香港電台網站 : 電視|演藝盛薈|約翰紐邁亞的芭蕾舞劇 --《仲夏夜之夢》





    1977 年,國際著名編舞家約翰‧紐邁亞,根據莎士比亞劇作改編,為漢堡芭蕾舞團創作了芭蕾舞劇《仲夏夜之夢》。作品廣受大眾歡迎,經常獲邀在歐洲、亞洲、北美和南美等地進行客座演出。按照漢堡芭蕾舞團的紀錄,此劇目已公演超過300 次。 今集,漢堡芭蕾舞團將上演由紐邁亞編排的舞作 ─《仲夏夜之夢》。

    播放頻道: 港台電視31
    播出時間: (首播) 2024年4月6日 星期六  中午1時

    In 1977 John Neumeier created one of his most popular ballets for the Hamburg Ballet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream based on William Shakespeare. This production has been invited regularly for guest performances in Europe, Asia, North and South America. The Hamburg Ballet’s archives document more than 300 performances.    

    Channel: RTHK 31
    Time: (First Run) 2024.4.6 SAT 1:00pm


    • 費加羅的婚禮



      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2024年5月4日 星期六  下午12時35分


      “Le Nozze di Figaro” (The Marriage of Figaro) is a famous opera created by W. A. Mozart in 1786. The story depicts how the servants Figaro and his fiancée Susanna, foiling the efforts of their philandering master Count Almaviva to seduce Susanna and helping the young Countess to win back her husband’s love. The China NCPA Chorus, together with the China NCPA Orchestra led by the conductor Lu Jia, will bring the audience a wonderful performance.  

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2024.5.4 SAT 12:35pm

    • 莉亞莎朗嘉音樂會


      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2024年4月27日 星期六  中午1時

      Captured in peak performance from the Sydney Opera House with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Lea Salonga performs the beloved songs she made famous throughout her Broadway career as well as her signature songs from the animated movie blockbusters,“Aladdin” and “Mulan.”
      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2024.4.27 SAT 1:00pm

    • 約翰紐邁亞的芭蕾舞劇 --《仲夏夜之夢》

      1977 年,國際著名編舞家約翰‧紐邁亞,根據莎士比亞劇作改編,為漢堡芭蕾舞團創作了芭蕾舞劇《仲夏夜之夢》。作品廣受大眾歡迎,經常獲邀在歐洲、亞洲、北美和南美等地進行客座演出。按照漢堡芭蕾舞團的紀錄,此劇目已公演超過300 次。 今集,漢堡芭蕾舞團將上演由紐邁亞編排的舞作 ─《仲夏夜之夢》。

      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2024年4月6日 星期六  中午1時

      In 1977 John Neumeier created one of his most popular ballets for the Hamburg Ballet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream based on William Shakespeare. This production has been invited regularly for guest performances in Europe, Asia, North and South America. The Hamburg Ballet’s archives document more than 300 performances.    

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2024.4.6 SAT 1:00pm

    • 久石讓音樂會


      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2024年3月30日 星期六  中午1時

      Joe Hisaishi wrote the music for his country’s most successful films, the around the globe popular Japanes Anime movies. In this concert, he presents and conducts some of his best-known compositions the scores of Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Joe Hisaishi is without doubt the most popular Japanese composer in the world. His collaboration with director Hayao Miyazaki has been compared to that of director Steven Spielberg and composer John Williams.
      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2024.3.30 SAT 1:00pm

    • 墨爾本交響樂團《中國新年音樂會》


      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2024年2月10日 星期六  中午1時

      Visionary composer and conductor Tan Dun returns to Melbourne to celebrate the Year of the Pig in a thrilling and personal program. His Bass Concerto is inspired by the Chinese novel Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong and reflects Tan Dun’s fascination with the sounds and customs of the ancient cultures along the Silk Road. Joining the maestro and the MSO is Hanggai, a troupe of traditional-meets-rock musicians from the steppes of Inner Mongolia via Beijing. Their performance with the MSO is unlike anything else you have seen all year.

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2024.2.10 SAT 1:00pm

    • 利謝茲基 ─ 蕭邦演奏會

      波蘭裔鋼琴家利謝茲基,出生於加拿大。今次他將會與挪威室樂團,在這個被譽為奧斯陸其中一個最美麗的場地:「奧斯陸大學禮堂」內,演奏蕭邦的鋼琴協奏曲和蕭斯達高維契的室樂交響曲。利謝茲基被視為是世界上最有前途的年輕鋼琴家之一。於 2013 年,他獲得著名音樂雜誌《留聲機》的「青年藝術家獎」,是有史 以來最年輕的獲獎者。

      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2023年12月30日 星期六  中午1時

      Polish-Canadian star pianist Jan Lisiecki together with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra play the two enchanting Piano concertos by Frédéric Chopin and Shostakovich’s Chamber Symphony, in one of Oslo’s most beautiful venues: the University of Oslo’s ceremonial hall. Polish-Canadian Jan Lisiecki is considered one of the most promising young pianists in the world. As the youngest musician ever he received Gramophone's Young Artist Award in 2013. 

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2023.12.30 SAT 1:00pm

    • 亞洲青年管弦樂團延續承諾音樂會



      Glinka: Ruslan & Lyudmila Overture

      Stravinsky: Firebird Suite (1919)

      Mahler: Symphony No.4 in G major

      Mahler: Lovest thou but beauty

      指揮Conductor 巴斯蒂安(Joseph Bastian)
      女高音Soprano 莉迪亞·托伊舍(Lydia Teuscher)

      亞洲青年管弦樂團(Asian Youth Orchestra)

    • 約翰.威廉斯 ─ 柏林音樂會


      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2023年11月11日 星期六  中午1時

      The history of film music would be different without him: John Williams. Cinema classics like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Harry Potter are inextricably linked with his soundtracks. John Williams makes his debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker at these concerts. The programme includes several of his most famous scores – and of film music in general. Film music from Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, E.T., Jurassic Park, Far and Away and Star Wars.

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2023.11.11 SAT 1:00pm

    • 薩爾斯堡音樂節2019

      2019年,荷蘭指揮大師凱亭於薩爾斯堡音樂節,與維也納愛樂樂團在節日大劇院舉行告別演奏會,結束他 65 年的指揮生涯。凱亭被譽為其中一位最能演繹布魯克納作品的指揮家。在音樂會舉行前夕,他被委任為維也納愛樂樂團的榮譽會員;而在音樂會中,他夥拍了星級鋼琴家艾斯,一起演奏貝多芬的第四號鋼琴協奏曲,並以布魯克納的不朽名作 - 第七交響曲及第二樂章作結。這兩首作品被形容是布魯克納的突破之作,至今仍廣受歡迎。告別演奏會的氣氛高漲,凱亭的表演更贏得了觀眾熱烈的掌聲。


      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2023年10月14日 星期六  中午1時

      To end his active conducting career after 65 years, maestro Bernard Haitink together with the Wiener Philharmoniker gives a farewell concert at the Großes Festspielhaus at Salzburg Festival, leaving no doubt of being one of the best Bruckner interpreters ever. The Dutch conductor, who was appointed honorary member of the Wiener Philharmoniker shortly before the concert, is joined by star pianist Emanuel Ax in Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4. The concert ends with Bruckner’s monumental Symphony No. 7 with its famous second movement, which marked the composer’s breakthrough and remains one of his most popular symphonies. The atmosphere of this last performance is without doubt exceptional and a visibly emotional Haitink was celebrated by the audience with long standing ovations.

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2023.10.14 SAT 1:00pm

    • 郎朗- 喜愛的旋律

      動人旋律需要具備甚麼特點? 國際知名鋼琴家郎朗,將與我們分享他最喜愛的音樂旋律,帶領我們展開一段個人的音樂之旅:由貝多芬的《給愛麗絲》、德布西《月光》、舒曼《夢幻曲》,到巴赫的作品,以至動人的電影樂曲。節目中,郎朗會在巴黎的不同地方,演奏多首迪士尼作品,包括:《小泰山》的 《The Bare Necessities》、《美女與野獸》主題曲,以及由提爾森創作、《天使愛美麗》的電影插曲。 透過這些音樂,引發觀眾的想像,喚起大家美麗的童年回憶。      

      播放頻道: 港台電視31
      播出時間: (首播) 2023年9月30日 星期六  中午1時

      What are the main features of a touching melody? World famous pianist Lang Lang takes us to a personal journey through his favourite melodies, from Beethoven “Für Elise”, Debussy “Clair de Lune”, Schumann “Träumerei” and J.S. Bach to the most beautiful movies’ soundtracks. Filmed in unique locations in Paris, the Chinese pianist’s performances of Disney pieces such as “The Bare Necessities” from The Jungle Book, the Beauty and the Beast’s “Theme” and Yann Tiersen “Amélie”, are able to captivate the listener’s fantasy and awake some of the best childhood memories.

      Channel: RTHK 31
      Time: (First Run) 2023.9.30 SAT 1:00pm
