Robyn Hitchcock - BOMBYX
Center For Arts & Equity

April 27, 2024
Show at 7:00 pm
Doors open at 6:00 pm
$25 - $35 in adv.
$30 - $40 at the door
130 Pine Street, Florence, MA

Robyn Hitchcock

With Special Guest Eugene Mirman

Robyn Hitchcock is one of England's most enduring contemporary singer/songwriters and live performers. A surrealist poet, talented guitarist, cult artist and musician's musician, Hitchcock is among alternative rock's father figures and is the closest thing the genre has to a Bob Dylan (not coincidentally his biggest musical inspiration).

Since founding the art-rock band The Soft Boys in 1976, Robyn has recorded more than 20 albums as well as starred in ‘Storefront Hitchcock’ an in concert film recorded in New York and directed by Jonathan Demme. Blending folk and psychedelia with a wry British nihilism, Robyn describes his songs as ‘paintings you can listen to’.

Eugene Mirman is a comedian, actor, and hero who lives in Massachusetts. He voices “Gene” on Fox’s Emmy Award winning animated series Bob’s Burgers. Mirman will be opening the evening with a set of new material.

Our friends from Wake the Dead Donuts will also be on hand if you'd like a tasty treat before or during the show.

Robyn Hitchcock
Eugene Mirman
A gifted melodist, Hitchcock nests engaging lyrics in some of the most bracing, rainbow-hued pop this side of Revolver. He wrests inspiration not from ordinary life but from extraordinary imaginings…
Rolling Stone
presented in collaboration with
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