畫,畫上是倫納德。

    there was nothing on the walls but bits of masking tape and, in one corner, a small portrait of leonard, done in pencil.

  • 運用透明膠紙法對669人進行蠕形螨檢查。

    a study on examining demodex mite in 669 cases was performed with a cellophane tape method.

  • 一種由紙板或涂膠紙制成的容器。

    any of various containers made from cardboard or coated paper .

  • 這種印花膠紙粘不到窗子上.

    the decal doesn」t adhere to the window.

  • 如郵遞申請,摺好申請表后,請以膠紙封邊,勿用釘書機。

    after folding the form, please seal by tape on edges for mail application, do not use staples.

  • 鮑勃的所有學生都通過了考核,在最難的平行泊車項目中,他耍了個技巧,在車的右后窗上貼了張新澤西魔鬼圖案的膠紙

    all of bob「s students passed.for the hardest part, the parallel parking, he had a trick.on his car」s back right window he stuck a new jersey devils decal.

  • 給孩子一條膠紙,把焗爐門封妥,說明主的墳墓也被封妥.

    give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door.

  • 簡介: 金球系列紙張主要包括雙膠紙.

    introduction: golden globe series paper mainly consists of adhesive tape.

  • opp封 箱膠紙 、 雙面膠 、 美紋膠紙 、 牛皮膠紙 、 拷貝紙.

    opp packing tape, double sided tape , masking tape, kraft tape, copy paper.

  • 可是,一天晚上,我父親帶回家一些粗膠紙和透明的塑料泡沫材料,就是人家用來裝母親的備用餐具的那種。

    one night, though, my father brought home some heavy tape and that clear, plastic bubble stuff you pack your mother's second-string dishes in.