
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC) was created in July 1973 by joint action of the Charlotte City Council and the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The fundamental purpose of the Commission is to recommend the designation of properties (real and personal) for historic landmark designation and to secure the preservation of same through exercising design review and through buying and selling endangered historic landmarks.

The HLC has 12 members: six appointed by the BOCC, four appointed by Charlotte City Council, and two appointed by the Mayor of Charlotte. All are appointed for 3-year terms and may be re-appointed for an additional 3-year term.

The HLC protects properties in four fundamental ways:

  • It recommends the designation of individually significant properties as historic landmarks.

  • It buys and sells endangered historic landmarks through its revolving fund and places preservation covenants in the deeds when the properties are sold.

  • It administers design review over intended material alterations of historic landmarks.

  • It educates the general public about the significance of historic landmarks.

Download current and past meeting documents.