Michael Nathan Goldstone's Obituary - Washington D.C. | Ever Loved


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Michael's obituary

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Michael Goldstone.

Michael departed this world on April 2nd, 2024, following a tragic bicycle accident. Michael’s sudden and unexpected exit at the early age of 43 has left a void in the hearts of his family and friends in Colorado, Washington DC, and Northern California. Michael will be remembered for his caring nature, his adventurous spirit, and his get-it-done attitude towards all aspects of life.

He is survived by his parents, Allen and Kathy; his sister, Alex, and her partner, Chris Crawfurd; his brother David and his wife, Katie; and their children Henry and Levi, as well as countless friends.

Michael was born in Boulder, Colorado. His early years included raising chickens, a pet goat named Odie, and his horse Dodger. While earning his degree in Economics and Political Science from Colorado College he worked in their garage learning mechanics. Immediately after graduation, he was part of a group that paddled canoes the length of the Mississippi River while holding events to register youth voters.

Michael then studied law at the University of Denver. Upon receiving his Doctor of Law (JD), he joined the United States Department of Energy Golden Field Office as a summer intern for the Office of Chief Counsel. He continued as a law clerk during his final year of law school and finally became a full-fledged attorney in that office. Over the past 17 years, Michael has been an advocate and advisor for many offices in DOE, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the Office of Technology Transitions. He was instrumental in shepherding through DOE’s first prize competitions and helped DOE achieve other firsts during his tenure. His efforts had a department-wide impact as evidenced by his recent receipt of two Secretarial Honor Awards. He was beloved by his DOE family of clients and colleagues for his creative and quick legal mind as well for his fun, kind, and caring nature. Working with Michael was relational, not just transactional.

Michael fit an impressive amount of living in his 43 years. As an outdoor enthusiast, Michael spent much of his time exploring. He loved connecting with his friends while skiing, hiking, rafting, cycling, and a host of other activities. He spent countless days in the canyons of the American southwest, rafted the Grand Canyon twice, backpacked for weeks in a remote part of the Canadian Rockies, and had countless other adventures. In recent times, he did a backcountry ski trip in the Sierras, a multi-day Utah road biking trip, a ski trip in Japan, and took his nephews on their first raft trip on the Platte River, to name a few.

Michael always stood out with his generosity to give back to his community both at large and to his community of friends. Examples include volunteering after the Katrina hurricane to help victims navigate insurance company claims. He was always ready to help organize or lead a trip, including driving a Burning Man elephant art car across the country. He would always help you tackle that home project you had been putting off for months. Or that home project you didn’t know you had until he came over.

Michael always lived his truth, acted with decisiveness, and made a positive impact on those he touched. He was an inspiration to those who knew him. His legacy will continue to thrive in the experiences of friends and family whose lives he impacted. His time here was cut short in years, but his legacy is a triumph in living a full life.

As we mourn the loss of Michael, let us also celebrate the legacy of love, laughter, and compassion he leaves behind. May he rest in peace knowing that he was deeply loved and his imprint upon the earth will never be forgotten.

A memorial service will be held in Boulder, Colorado, on April 13th. A remembrance will be held in Washington D.C. on a date to be determined sometime in late May.

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