Miranda Hart: Height, partner and Call the Midwife

Everything you need to know about Miranda Hart

From writing a sitcom to stealing hearts in Call the Midwife, here's the lowdown on Miranda Hart's life.

Miranda Hart

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Comedian Miranda Hart has become a household name in the UK following her hugely popular sitcom, Miranda, plus her role in our favourite TV show, Call the Midwife. Find out more about Miranda including whether or not she has a husband to her height.

Is Miranda Hart married?

Miranda isn't currently married or in a relationship with a partner or husband as far as we're aware, but the actress is very private when it comes to her personal life. She has previously highlighted how she has felt lonely in the past.

What is Miranda Hart's height?

Miranda has always been marvellous at slapstick comedy, aided by her above average height and long limbs. She’s actually just over 6ft tall in height.

How old is Miranda Hart?

Miranda was born December 14, 1972 making her currently 48 years old.

Is Miranda on Instagram?

Yes, you can find Miranda on Instagram by searching @realmirandahart

You can also find Miranda tweeting on Twitter @mermhart

Miranda Hart’s TV roles


Before she made it big with her comedy series, Miranda appeared in lots of other sit-coms and TV shows, including French & Saunders, Lead Balloon, The Vicar of Dibley, Nighty Night, Absolutely Fabulous and My Family and Other Animals.

Call the Midwife


In 2012 Miranda started her role in Call the Midwife, as the loveable Chummy.

Read more about the Call the Midwife cast and the Call the Midwife Christmas special


Latest Miranda Hart news

Miranda to have a brain detox in a bid to cure her anxiety

The comedienne recently agreed to participate in a 21-day detox as part of a new BBC documentary about mental health.

The Call the Midwife star has been affected by anxiety throughout her career, pulling out of several West End performances of the musical Annie in 2017 with a mystery illness, while she's also cancelled appearances on Call the Midwife and the Royal Variety Performance.

In her 2016 book Miranda's Daily Dose Of Such Fun, the British comedienne described her anxiety as "like wading through treacle", explaining that it even hindered her performing day-to-day activities, like walking to a postbox.

Miranda has also admitted to suffering from agoraphobia - which causes her to avoid certain places or situations. She previously explained: "I thought the world was a bit scary.

"Some people get depressed for six months then pull themselves together.

"I just hid in a room in the house and didn't really go out. It was my blip."

Miranda claimed she will continue to fight anxiety for the rest of her life, adding that she's just "naturally a bit under, a bit depressed".

"I think I'll always be a slightly anxious person. It's just bad genes, bad luck really. I'll always have to force myself to see the positive, because I'm wired badly.

Could there be a Miranda movie?

There's been lots of speculation that Miranda Hart was writing a film version of her Miranda sitcom. One of the show's stars, Sarah Hadland, said in October 2016: "I can say there will be something," and people were quick to suggest it could be a film.

In fact, Miranda herself admitted she had 'worked towards writing a script' for a film, but sadly decided that the format just didn't work, saying that without laughs from the audience the show didn't feel right.

So for now it looks like we'll have to stick to re-watching the DVDs!

Miranda's comedy series back for series 4?

There have been numerous rumours that Miranda was working on a fourth series of her much-loved comedy series, three years after it last aired. Alas, the comedienne took to Twitter to clear up any confusion, and reveal the reports are 'not true'. We're so disappointed! But she didn't rule out returning altogether, saying that she had 'thought about' bringing her character back for one last appearance.

She said: 'Don't know where this came from, it's news to me. have thought about it but that's all.' She added that her character was 'still on honeymoon'!

Miranda Hart’s comedy series

Miranda Hart (or to give her her full name – Miranda Hart Dyke) is, of course, best known for her eponymous series, Miranda. This ran on the BBC for three series, and was wildly successful thanks to its charming, gentle humour. It was based on her Radio 2 series Miranda Hart’s Joke Shop. Such fun!

Did you know…?

Miranda Hart is actually fourth cousin, twice removed, of Diana, Princess of Wales

miranda-hart (1)

Miranda Hart’s dog

The actress has been vocal about her love of animals, in particular her dog Peggy – who sadly passed away January 2021. She shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram.

"Last week I said goodbye to my beautiful, darling dog Peggy.

"I share because I shared her with you when I wrote Peggy and Me and many of you took her to your hearts. I have always been amused by and grateful for the pictures and gifts she was showered with. She used a blanket a fan gave her in Australia until the end.

"She was recognised more than once in public when friends walked her and once when I was walking her and the woman looked at me said “oh my goodness... is that Peggy, I can’t believe it”. And then looked at me again, when I thought I might be showered in a compliment, and she just said suspiciously “how come you get to walk her?” I proudly and with a lot of internal giggles said “I am Peggy’s owner” !

"Fellow dog owners will know the excruciating sadness of losing your loyal, loving best friend. The pain mirrors the unique joy, connection, comfort and love they bring. And Peggy was my absolute rock and source of all those things. Their uncompromising, unconditional loving presence is such an incredible gift. Enjoy your dogs as much as you can. They are great teachers.

"I’m using this time to take some time away from work / posting to write and rest and see what the new chapter will be.

"Take very good gentle care of yourselves, please thank you please. Love oo.

"Peggy - you were always by my side and always on my side. I will miss you everyday. "

The comedian has previously claimed in her book that her ‘best friend’ Peggy has saved her life following a bad break-up. In an extract of the book published in the Daily Mail, she said: ‘I had a little being who adored me, indeed who I think might just love me – approval from anyone else wasn’t necessary.

‘I found myself realising that it’s better to be single than to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t give kind, loving and trusting approval.

‘And in that moment, something in me changed. I felt my heartbreak begin to recede. I drove home teary. I had a being who loved me. And, right then, it didn’t matter to me that it was just a dog.’

Miranda Hart’s books

Amazingly, she’s also found time to write three books:

Is It Just Me?

The Best of Miranda

Peggy and Me

Miranda’s mum


Her mum, Dee Hart Dyke, has reached for her own taste of stardom by presenting a new Channel 4 series called All Gardens Great and Small.

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