The Curious Case of Stella Lansing | Paranormal Videos Archive

"The Occupants"

“The Occupants”

Stella Lansing, A Massachusetts housewife is the last person you would expect to be a doorway to another dimension. However over 3 decades she would literally capture strange and unexplained anomalies on both video and stills – no matter what the make or model of camera.

One of the recurring images that Stella captured was referred to as the clock formation. She would capture these images both in broad daylight and at night. There are 2 very strange things to note about these images, 1 when the clock images are magnified the clock hour hour/lines seems to look similar to classic UFO depictions, but whats even more strange is that many of the images extend beyond the edge of the frame and into the next, apparently shattering the barrier of space & time.

The most famous film Stella captured, shot on Super 8 film was analyzed by experts – they found a strange image of what looks like 4 men which they dubbed “The Occupants” (pictured above/right). Since then “The Occupants” film has been examined by many experts and nobody can find an explanation as to how the image got onto the film, Also when the silent super 8 was run through a modern player there was unexplainably sound, sound that sounds like voices!

Through research it appears that Stella sadly passed away a few years ago, so there is no further knowledge to be gained from her current photography experiments, but I am hoping that someone is still studying the original films and can perhaps find out what was happening. Below you can watch a video from the 1990s where STella is interviewed and many of the photos and films are shown, enjoy. And as always, drop us a line either below or on our forum.

Watch the report on Stella Lansing below.