BEADED FRINGE - Tradução em português -
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Qual é a tradução de "beaded fringe" em Português?


"beaded fringe" em português

beaded fringe
fringe benefit
eastern fringe

English Exemplos contextuais de "beaded fringe" em Inglês

Essas frases provêm de fontes externas e podem ser imprecisas. não é responsável por esse conteúdo.

Ending this very glamorous and feminine section were the poncho blouse with
beaded fringes
with lehenga and the white gown with a long sleeved classic bolero.
beaded fringe
tinkles as the assistant shakes it for added effect.
The pattern is iridescent sequins and there's beading, and it has a
beaded fringe
The bateau works well with bell skirts or the classic sheath embroidered all over with
beaded fringes
and jewels.
The stunning dress is totally embellished with sequins and has a
beaded fringe
detail that runs down the back and front.
Kelis stamped the look with her unique signature by pairing it with a
beaded fringe
And last but not least we have those people whose restaurants bring to us amazing atmosphere, where good food is just a
fringe benefit
Another change is that employers' contributions to occupational pension and provident funds will be included in the gross income of employees as a
fringe benefit
C corporations that are traded publicly often offer stock options or shares of stock at a discounted price as a
fringe benefit
Good exercise in the fresh air is a
fringe benefit
Heck, didn't you realise guy, that was a
fringe benefit
If your employer offers a subsidized plan as a
fringe benefit
, it could be a good deal.
In both cases, employer contributions will be added to your taxable income as a
fringe benefit
Individuals who move to a new city or home because of work may have their moving expenses covered by their employer as a
fringe benefit
Maybe a mansion to live in and entertain in as a
fringe benefit
The difficult (and sometimes admin-intensive) part is separating personal from business usage so that personal use can be taxed as a
fringe benefit
Another got up early to commute from the
eastern fringe
of the city.
In contrast, penguins living on the
eastern fringe
of the bay just 8km from the fast ice edge were thriving, the scientists said.
In contrast, penguins living on the
eastern fringe
of the bay just eight kilometres from the fast ice edge were thriving, the scientists said.
The scientists said that in contrast to this, penguins present on the
eastern fringe
of the bay only at a distance of eight kilometers from the ice edge, were flourishing.
He discovered a vast network of wetlands on the city's
eastern fringe
The deal reserved two parcels on the
eastern fringe
for affordable units -- expected to come on stream in 10 to 15 years.
Another problem with the parking idea is that the current parking lot in the
eastern fringe
is expansive enough.

English Portuguese Exemplos contextuais de "beaded fringe" em Português

People with few qualifications remain on the fringe of social and economic progress.
As pessoas com poucas qualificações ficam à margem do progresso social e económico.
It is insufficient that this issue be relegated to the fringe of EU-China dialogue.
Não basta relegar este assunto para a margem do diálogo UE-China.
There is a fringe of fraudulent activities - the timeshare sharks.
Há uma franja de actividades fraudulentas - os tubarões do timeshare.
The issue of men’s violence against women is not a small issue on the fringe of society.
A questão da violência dos homens contra as mulheres não é um pequeno problema à margem da sociedade.
The issue of men’ s violence against women is not a small issue on the fringe of society.
A questão da violência dos homens contra as mulheres não é um pequeno problema à margem da sociedade.
However, the amendments from the right that have passed pushed this text beyond the fringe.
No entanto, as alterações da direita que foram aprovadas fizeram o presente texto passar das marcas.
To employees, it means more varied and exciting work and slightly more fringe benefits.
Estes últimos conseguem um trabalho mais gratificante e estimulante, bem como alguns benefícios adicionais.
Parliament is still of the same view with the exception of the lunatic fringe of the Dutch liberals.
À excepção dos liberais holandeses mais radicais, a opinião do Parlamento continua a ser a mesma.
So we never hear the case put for it, except in jocular references to people on the lunatic fringe.
Assim, nunca ouvimos menção do assunto, exceto em referências jocosas às pessoas da vertente lunática.
The fact that the ECHR’s workload will be reduced comes, then, as a welcome fringe benefit.
O facto de se reduzir a carga de trabalho da CEDH apresenta-se, nesse caso, como um bem-vindo benefício lateral.
We need to strengthen judicial cooperation so as to strike at radical, violent, organised fringe groups.
Temos de reforçar a cooperação judiciária a fim de atingir essas franjas radicais, violentas e organizadas.
At the moment, these things are fringe research.
De momento, estas coisas são investigação marginal.
Mr President, the issue of men’ s violence against women is not a small issue on the fringe of society.
Senhor Presidente, a questão da violência dos homens contra as mulheres não é um pequeno problema à margem da sociedade.
Everyone is entitled to a good school education, and that goes for foreign nationals and groups on the fringe of society too.
Todos têm o direito a uma boa formação escolar; os estrangeiros e os grupos marginalizados também.
Southern Italy and the Mediterranean have been left on the fringe of a genuine growth and stability strategy.
A Itália meridional e o Mediterrâneo ficaram à margem de uma estratégia concreta de crescimento e de estabilidade.
We agree with the spirit of the report that there are problems in many of the EU's fringe regions.
Estamos de acordo com o espírito do relatório, segundo o qual muitas das regiões periféricas da UE enfrentam problemas graves.
This is not a problem that just concerns the northern fringe of Europe, but just as much Portugal and Greece, for example.
O problema não afecta apenas a faixa Norte da Europa, mas igualmente Portugal e a Grécia, por exemplo.
And although the amounts are small, the Community can in no way remain on the fringe of these initiatives.
Embora o montante em causa seja modesto, a Comunidade não pode, de forma alguma, ficar à margem de iniciativas como esta.
The issue of men’s violence against women is not a small issue on the fringe of society, it affects us all.
A questão da violência dos homens contra as mulheres não é um pequeno problema à margem da sociedade, afecta-nos a todos.
The issue of men’ s violence against women is not a small issue on the fringe of society, it affects us all.
A questão da violência dos homens contra as mulheres não é um pequeno problema à margem da sociedade, afecta-nos a todos.
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