Car Touch Up Paint

1-24 of 136 Results

    1-24 of 136 Results

    About Car Touch Up Paint

    When you have small dings on your car or places where the paint scratched off, you may need automotive touch-up paint to keep it looking good. It is perfect for masking small damage to your car’s finish and preventing rust in places where the paint has come off.

    Automotive Touch-Up Paint

    Keeping a bottle of car touch-up paint comes in handy when you need to fix up dings and small scratches that have penetrated to the metal parts of your vehicle. When using it, you will want to avoid nylon-bristle brushes as the bristles can snap off and lodge themselves in the paint.

    The paint can fix small scratches. You should sandpaper larger scratches before applying touch-up paint to ensure your finished product is unnoticeable compared to the rest of the vehicle's paint job. Once you've applied the paint, give it time to cure before you do any waxing or buffing.

    Duple-Color Perfect Match

    Having the right color match for your vehicle is essential to producing a clean, flawless job. What you don't want is for your new paint job to stick out worse than the scratch you're trying to cover up. That's where the Dupli-Color Perfect Match comes in. It's important to verify that you have the right color match for your vehicle. Look for the paint description and its color code. The color code is how the paint is mixed, so this is key to finding the correct color match.

    Car Paint for Sale

    When you're looking for paint, it's essential to do some research into the kind of paint you need, the make and model of your vehicle, and the kinds of damage you're looking to cover up on your car. Remember that the larger the damage, the harder it can be to create a flawless touch-up paint job. However, small dings and scratches should be much easier to touch up.

    When you need car touch-up paint, rely on AutoZone. We can help find the right product and color match for your vehicle.