Tripadvisor | 珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊 | 柏斯, 澳洲


提供者:Australian Pinnacle Tours
獲 92% 旅客推薦
92% 的評論員給此產品的分數評等都在 4 分以上。
結合在珀斯的全部細節安排之旅,在西澳大利亞結合一整天的折衷活動和往返交通。參觀Caversham Wildlife Park野生動物園,觀賞當地動物。然後參觀龍蝦廠,在塞萬提斯(Cervantes)享用新鮮的海鮮午餐。沿著蘭斯林沙丘滑下沙灘,沿著導遊步行穿過The Pinnacles沙漠。

4-99 歲,每團最多 48 人
所需時間: 11小時 30 分鐘
開始時間: 查看供應狀況

  • 魚和薯條午餐,塞萬提斯可選擇龍蝦升級
  • 選擇通過sandboard或4WD車輛探索Lancelin沙丘
  • 包括所有入場費;沒有隱藏的成本
  • 珀斯酒店的往返交通無需租車

  • 魚和薯條午餐
  • 龍蝦午餐升級(如果選擇了選項)
  • 瓶裝水
  • 專業司機/導遊帶現場解說
  • 乘坐空調客車或四輪驅動車
  • 酒店接送服務
  • Caversham Wildlife Park 門票
  • 塞萬提斯 門票
  • The Pinnacles 門票
  • Nambung National Park 門票
  • 小費
  • 食品和飲料,除非另有說明

在您的酒店或珀斯的中心點享受便利的早班接送服務後,您可以坐下來放鬆一下前往當天的第一個目的地。這個方便的珀斯全日遊讓您可以查看列表中的一些區域活動,而無需租車或大驚小怪。 首先停留在Caversham野生動物園,通過參觀露天展覽和導遊的評論,了解袋熊,袋鼠和考拉等本土動物。接下來是龍蝦工廠的幕後之旅,讓您了解該地區的龍蝦捕撈業。繼續在當地餐廳享用午餐(魚和薯條,可選擇龍蝦升級)。 午餐後,您可以在導遊的帶領下步行穿過該國最不尋常的景觀之一 - 南邦國家公園的Pinnacles石灰岩地層。然後在返回珀斯之前,在Lancelin Sand Dunes進行4WD或沙灘滑雪探險之旅。

  • Crown Perth Food Court, Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood WA 6100, Australia
    CROWN Entertainment Complex Riverside Entrance(麥當勞面前)早上7點45分。 酒店可應要求在珀斯市和北橋地點提供免費酒店接客服務。
  • 珀斯中央商務區的酒店接客服務時間為上午 7:00 至 7:30,我們的旅遊出發時間為上午 8:00。

      • 不設無障礙設施
      • 附近的公共交通
      • 嬰兒必須由成人手抱
      如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3115P3

      • 懷孕旅客不宜參加
      • 患有背部疾病的旅客不宜參加
      • 酒店將在預訂時收到確認。
      • 旅遊可以在早上的教練和下午4WD運行,或者根據乘客數量,在4WD全天運行。有時由於軟沙丘可能會發生延遲。
      • 兒童必須由成人陪同
      • 請在預訂時告知任何特定的飲食要求
      • 不建議5歲及以下的兒童使用
      • 適合擁有良好體格的旅客參加
      • 此項體驗有最低旅客人數限制。 如果體驗因未達最低人數要求而被取消,您可更改預訂日期/改為預訂另一項體驗,或收取全額退款
      • 此遊覽團/活動的旅客人數上限為 48 人

      • 如欲全額退款,請提前於體驗開始日期的至少 24 小時前作出取消。

      珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊價格 HK$1,267.86 起。 在 Tripadvisor 探索和預訂珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊
      珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊是由 Australian Pinnacle Tours 負責提供服務 在 Tripadvisor 閱讀評論、探索其他體驗或聯絡 Australian Pinnacle Tours在 Tripadvisor 探索和預訂珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊

      如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3115P3



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      • Australian Pinnacle Tours
        2011年2月 加入
      • Discover694504
        0 篇投稿
        4.0/5 分
      • HkCurrywurst
        0 篇投稿
        3.0/5 分
        非常走马看花的一天游, 上午带旅客到一个动物园(名字好像是caversham), 但只给5分钟自己跟袋鼠拍照, 然后很赶的去一个跟一个的和wombat拍照, 再匆匆赶去拍树熊, 停留不够半小时便离开. 下午的four wheel drive, 其实只是留在旅游巴上在沙上兜圈, 下车拍照也是3-5分钟的事, 行程重点pinnacle 是有一小时的, 但除此之外, 整天都机乎在车上, 下车观光的时间很少
      • rickjasonchan
        0 篇投稿
        4.0/5 分
        复活节期间参加了尖石林的一天游。接送时间比原定迟了十五分钟,司机解释因公司电脑系统故障之故。参加人数虽然很多,但旅游车很大很舒适。行程安排很好,时间恰到好处,没有赶鸭仔的感觉, 司机的沿途讲解亦很好。 团餐是一个冻的鸡肉沙律餐盒,如果不想吃冻的食物,可考虑加钱升级为龙虾餐。 如果没有自己驾车的话,这个一天团是一个不错的选择。
      • lmx924
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        西澳 笑
        美景美食美人 流连忘返 这次的旅行对珀斯有了更深的了解 体会到一句话 我们所向往的正是他们每天生活的 碧海蓝天白云一切都美的不像真的 仿佛画里面 觉得不真实 但这正是珀斯最真实美丽的一面 让人神往 海豚企鹅海狮袋鼠等等让我们有机会与大自然亲密接触 真的是一次很好的体验
      • Fun1984
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        这是一次非常棒的旅游体验,西澳的地方太大,景点之间距离太远,和Pinnacle Tours一起还是挺方便的。三天的旅行让我们难以忘怀,最爱Margaret River地区,那儿的酒非常好,而且价格也不贵,还有很多当地的特产,非常值得去那度假。
      • 归去来兮440270
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        从perth出发约3小时车程,天气有点热了,在车上昏昏欲睡,到了这里还是很震撼。 黄沙中树立着一个个石头,形态各异,非常大一片,开车在里面转了两圈。还看到粉色鹦鹉,很漂亮
      查看全部 706 則評論
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      4.5/5 分64 則評論

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      馬來西亞吉隆坡2 則投稿
      4.0/5 分
      An enjoyable experience - the sand dunes are great and the wildlife park visit was brilliant, the pinnacles less so. The lunch was good too. Bring lots of sunscreen, you're going to need it.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver. . We are glad to hear you enjoyed the Lancelin Dunes, and your time at Caversham wildlife park, as well as your lunch at the Lobster Shack. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Matt M
      英國柴郡94 則投稿
      3.0/5 分
      2024年2月 • 家庭式
      I regret to rate this experience with only 3 stars due to a significant letdown; our time at the Pinnacles was a mere 30 minutes due to schedule delays. The rest of the tour, including Caversham Wildlife Park and the exhilarating sandboarding, was enjoyable, and the lobster shack served a delightful lunch. However, the brief stop at the Pinnacles meant we had scarcely enough time to disembark and snap a quick photo of the nearest formations. It’s unclear if this rush was to manage the various tour groups efficiently, but the limited time to appreciate the stunning geological wonders was truly disappointing.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with us at Lancelin, and your tour of Caversham Wildlife Park. We are sorry though to hear that your time at the Pinnacles Desert was limited on this day. The timings for our tours are unfortunately strict by necessity, as we cover a lot of the region on our day tours, and on this occasion some unforeseeable delays reduced the time we had available for the Pinnacles desert group. We can understand that this would have limited your time to enjoy this spectacular location, and do apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will look to review these timings and work to improve this for our future tour departures. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      澳洲悉尼7 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2024年1月 • 家庭式
      The tour guide was very knowledgeable and provided ongoing historical insights of vegetation, farming, aboriginal stories and historical challenges along the way ( guide was Pete) excellent operation and I would highly recommend families with teen children to learn and appreciate our Australian culture, embracing the good and bad I. Totality.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver Pete. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. We are also glad to hear that you enjoyed learning more about the history and culture of this region. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Felicia T
      1 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      The tour bus driver is good, helpful & professional in his job. He shared history, stories n guide us along the tour. A superb tour leader n made our trip a memorable one ! Thank you
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      紐西蘭奧克蘭116 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      Wonderful day trip out of Perth! Really glad I chose this day trip and would recommend . The pinnacles and the sand boarding 4wd drive was amazing . I could have gotten a rental car myself I guess and done these trips but as a solo traveller not having to drive/ navigate was so stress free !
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. We are also glad to hear that you got to enjoy a stress-free travel day with us, as a large part of these tours is allowing you to see as much as possible of what WA has to offer without having to organise transport and scheduling to get to these sights. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Bert S
      4 則投稿
      3.0/5 分
      It is nice to see if you come near it during your trip, otherwise it is not very exciting, they are elongated stones caused by erosion.
      You can also do the route through the park with a 2WD car, but I wouldn't do it with one that is longer, about 6.5m, as the chance of damage against stones is a bit high.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

      澳洲墨爾本23 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      Friendly, efficient and a great series of activities. Anton was extremely well informed and created an interesting and engaging experience for everyone across the day!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver Anton. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Paige J
      1 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2023年10月 • 單獨旅行
      Such a great trip! Amazing service and all the tour guides were super friendly and informative! Loved the sand boarding with Robbie too :)

      Would deffo reccomend!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. We're also glad to hear that the Sandboarding at Lancelin with Robbie was a highlight for you. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      澳洲布賴比島13 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      A great day, with well selected intervening stops to break up the long drive. An eclectic mix of activities which might not otherwise have been undertaken and enjoy 😊.
      Bus driver/ tour guide Pete did a great job, 😊
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed your day with our driver Pete. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the region, and the information they can share with our groups. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Kate N
      澳洲柏斯225 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      This was a 15 hour round trip on a luxury coach with Australian Pinnacles Tours. They go to a few places outside of Perth. I have been on a few over the past 10 years. This trip was my 3rd trip to the pinnacles. The driver was a safe driver, the coach comfortable and Brian (driver) gave a good description of the landscape and history.
      The pinnacles are beautiful to look at. We had lunch at Lobster shack where they have a factory and restaurant which you get an interesting tour around before eating the wonderful meal. This is really 3 reviews in one. I recommend the tour company. Oh on the way we stopped at caversham wildlife park and saw some of the wildlife which was pretty cool. There was also sand dune riding in a 4wd bus north of Perth. Which I didn’t do but everyone else did and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great Job, pinnacles tours.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you for taking the time to review our tour, and it is great to hear that you enjoyed the commentary from our driver Brian. We pride ourselves on the information our drivers have of the Pinnacles Desert region, and the history of the area. We are also glad to hear that your meal in at the Lobster Shack, and enjoyed your time spent at the Pinnacles Desert. Thank you again for taking the time to review our service, and we hope to welcome you onboard a tour with us again soon.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      顯示第 110 頁結果 (共 64 頁)

      珀斯的尖峰石陣沙漠、考拉和滑沙四驅車一日遊, 柏斯
