The Meaning Behind The Song: Wash by Bon Iver - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Wash by Bon Iver

Title: Decoding Bon Iver’s “Wash”: A Poignant Ode to Inner Turmoil


“Wash” by Bon Iver, released in 2011, is a song that cuts deep into the soul of its listeners. With its mystical yet hauntingly familiar melody, it speaks of the pain of a broken heart, of finding solace in the physical world, and of the longing to heal from one’s inner turmoil. In this article, we explore the meaning behind the lyrics of “Wash” and how it resonates with many of us who have experienced emotional upheavals.

The Lyrics

Before we dive deep into the song’s meaning, let’s first take a look at the lyrics of “Wash:”

“Some days we’d go and burn Coney Island to the ground
To shove the ferris wheel in the sea
The boardwalk trash talk it
Us in the moped gangs
On the west banks of Ontario
She tucked her thumbs in and
Broke the skinny arms around me”

At first glance, the lyrics may seem cryptic and random, but they hold a profound significance. The protagonist seems to be reminiscing about days gone by, where he and his partner, perhaps in an attempt to dull their pain, would go on wild adventures. The mention of burning down Coney Island and shoving the Ferris wheel into the sea implies a cleansing of sorts, a metaphor for purging themselves of their inner demons.

The Physical and the Emotional

However, the central theme of the song revolves around the protagonist’s struggle to come to terms with his emotional turmoil. He finds temporary solace in the physical world, which is evident from the lines “On the west banks of Ontario. She tucked her thumbs in and broke the skinny arms around me.” Here, he is clinging onto his partner, seeking comfort in her embrace.

But, as the song progresses, it becomes clear that the protagonist’s pain is too much for him to bear alone. He starts questioning the reality of his emotions and wonders if it’s worth fighting for or if he should surrender to the pain. It’s a highly relatable sentiment since many of us have experienced moments of self-doubt and emotional turmoil.

The Healing Process

However, the song does not end on a gloomy note. Instead, it offers a glimmer of hope. The protagonist acknowledges that the healing process is not going to be easy, portrayed in the lines “Still I am careful not to forget
How it was with you when I
Finally felt like I was clean and could genuinely
Believe I was healing.”

This indicates that, even though the protagonist is in agony, he realizes that he has at least experienced a brief moment of respite. It suggests that the process of healing is not a sprint, but rather a marathon that requires ample patience and self-care.

The Significance of The Title

The title “Wash” is significant in that it denotes a renewal of some sort. It implies that the protagonist was possibly soiled with unhappiness, despair, and shattered dreams, and is now trying to scrub them off. Yet, it goes beyond just external cleansing, hinting at an inner cleanse as well. This is supported by the line “Could genuinely believe I was healing,” which shows that the protagonist is beginning to feel like they’re rediscovering a sense of self-worth.


In essence, “Wash” by Bon Iver is a poignant ode to emotional upheavals, the search for inner peace, and the process of healing from emotional agony. Through its mystical yet intimate melody and cryptic yet profound lyrics, it strikes a chord with many of us who have experienced heartbreak, self-doubt, and aches. Ultimately, “Wash” reminds us that healing is a process that takes time, patience, and self-care, and that even amidst the darkest of days, there is always a glimmer of hope.

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