‎Reviews of Night of the Juggler • Letterboxd
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  • Karl


    An insane non-stop journey through the grimy mean streets of pre-Disney NYC. Most notably Times Square when it was full of pimps, hoes, and johns. Here we get a grand tour including a basement full of peep show booths. Our hero desperately goes from one to the other to find a witness. The window goes up and down as he urgently adds more quarters to keep it up. Also there's a street chase through a bombed out Bronx, that results…

  • Matteo


    Social realism amidst a histrionic, sleazy thriller filmed in New York City pandemonium. Robert Butler's Night of the Juggler offers a searing look at social stratification in American urbanism while steering the pragmatism of a raucously ridiculous, nail-biting chase thriller. James Brolin convincingly plays the desperate working-class ex-cop and beloved father of a teenage girl, who embarks on a propulsive search for the latter when he witnesses her abduction at the hands of a psychotic man, a child of the…

  • Callisto


    "I think the definitive great American role would probably be Cliff Gorman in Night of the Juggler. People talk about Jack Nicholson and people like—No! Watch Cliff Gorman in Night of the Juggler. The opening scene of him in the diner, he has this little radio. At the end of the scene he smashes the ketchup bottle on the table after drawing a little smiley face. That's an amazing scene. . . . Cliff Gorman, you know, he's a sympathetic…

  • Mr_VHS_Offline


    I need to show this to my New York friend and ask how realistic it is to everyday life over there.

  • flicks_ahoy


    Running tour of Grimy 80s NYC

  • Daniel


    New York, New York is a hell of a town.

    James Brolin, o La barba® pegada a un hombre, se patea media ciudad abriéndose camino a hostiazo limpio en busca de su hijita, a la que ha secuestrado un Travis Bickle de todo a cien. Nuestro barbudo héroe, con su camisa de cuadros abierta hasta el ombligo, se enfrenta a policías corruptos, pandillas callejeras, porteros de sex shops y a cualquier viandante que osa ponerse en su camino para rescatar…

  • Ray


    Holy shit this rocks! I can’t believe it has never gotten some sort of high def release. Even watching a crappy vhs rip on YouTube (there are numerous options, none seemed very good) couldn’t diminish how much bonkers fun most of this movie is. Ex-cop James Brolin tears apart sleazy late 70’s NYC trying to rescue his kidnapped daughter. Car chases, street gangs, porn shops, a very mentally disturbed villain, angry former colleagues, this movie has it all! A quick…

  • Derek

    I ❤️NY, baby! Movies shot in New York in the 70’s and 80’s are just my bag. I only wish I had a better version of this film to watch, as the one on YouTube is really bad when it comes to the dark scenes, which is pretty much the entire climax.

  • Chris Gill


    The sense of place here really nails just what a mess New York in the 1970s was in a much better way than some more celebrated films (looking at you, Fear City).

    Brolin is great and the kidnapper has a erratic, unsettling air that amps up the tension with his self-justification also horribly familiar to modern ears.

    Overall, it sort of plays out exactly as you expect it to but the staging and the performances make it a cut above…

  • Jeremy Herbert


    A four-on-the-floor thriller from that magical age when New York City came in standard Smell-O-Vision. Remarkably unhinged. In the span of a single day, Brolin runs afoul of The Warriors, foretells the Central Park chase from Die Hard With A Vengeance, and dodges shotgun blasts on heavily trafficked street corners from Sergeant Young Dan Hedaya. The opening is a great calibration test. At first glance, seeing a guy turn his bacon and eggs into a face, spill ketchup over the…

  • Zoe Pink


    In an age where blu-rays have become niche, and streaming is the norm. There just aren’t that many opportunities to say you’ve “discovered” a hidden gem. A mini masterpiece, only a select few know about. Well, this most definitely fits the bill. A non-stop thrill ride, mainstream exploitation film. A 70’s diamond in the rough. (In this case, the rough being a nearly post apocalyptic looking NYC). I wholeheartedly agree with my fellow reviewers, who say it’s a crime this…

  • Gregory Audermatte


    Un film d'action d'une simplicité confondante et d'une efficacité totale. Un ex flic assiste au kidnapping de sa fille dans un parc et se met à la poursuite du ravisseur (qui s'est trompé d'enfant). Tout le film est une course-poursuite en temps réel dans ce New York interlope tellement cinégénique et connu des années 70/80. Le film a un vrai côté document sociologique de la ville et de l'époque avec notamment la naissance du jogging dans le parc, ses quartiers…