The Meaning Behind The Song: Sugar by System Of A Down - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sugar by System Of A Down

The Meaning Behind The Song: Sugar by System Of A Down

System Of A Down is a legendary band that has been known for its unique blend of rock, metal, and punk genres. They have been around for over two decades and have become a reputable name in the music industry. One of their most popular songs is “Sugar.”

The song was released in 1998 as part of their self-titled debut album. It quickly gained popularity for its catchy rhythm and relatable lyrics. However, the meaning behind the song is much deeper than most people realize.

The Lyrics and Tone of “Sugar”

The first thing that stands out about the song is its aggressive tone. The lead vocalist, Serj Tankian, shouts the verses, expressing his frustration and anger towards society. The chorus is catchy and melodic, which emphasizes the irony of the lyrics that compare sugar consumption to drug addiction.

The opening line, “The kombucha mushroom people sitting around all day,” is a metaphor for a lazy and unproductive society. The line “What do you own the world?” further emphasizes this idea. Both lines suggest that people are wasting their time on frivolous things and ignoring the bigger picture.

The chorus seems to be a departure from the verses, but it’s actually a continuation of the theme. The lyrics “The Kombucha mushroom people / Sitting around all day” are replaced by “The soul is not a pawnshop / The soul is not a convenience store” to emphasize the message.

Sugar Addiction and Consumerism

The song’s lyrics convey a strong message about society’s obsession with consumerism and how sugar addiction is a symptom of this larger problem. The line “We’re all individuals, yet we’re consumed by consumerism” is a clear attack on capitalism and how it has poisoned the minds of people.

Sugar addiction is a significant problem in society today. The average American consumes nearly 152 pounds of sugar each year, which is equal to three pounds every week. Sugar consumption is linked to various health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Political and Social Commentary

System Of A Down is known for its political commentary, and “Sugar” is no exception. The song’s lyrics take aim at the corruption and greed in politics and how it affects people’s lives.

The line “We’re going to a party tonight, and everyone’s invited” is a metaphor for how politicians are perceived as welcoming and inclusive when, in reality, they only serve their interests. The line “The infectious hospital waste is growing” refers to the spread of disease and poverty caused by the government’s inaction.

The Message Behind the Song

“Sugar” is a song that can be interpreted in various ways, but its central message is clear. Society is obsessed with consumerism and sugar addiction, and capitalism and politics perpetuate this problem. It’s up to each individual to break free from the cycle and create positive change.

The song’s message is still relevant today, as sugar addiction and consumerism continue to be major problems in society. However, “Sugar” is not a song that merely criticizes society; it encourages people to take action and create a better future.


In conclusion, “Sugar” is a powerful song that combines aggressive music with relatable lyrics to send a message about society’s flaws. The song’s themes of consumerism, sugar addiction, and political corruption are still relevant today. It’s up to each individual to break free from the cycle and create a positive change in society. In a world where individualism and self-interest are the norms, “Sugar” stands as a reminder of the power of collective action and the importance of speaking truth to power.

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