'Robert Plant & The Band Of Joy: Live From The Artists Den' DVD/Blu-Ray Details Revealed - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

'Robert Plant & The Band Of Joy: Live From The Artists Den' DVD/Blu-Ray Details Revealed

June 5, 2012

Artists Den Entertainment and Universal Music Group will release "Robert Plant & The Band Of Joy: Live From The Artists Den" on 5.1 Blu-ray and DVD in the U.S. on July 10. On July 9, these products will be released internationally under exclusive license through Universal Music Group international. This epic show was filmed as a rare, intimate performance at the historic War Memorial Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. Selections from the show aired nationwide on public television's "Live From The Artists Den", the hit music series featuring acclaimed artists performing in extraordinary settings. Now released in full for the first time, the DVD features bonus interview clips and concert footage not included in the television broadcast, including six LED ZEPPELIN classics, three of which have never been shown before. The DVD will also be presented as a featured story and product release for public television's "National Pledge" starting July 26, The series is a production of Artists Den Entertainment in association with WNET New York Public Media, and is distributed by American Public Television. The show was filmed at the magnificent War Memorial Auditorium, a landmark building established in 1925 as a tribute to the thousands of Tennesseans who gave their lives during World War I. A rare snowy day in Nashville set the stage for an even rarer event at the one-of-a-kind venue — a career-spanning concert by icon Plant and the BAND OF JOY, featuring LED ZEPPELIN favorites, traditional songs, hits from Plant's solo catalog, and new material.

Robert Plant explains the excitement of the evening in his own words in the liner notes included with the DVD: "Some years back I was propelled by chance, with little planning or expectation into an American way...with a lean and pull into a new direction...voices and harmony, restraint and explosion, tight and loose, great joy in great company....in a blizzard in Nashville. My thanks to one and all for aiding and abetting this exciting bend in the road."

"Robert Plant & The Band Of Joy: Live From The Artists Den" is the sixth concert DVD release from the Artists Den.

Track listing:

01. Black Dog
02. Angel Dance
03. Houses Of The Holy
04. House Of Cards
05. Cindy, I'll Marry You Someday
06. Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down
07. Somewhere Trouble Don't Go
08. Tangerine
09. A Satisfied Mind
10. Move Up
11. Down To The Sea
12. Ramble On
13. Gallows Pole
14. In The Mood
15. Rock And Roll
16. I Bid You Goodnight

Rock And Roll Hall Of Famer Robert Plant has over 40 years invested in his legendary career in music — and he's still going strong. In 1967, he formed a group called the BAND OF JOY with drummer John Bonham, before the two joined with guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones the following year to form the world-renowned LED ZEPPELIN. After his 2007 "Raising Sand" collaboration with Alison Krauss garnered him six Grammy Awards, Plant created a new BAND OF JOY, which features Nashville native Buddy Miller and Artists Den alumna Patty Griffin. Their widely acclaimed album, "Band Of Joy", was nominated for "Best Americana Album" and "Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance" at the 2011 Grammy Awards.

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