KATAKLYSM Announce New Drummer

March 30, 2003

Canadian death metallers KATAKLYSM have announced the addition of drummer Martin Maurais to the group's ranks. Maurais replaces longtime sticksman Max Duhamel, who left the band in January and has since retired from the music business.

"We just finished jamming with Martin and all we can say is, 'Holy shit… Human machine?? Fuck yeah!!" commented KATAKLYSM frontman Maurizio Iacono. "Martin will be introducing his own version of the northern hyperblast to the masses on the next album. Fans of [former KATAKLYSM drummer] Nick Miller ('Temple Of Knowledge') and Max Duhamel, watch out!"

KATAKLYSM are continuing to write material for their next album, "Serenity In Fire", due out in Feb. 2004.

Among the titles tentatively set to appear on the CD are as follows:

01. The Ambassador of Pain
02. Slithering Down The Spine
03. Blood On The Swans
04. It's Back (Infested)
05. Resurrected
06. Serenity In Fire

The band have confirmed their appearance at the New England Hardcore And Metal Festival on May 17 and will shortly announce more dates, set to take place immediately before and after the festival. The group will finalize their "Shadows & Dust" campaign with a full-scale Canadian tour in August after they return from the European festivals.

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