Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach Biography | Pantheon


Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach

1519 - 1567

Photo of Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach

Icon of person Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach

Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (14 October 1519 – 31 October 1567) was a Princess of Brandenburg-Kulmbach and by marriage Electress Palatine. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach has received more than 50,510 page views. Her biography is available in 19 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 16 in 2019). Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach is the 8,763rd most popular politician (up from 9,530th in 2019), the 2,483rd most popular biography from Germany (up from 2,752nd in 2019) and the 723rd most popular German Politician.

Memorability Metrics

  • 51k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 54.99

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 19

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 7.27

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 1.83

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Page views of Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbaches by language

Over the past year Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach has had the most page views in the with 6,537 views, followed by German (1,842), and Polish (1,409). In terms of yearly growth of page views the top 3 wikpedia editions are Galician (59.87%), Egyptian Arabic (44.55%), and Ukrainian (42.86%)


Among politicians, Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ranks 8,763 out of 19,576Before her are Artabanus III of Parthia, Alfred Meyer, Elbridge Gerry, Johan Nygaardsvold, Aga Khan I, and Venancio Flores. After her are María de Molina, Appius Claudius Crassus, Francesco Erizzo, Joseph Serchuk, Telerig of Bulgaria, and Giorgio Perlasca.

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Among people born in 1519, Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ranks 16Before her are Imagawa Yoshimoto, Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset, Andrea Cesalpino, Antonis Mor, Thomas Gresham, and Frans Floris. After her are Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, and Girolamo Mei. Among people deceased in 1567, Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ranks 9Before her are Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, Anne de Montmorency, Michael Stifel, Marin Držić, and Girolamo Priuli. After her are Juan Bautista de Toledo, Ligier Richier, Estácio de Sá, and Gómez Pereira.

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In Germany

Among people born in Germany, Marie of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ranks 2,483 out of 7,253Before her are Carl Wilhelm Siemens (1823), Rolf Stommelen (1943), Ami Boué (1794), William II, Elector of Hesse (1777), Alfred Meyer (1891), and Michael Rummenigge (1964). After her are Andrzej Seweryn (1946), Hans Robert Jauss (1921), Jakub Bart-Ćišinski (1856), Michael von Faulhaber (1869), Helmut Griem (1932), and Gottfried Heinrich Bach (1724).

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