Basic Life Principles - Institute in Basic Life Principles

Basic Life Principles

Timeless truths for our lives and relationships

Five Life Roles

Understanding basic roles we fulfill in our relationships throughout life


Thought-provoking articles on practical topics

Character Qualities

Being conformed to the likeness of Christ

Matters of Life & Death

Reverencing and Reflecting the Words and Ways of God

Life Questions

Biblical answers to life’s biggest questions

Commands of Christ

Pursuing the heart of the Great Commission


Weekly discussions on the Commands of Christ


Engaging presentations on important life lessons

Family Events

Fun & fellowship around the Word of God

Discipleship Opportunities

Cultivate personal & spiritual growth

Character Curriculum

Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum for children

Embassy Media

On-demand media library

Study Materials

Resources for individual or small group study

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About IBLP

Christ-centered discipleship for individuals and families

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Basic Life Principles

Timeless truths from God’s Word for our lives and relationships

Throughout the pages of Scripture, principles are contained that provide guidance for our personal lives and relationships. These principles touch on every relational sphere of life, whether it be marriage, family, business, church, or government. All relationships encounter conflict at some point, and if this conflict is not resolved, psychological, spiritual, and even physical damage can result. But when we discover that our conflicts are connected to violations of God’s principles, and we learn to adhere to these principles through the power of the Holy Spirit, a resolution can be experienced that produces peace in our daily interactions. When we learn to see and respond to life’s challenges from God’s viewpoint, and choose His grace over our natural inclination, everything changes!


How and why God made me

Discovering God’s intricate handiwork in my physical aspects and the circumstances into which I was born, and learning to lay aside culture’s facade of the “ideal” and accept God’s ultimate purpose for my life

Going Deeper: Exploring Design

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Design

More About Design


Our response to God-ordained leadership

Understanding how to honor the role God has given parents, church leaders, government and other authorities, and learning how to respond when those above me violate God’s will

Going Deeper: Exploring Authority

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Authority

More About Authority


Cleansing the conscience

Realizing that I will, one day, answer to God for my every thought, word, and action, and doing what is necessary to make amends with those whom I have offended

Going Deeper: Exploring The Conscience

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Responsibility

More About Responsibility


Responding to the hurts inflicted upon me

Seeing how reaction to offenses produces fuel, not resolution, for ongoing detriment, and discovering how to transform bitterness into genuine forgiveness

Going Deeper: Bitterness & Forgiveness

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Suffering

More About Suffering


Properly handling material possessions

Acknowledging that everything I am and have comes from the Lord, and learning how to overcome the anger that commonly results when others tamper with my temporal possessions

Going Deeper: Exploring Ownership

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Ownership

More About Ownership


Escaping the bondage of moral impurity

Discovering how “major” entanglements in sin begin with little compromises, choices, and thought patterns, and learning how to transfer the ground of my soul from Satan’s deadly dictates to Christ’s life-giving reign

Going Deeper: Exploring Freedom

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Freedom

More About Freedom


How to fulfill our God-given purpose

Understanding that Biblical “success” is defined by God’s ultimate plan, not my temporal attainments, and learning that reaching it requires God’s Word conquering me from the inside out

Going Deeper: Exploring Meditation

Lives Impacted by the Biblical Principle of Success

More About Success
