Glendower Preparatory School Prep School – Glendower Preparatory School

Prep School

Prep School

Prep School includes girls from Year 3 to Year 6. 

At Glendower, we believe that a love of learning is for life. As your daughter begins her learning journey with us, we aim to enable each girl to achieve her own personal best, through a vibrant curriculum that develops knowledge, understanding, creative and critical thinking skills.  

The Prep School starts in Year 3, where our girls build on the strong foundations laid in the Pre Prep. Our pupils benefit from an increase in subject specialist teaching throughout Prep School. Whilst our girls are thoroughly prepared for the 11+ process, our approach to teaching and learning aims to develop the skills needed to prepare the girls for their exciting futures beyond Glendower. 

We are passionate about creating classrooms where metacognitive skills are valued and visible. A zest for learning and a deep understanding of how one learns is prevalent across the curriculum. 


At Glendower, we believe that Mathematics should be taught as relevant to everyday life, an essential tool which supports other curriculum areas. As well as ensuring that the girls are mentally agile, we give them skills and practical opportunities for problem solving, mathematical investigations and financial life skills. Our girls are passionate about mathematics and every opportunity is taken to ensure that there are external competitions, internal clubs and collaboration across the other subjects where possible.  


In English lessons, we aim to engender a love of literature and writing in its many forms. We encourage the girls to think, speak and write creatively and many opportunities are given for them to develop their reading and comprehension skills. Our library is a vibrant hub within the school community; visits from authors, illustrators and regular book fairs and competitions help to ignite the girls’ enthusiasm for literacy. 


Our school laboratory and specialist science teaching foster a genuine love of the subject. Scientific concepts and ideas are explored through a fun, practical, hands-on approach. Teaching aims to make science relevant to everyday life, and this is supported by our proximity to several national museums. Our annual Science Fair allows the girls to put their skills of scientific enquiry to the test as they help pose and answer open-ended questions from the practical to the mystifying. Every opportunity to develop lessons with the Computing, Art and Mathematics department is taken.  

Art & Design Technology 

In Art and Design Technology, the girls work on a wide range of different skills and techniques in our dedicated art room. Pupils draw inspiration from well-known artists as they create their own work and regular visits to galleries and exhibitions are scheduled throughout the year. The girls also help to design and make costumes and scenery for our school productions. 


In the Prep School, Humanities are taught as three discrete subjects: History, Geography and RE. Teaching methods in each subject include interactive learning, discussion and debate.  The girls are encouraged to undertake their own independent research and give class presentations.  Visiting speakers, trips to museums and artefacts bring these lessons to life. 

In History, the girls gain an understanding and awareness of past societies, and these are related to currents affairs and life today.  The subject is taught chronologically, from the Ancient Egyptians to post-World War II. 

Studying places, the human processes which shape them and the people who live in them in Geography helps to equip girls with an understanding and appreciation of the world in which they live. We hope the girls will develop a strong sense of their own place in the world as well as a sense of other people’s cultures and traditions. Pupils are encouraged to consider real world issues, their own values and their responsibilities to others and the environment. 

In RE girls study the major religions of the world and are encouraged to talk about their own beliefs and values and seek to understand those of others.  We explore challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human.  Through classroom discussion, PSHE lessons, assemblies and guest speakers we promote mutual respect and tolerance in our culturally diverse world. 


French continues to be taught twice weekly in the Prep School and we focus on both oral and written skills.  In their French lessons, the girls consolidate their speaking and listening through songs, role-play and games. Emphasis is put on a kinesthetic approach, such as turning the class into a French market, making a sandwich or catwalk modelling according to the topic being studied. In Year 5 or 6, the girls spend an activity week in France at a language school. 

Mandarin is introduced into the curriculum in Year 4 and the girls are introduced to Latin in Year 6. As part of the Post 11+ Programme, girls in Year 6 are introduced to Spanish and a residential trip to Madrid 


Here at Glendower, we want our girls to be able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through computing and ICT (information and communication technology) – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.  Computing is embedded throughout the curriculum and e-safety is at the heart of our teaching.  Girls are taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. 


We feel it is essential that Glendower pupils are given opportunities for personal and social development and that they recognise their role in the community at school, locally and in a wider sense.  We want our girls to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. The school actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 

Through PSHEE lessons, the girls learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly independent learners. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, and they learn about many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We use PHSEE to help build positive working relationships between children and staff, where all members of our school family are valued as individuals.