Tiny Hoekstra

Tiny Hoekstra played for sc Heerenveen for many years. The Frisian forward has been under contract with Ajax since 2021.

Squad number

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Tiny Hoekstra

Players Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

Goal attempts conversion

1300% Goal attempts conversion

Defensive head-to-heads won

50% Defensive head-to-heads won

Offensive head-to-heads won

33% Offensive head-to-heads won

Arrived passings

68% Arrived passings

Player Statistics ?? "".ToLower()

About Tiny

Position Midfielder
Born 9/15/1996
Length cm
Nationality Netherlands
Played games 32
In starting lineup 32
Brought on 0
Taken off 2
Under contract since

News items

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  • #adidas


Kelly Angels Verhoeve

Kelly's Angels | Verhoeve's museum

In the ninth episode of Kelly's Angels, former Ajax player Kelly Zeeman will visit Soraya Verhoeve. Together, they visit Verhoeve's museum, where they relive her memories using photos and shirts. "This feels nostalgic".


  • #AjaxWomen


Tiny's Teammates