Ode to Joy - Flashmob at Plaza Sabadel, Spain (5:41)
Ode to Joy - Flashmob at Plaza Sabadel, Spain

Ode to Joy - Flashmob at Plaza Sabadel, Spain

As a celebration of its 130th birthday Banco Sabadell organized a flashmob. The flashmob was performed by more than 100 musicians. The bank with this event also supported the local campaign called Som Sabadell (We are Sabadell). The whole performance was started by a little girl throwing a coin into the hat of a street musician. This was a coin spent exceptionally well. The flashmob took place in Sabadell, Spain on the placa de Sant Roc on a Saturday (19 May 2012) at 6pm. The musicians were attending from the Orchestra Simfonica del Valles, the Coral Belles Arts, the Cor Lieder Camera and the Amics de l'Opera de Sabadell.
  • flashmob
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