High Wycombe to Oxford Trains | Chiltern Railways

High Wycombe to Oxford Train

Trains to Oxford depart from High Wycombe twice an hour. The journey is from 36 minutes on a direct train. Fares are from £10.30 for a single ticket.

The fastest route information on this page may not be representative of the frequency of services available. Please refer to the live train times feature further down the page.

Why book with Chiltern Railways?

  • Right on time
  • No booking fee
  • On board wifi
  • We are consistently voted one of the most punctual train companies in the UK
  • We never charge booking, credit or debit card fee. So you'll always get the cheapest Chiltern fares.
  • Our spacious carriages offer plenty of tables, and power points at almost every seat.
  • All Chiltern services offer complimentary Wi-Fi on board. So you can keep up-to-date.

Live train times

See live arrival and departures from High Wycombe to Oxford Train train station. Here you’ll find platform numbers, live train times and route information for all services to and from High Wycombe to Oxford Train.

Useful information

  • How much is the train fare from Gerrards Cross to High Wycombe?
    • Fares start from £10.30 for an advance single.
  • How long does it take to get from Gerrards Cross to High Wycombe by train?
    • It takes from just 36 minutes on a direct train from High Wycombe to Oxford, though journey times may differ on weekends and holidays.
  • How frequent are trains from High Wycombe to Oxford?
    • Trains from High Wycombe to Oxford run 2 times an hour.
  • Where can I check the journey times for trains from High Wycombe to Oxford?
    • For live train times, please click here
  • Are season tickets available from High Wycombe to Oxford?
    • Yes, season tickets are available on trains from High Wycombe to Oxford. We have annual, monthly and weekly options available. Find out if a season ticket is right for you here. Chiltern offer the best available price on season tickets for this journey.

Buy online and get the best deals

Book your tickets in advance using our smart online booking system to take advantage of the cheapest fares and flexible tickets for your journey

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Get there with Chiltern Railways

High Wycombe

Take a train to High Wycombe to explore the rolling countryside of the Chiltern Hills or see local art and furniture exhibited at Wycombe Museum. The station has good links to tourist attractions like the National Trust's West Wycombe Park and some of the most picturesque villages in the Chilterns.

View High Wycombe station on map


Travel by train to the historic city of Oxford, located in one of England’s most special counties. Whether you’re visiting the world-famous university or taking a trip to the Cotswolds, Oxford and the surrounding area is full of rich culture and history. Oxford train station has great travel links connecting it to London and Bicester Village, so you’re sure to find lots to do.

View Oxford station on map