Vive Nous! (Movie, 2000) -
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Vive Nous! (2000)

Comedy | 96 minutes
2,00 1 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: France

Directed by: Camille de Casabianca

Stars: Dieudonné, Michèle Bernier and Daniel Prévost

IMDb score: 5,6 (63)

Releasedate: 26 January 2000


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Vive Nous! plot

When Valérie's husband Yves confesses that he is in love with another woman, she joins a judo club and takes lessons. She is attracted to Bruno, the silent teacher, who also loves her but sees social class as an obstacle and Yves is not completely out of her world yet. Valérie's two best friends each have their own story: Annette is constantly looking for a man, but has little luck. Clara is more concerned with wealth and power and revolves around a finance minister, an older man who is fond of her. Meanwhile, Yves' mistress still hasn't left her husband. Will Bruno ever take the plunge into a relationship?

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