The Conservative Woman
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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THIS is our daily open forum where readers can discuss current topics, bring up ideas or simply chat.  We suggest you keep your comments to no...

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Notes from the Sticks: When news was fun

NEWSPAPERS used to be a lot more fun than they are now. Do you remember Joyce McKinney, the former Miss Wyoming accused in 1978 of...

Climate Watch


No lie is too shameful for Sleepy Joe

The writer is in the US IT’S graduation season here. Beginning in early May every year and lasting until just after Memorial Day at the...

BBC Watch

Our Writers

Kathy Gyngell
Kathy is Editor of The Conservative Woman. She is @kathygyngelltcw on GETTR and is back on Twitter.
Sally Beck
Sally Beck is a freelance journalist with 30 years of experience in writing for national newspapers and magazines. She has reported on vaccines since the controversy began with the MMR in 1998.
Neville Hodgkinson
Neville Hodgkinson is the former Sunday Times medical and science correspondent who created an international storm by reporting a scientific challenge to the ‘HIV’ theory of Aids. His new book, How HIV/Aids Set the Stage for the Covid Crisis, is an expanded and updated version of his previous book on the controversy. It is available here.
Simon Dolan
Simon Dolan is a British Entrepreneur.
Paula Jardine
Paula Jardine is a writer/researcher who has just completed the graduate diploma in law at ULaw. She has a history degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Jonathon Riley
Lt Gen Riley is a former commander of British Forces in Sierra Leone and Iraq and Deputy Commander of all Nato forces in Afghanistan.
Paul Collits
Paul Collits is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Quadrant Online
Andrew Cadman
IT Consultant who works and lives in the UK. He is @Andrewccadman on Parler.
Karen Harradine
Karen is an anthropologist and freelance journalist. She writes on anti-Semitism, Israel and spirituality. She is @KarenH777on Twitter.
Bernard Carpenter
Bernard Carpenter is a semi-retired history teacher.
Liz Hodgkinson
Liz Hodgkinson is an author and journalist.

Democracy in Decay

Shocking misreporting of a peaceful, family-friendly event

FOR weekends on end, since Hamas invaded Israel on October 7 last year, massacring 1,200 people and taking 250 hostages to Gaza, London streets...

Covid 19

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