42 Facts about the movie The Promise - Facts.net
Louisette Halterman

Written by Louisette Halterman

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Tvinsider.com

Are you a fan of historical dramas? If so, then you must have heard about the captivating movie, The Promise. Directed by Terry George, this film takes us on a riveting journey through the tumultuous events of the Armenian Genocide during World War I. With its powerful storytelling, breathtaking cinematography, and stellar performances, The Promise has earned a special place in the hearts of moviegoers worldwide. But there’s so much more to this movie than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll delve deep into The Promise and uncover 42 fascinating facts that you might not have known. From behind-the-scenes trivia to historical references, get ready to be amazed by the hidden gems surrounding this remarkable film. So, grab your popcorn and get ready for an enlightening adventure through the making and impact of The Promise.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Promise” is a movie that sheds light on the Armenian Genocide, showcasing the power of resilience and the importance of preserving history through its captivating storytelling and emotional performances.
  • “The Promise” serves as a powerful reminder to never forget the dark chapters of history, inspiring and educating audiences worldwide about the enduring significance of the Armenian Genocide.
Table of Contents

The Promise stars Oscar Isaac and Christian Bale.

The film features an incredible cast, including Oscar Isaac as Mikael, a medical student, and Christian Bale as Chris Myers, a photojournalist.

The movie was directed by Terry George.

Terry George, known for his work on Hotel Rwanda, helmed The Promise, bringing his unique storytelling style to the project.

The Promise is set during the final years of the Ottoman Empire.

The film is set against the backdrop of the Ottoman Empire’s collapse and the Armenian Genocide during World War I.

The screenplay was written by Terry George and Robin Swicord.

Terry George and Robin Swicord collaborated on the screenplay, providing a compelling narrative for this historically significant story.

The Promise has a runtime of 134 minutes.

The film takes viewers on a gripping journey with its captivating storytelling and runs for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes.

It had a budget of $90 million.

The Promise was a major production with a significant budget, allowing for stunning cinematography and attention to detail.

The movie beautifully showcases historical locations.

The Promise was filmed in various locations, including Spain, Portugal, and Malta, to recreate the stunning landscapes of the Ottoman Empire.

The film sheds light on the Armenian Genocide.

Through its powerful storytelling, The Promise brings awareness to the tragic events of the Armenian Genocide, a topic often overlooked in mainstream cinema.

The Promise received mixed reviews from critics.

Upon its release, the film received a variety of reviews, with some praising its performances and emotional impact, while others criticized certain aspects of the storytelling.

The movie’s soundtrack was composed by Gabriel Yared.

Gabriel Yared created a memorable and emotionally charged soundtrack for The Promise, adding depth to the film’s powerful narrative.

The Promise explores a love triangle amidst the chaos of war.

The film follows the story of Mikael, Ana, and Chris as they navigate their complicated emotions while facing the atrocities of war.

The movie touches on themes of love, honor, and sacrifice.

The Promise delves into the profound themes of love, honor, and sacrifice, showcasing the indomitable power of the human spirit in times of turmoil.

It raises awareness about the importance of preserving history.

The Promise serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and understanding historical events to prevent their repetition in the future.

The film features breathtaking cinematography.

The Promise boasts visually stunning cinematography, capturing both the beauty and devastation of the era in which it is set.

The movie had global distribution.

Despite the controversial subject matter, The Promise was released internationally, allowing viewers from across the globe to witness this poignant story.

The Promise was released in 2016.

The film made its debut in 2016, marking an important moment in cinema as it brought the Armenian Genocide to the forefront of public awareness.

It was inspired by true events.

The Promise draws inspiration from the real-life experiences of individuals who lived through the Armenian Genocide, adding an additional layer of authenticity to the film.

The movie was highly anticipated by the Armenian community.

The Promise garnered significant attention and support from the Armenian community, who had long awaited a film that would shed light on their history.

The Promise was released amidst controversy.

Leading up to its release, the film faced controversy and political backlash due to its subject matter, further highlighting the importance and impact of its message.

The film explores the power of resilience and hope.

Amidst the backdrop of war and turmoil, The Promise showcases the incredible strength of the human spirit, reminding us of the power of resilience and hope.

The movie was a collaboration between various production companies.

The Promise was a joint production between Survival Pictures, FilmNation Entertainment, and The Yerevan Productions, bringing together talents from different corners of the film industry.

The Promise showcases the courage of everyday heroes.

The film pays tribute to the individuals who, in the face of adversity, showcased immense bravery and acted as beacons of hope during the Armenian Genocide.

The movie features a diverse cast.

With its international production and storytelling, The Promise boasts a cast that reflects the diversity of the people affected by the Armenian Genocide.

The Promise premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The film had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2016, generating buzz and sparking discussions about its significance and impact.

The movie garnered awards and nominations.

The Promise received recognition for its performances, cinematography, and storytelling, being nominated for and winning various awards across different festivals.

The Promise aims to educate and inform audiences.

Through its captivating narrative, The Promise strives to educate and inform viewers about the Armenian Genocide, fostering empathy and understanding.

The film emphasizes the importance of human rights.

The Promise serves as a reminder of the need to protect and uphold human rights, highlighting the devastating consequences when they are violated.

The movie features powerful and emotional performances.

Oscar Isaac, Christian Bale, and the entire cast deliver gripping and heartfelt performances that bring the characters and their stories to life.

The Promise sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of history.

The film’s depiction of the Armenian Genocide draws attention to an often overlooked and underrepresented chapter of history, sparking conversations and further research.

The movie addresses the lasting impact of war.

The Promise explores the long-lasting effects of war on individuals, families, and communities, shedding light on the healing process and the pursuit of justice.

The Promise offers a unique perspective on a historical event.

With its compelling storytelling, The Promise offers a unique perspective on the Armenian Genocide, inviting viewers to engage with this significant historical event.

The movie raises awareness about genocide prevention.

By bringing attention to the Armenian Genocide, The Promise highlights the importance of preventing future genocides and ending cycles of violence.

The Promise received praise for its attention to detail.

From costume design to set decoration, The Promise is praised for its meticulous attention to detail, enhancing the immersive experience for viewers.

The film showcases the complexities of human relationships.

The Promise delves into the intricate dynamics of love, loyalty, and friendship, portraying the complexities of human relationships in challenging circumstances.

The movie pays tribute to the resilience of the Armenian people.

The Promise honors the resilience and strength of the Armenian people, who have endured throughout history and continue to celebrate their culture and heritage.

The Promise sparked conversations about historical representation.

With its release, The Promise sparked discussions about the need for accurate and inclusive historical representation in mainstream cinema.

The movie serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling.

The Promise exemplifies the transformative power of storytelling, as it educates, raises awareness, and fosters empathy through its compelling narrative.

The Promise is an important film in Armenian history.

The Promise holds significant cultural and historical importance in the Armenian community, symbolizing the resilience and collective memory of the Armenian people.

The movie highlights the importance of bearing witness to history.

The Promise emphasizes the role of bearing witness to historical events, reminding viewers of the importance of acknowledging and learning from past atrocities.

The Promise is a testament to the human spirit.

Above all, The Promise is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, as it explores love, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The movie continues to inspire and educate audiences worldwide.

The Promise’s impact extends beyond its initial release, as it continues to inspire and educate audiences around the globe about the Armenian Genocide and its enduring significance.

The Promise serves as a reminder to never forget.

Like the title suggests, The Promise serves as a powerful reminder to never forget the dark chapters of history, ensuring that future generations are aware of their importance.

With its powerful storytelling and compelling performances, The Promise remains a significant film that shines a light on an often overlooked historical event. Through its ability to educate, inspire, and foster empathy, it continues to leave a lasting impact on audiences around the world.


As we reach the end of our journey through 42 fascinating facts about the movie “The Promise,” it becomes clear why this film has captivated audiences around the world. From its powerful storytelling to its stunning visuals and compelling performances, “The Promise” truly showcases the beauty and resilience of the human spirit. Whether you are a fan of historical dramas or simply appreciate a well-crafted film, “The Promise” is a must-watch.


Q: What is the plot of “The Promise?”

A: “The Promise” is set during the final days of the Ottoman Empire and follows the story of a love triangle between a medical student, a journalist, and a young woman amidst the chaos of World War I.

Q: Who are the main actors in “The Promise?”

A: “The Promise” stars Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, and Christian Bale in the lead roles, delivering powerful performances that bring the complex characters to life.

Q: Is “The Promise” based on a true story?

A: While “The Promise” is a fictional story, it serves as a backdrop to the historical events surrounding the Armenian Genocide, offering a poignant and heartfelt portrayal of the tragedy.

Q: Who directed “The Promise?”

A: The movie was directed by Terry George, known for his work on films such as “Hotel Rwanda” and “In the Name of the Father.

Q: Where was “The Promise” filmed?

A: The film was primarily shot in Spain and Portugal, with the picturesque locations serving as a perfect backdrop for the gripping narrative.

Q: Did “The Promise” receive any awards or nominations?

A: While “The Promise” did not receive widespread recognition at award ceremonies, it was praised by critics and viewers alike for its impactful storytelling and emotional resonance.

Q: Can I watch “The Promise” online?

A: “The Promise” is available to stream on various digital platforms such as Amazon Prime Video and Netflix, allowing you to enjoy the film from the comfort of your own home.

Q: Is “The Promise” suitable for all audiences?

A: The film contains intense scenes of war and violence, as well as themes of love and sacrifice. Viewer discretion is advised, and parental guidance is recommended for younger audiences.

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