A New Era of HKKP Industry
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A New Era of HKKP Industry

A New Era of Industry
The following is the speech delivered by the Chief Executive, Mr Lee Ka-chiu, at the Federation of Hong Kong Industries' "Industrialists Forum 2023 - A New Era of Innovation and Technology: A New Chapter for Industry" today (June 8):
Deputy Director Yin Zonghua (Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), Chairman Cha Yichao (Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries), distinguished guests and friends:
I am very pleased to attend the Industrialists Forum organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries today and communicate with industrialists and industry leaders who have made great contributions to Hong Kong’s economic development.
The country's "14th Five-Year Plan" has established Hong Kong's important position in developing an international innovation and technology center, and has proposed a number of goals related to promoting the development of scientific research and advanced manufacturing. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the focus of economic development should be on the real economy, promote new industrialization, and develop advanced manufacturing.
Leading innovation with science and promoting development with innovation will be an important source of power to drive economic development. Hong Kong must contribute to the country's promotion of high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing, speed up and improve the development of high-end intelligent manufacturing and Industry 4.0, and strive to achieve new industrialization.
Under the "one country, two systems" policy, Hong Kong has the unique advantage of being "backed by the motherland and connected to the world". We have five of the world's top 100 universities, strong basic research capabilities, and a mature, international and market-oriented business environment.
Looking back on the 1970s and 1980s, manufacturing was a major pillar of Hong Kong's economy, creating a golden sign of "Made in Hong Kong". Today, we are fully committed to the work of promoting new industrialization, and we have already achieved initial results, successfully reversing the downward trend of the ratio of manufacturing to GDP.
Since the current government took office, it has promoted a number of projects to support new industrialization. We announced the "Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint" to lead Hong Kong to realize its vision of an international innovation and technology center. One of the four major directions proposed in the Blueprint is to improve the innovation and technology ecosystem and realize Hong Kong's new industrialization.
At the same time, in order to effectively promote the development of new industrialization, I propose to start from the top-level design and establish a new "Industrial Specialist" under the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau to coordinate and supervise the strategies and work of new industrialization. I am very pleased to hear that Legislative Council members support this proposal. The Finance Committee has approved the government to create this important position, and the Innovation and Technology Bureau will start recruitment as soon as possible.
In addition, we have funded the establishment of more intelligent production lines through the "Re-industrialization Subsidy Scheme", and the number has increased significantly from about 30 in the middle of last year to more than 50 now. We are advancing the establishment of a microelectronics research and development institute and an artificial intelligence supercomputing center. In the future, we will provide more hardware supporting high-tech core technologies and support more companies to shift to smart production.
The country’s full support is crucial to the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. In March, the Ministry of Science and Technology signed the "Arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong on Accelerating the Construction of Hong Kong's International Innovation and Technology Center" with the SAR government to deepen scientific research cooperation, innovation resource sharing, and achievement transformation between the two places, marking a new era of scientific and technological cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. Chapter.
To successfully realize a new type of industrialization in Hong Kong, it is important for the government and industry to work together. The Federation of Industry and Commerce has been paying attention to the development of Hong Kong's industrial and commercial community for more than 60 years and leading the industry to overcome different challenges. Here, I would like to thank the Federation of Industry and Commerce for promoting the industrial development of Hong Kong. I believe that you will continue to actively reflect the opinions of the industry to the government in the future, bring endless momentum to the future development of Hong Kong, and jointly contribute to the high-quality development of the country.
Finally, I wish the Industrialists Forum a complete success and fruitful results, and wish all of you here great success and good health! Thank you all.
June 8, 2023 (Thursday)
10:19 Hong Kong time 

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