Vasilisa the Beautiful by A. N. Afanasyev | Summary & Analysis |
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Vasilisa the Beautiful by A. N. Afanasyev | Summary & Analysis

Amanda Knapp, Kerry Gray
  • Author
    Amanda Knapp

    Amanda Knapp has taught and tutored English at the college level for over ten years. She taught English to Chinese children for over two years. She has a Master of Arts degree in English from Northern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in advertising from Marquette University where she also minored in marketing and psychology. She has numerous articles and essays published.

  • Instructor
    Kerry Gray

    Kerry has been a teacher and an administrator for more than twenty years. She has a Master of Education degree.

Explore ''Vasilisa the Beautiful.'' Meet the characters in this Russian fairy tale, explore the summary and analysis, and learn about Vasilisa's doll and Baba Yaga. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the moral of "Vasilisa the Beautiful"?

Multiple moral lessons exist within this story. One is of the value of hard work. The title character works hard throughout the tale and eventually marries the tsar because of her hard work. Another theme is that of beauty and that outward beauty comes from within.

What work does Vasilisa do all by herself?

At Baba-Yaga's house, Vasilisa cooks the meal as the doll does the rest of the work. Later she spins yarn, weaves, and sews clothing for the tsar. At the beginning of the story, she does difficult outdoor work at the command of her step-mother.

Vasilisa the Beautiful is a Russian fairy tale, although it was also told in Poland, Yugoslavia, and Romania. It was first passed down orally but was eventually put into writing by Alexander Nikolayevich Afanasyev in the mid-nineteenth century in his book, Russian Fairy Tales.

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The Vasilisa story contains numerous memorable characters. Included in these are the following:

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There are multiple versions of Vasilisa with slightly different details. In general, however, the plot is as follows.

Vasilisa’s mother dies, but before she does so, she gives her daughter a doll and tells her to feed it and it will help her. Vasilisa’s father goes on to marry a new woman who he believes will make a good stepmother for his daughter. She has two daughters of her own.

The stepmother is jealous of Vasilisa’s beauty, so she makes her do awful outdoor work. She believes it will make her thin and ruin her complexion. Vasilisa continues to grow in beauty.

One night all the light goes out in the home. In some versions the stepmother extinguishes the lights, but in others it is less clear why they go out. Someone needs to go to Baba-Yaga, an old witch who eats people, to get more light. Everyone refuses, and Vasilisa is forced to go.

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As with all fairy tales, Vasilisa the Beautiful has a message. It is also ripe with symbolism.

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Vasilisa the Beautiful is an old Russian folk tale first written down in the mid-sixteenth century. It tells the tale of a beautiful girl named Vasilisa. When her mother dies, she gives her a magic doll. Her father remarries, and she gains an evil stepmother and two stepsisters. Despite the stepmother’s attempts to diminish Vasilisa’s beauty, she continues to grow more beautiful. One day she must go to an old witch, Baba-Yaga, to get light for the family. Baba-Yaga drives around in a a mortar and pestle. With the help of her doll and sometimes some birds, Vasilisa completes the impossible tasks given to her, and the old witch gives her a skull on a stick. Overnight, this skull turns the stepmother and stepsisters into piles of ashes. Sometimes the story ends with Vasilisa marrying the tsar, and others end with her marrying his son.

Multiple themes persist in this story. One is that of light and dark. Light represents goodness and beauty. Without these, all is in the dark. Hard work is another important theme. In fact, it is hard work that leads Vasilisa to marry the tsar at the end of the story. A final theme is that of beauty. Beauty is shown to come from within.

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Do you have something that someone special once gave you that seems to offer you strength and protection when you need it the most? In 'Vasilisa the Beautiful', the young girl, Vasilisa, was given a special doll on her mother's deathbed. Let's find out more about this story.

Vasilisa's Mother

As Vasilisa's mother lies in bed, she hands Vasilisa a doll and says, ''Do as I tell you, my child. Take good care of this little doll and never show it to anyone. If ever anything bad happens to you, give the doll something to eat and ask its advice. It will help you out in all your troubles.''

After a period of grief, Vasilisa's father remarries an evil woman who is more concerned with her own two daughters than with Vasilisa. Vasilisa's stepmother and stepsisters verbally abuse her and force her to work. Vasilisa remains obedient, completes her work, and becomes more beautiful.

Vasilisa feeds her doll milk every day and tells it her problems. The doll comforts Vasilisa and takes care of her. When her father goes away on a trip, Vasilisa is left alone with the others. Her stepmother gives each of them a job to do, puts out all the lights except for one, and goes to bed. When the light goes out, the stepsisters decide that Vasilisa must go to the nearby home of Baba Yaga, an evil witch who eats people, to ask for a light.

Baba Yaga

Vasilisa is frightened, but her doll reassures her. A white horseman, a red horseman, and a black horseman gallop by as she approaches Baba Yaga's hut surrounded by a fence of bones. As Vasilisa is frozen with fear, Baba Yaga flies up behind her in her mortar and pestle. Baba Yaga invites Vasilisa in, but explains she must work to earn the light.

On the way in, Vasilisa passes a tree, dog, and cat that Baba Yaga commands not to hurt her, but warns that if she tries to run away, they will. Baba Yaga feeds Vasilisa a piece of bread and then orders her to work under threat of being eaten. Vasilisa secretly shares her bread with her doll. The doll calls birds from all around to help. When Baba Yaga wakes, the work is complete. Baba Yaga gives Vasilisa another task. Once again Vasilisa feeds her doll a piece of bread. The doll calls the mice to help so by the time Baba Yaga returns, the work is complete.

Baba Yaga becomes angry and decides to roast Vasilisa and eat her. Vasilisa cries and feeds the doll once again. Vasilisa gives the maid a silken kerchief in exchange for taking her time lighting the fire and tickle's Baba Yaga's heels so that she will sleep more soundly and Vasilisa will run away. Vasilisa gives the cat a pie, the dog some bread, and a ribbon to the tree so that they allow her to pass.

Vasilisa's Escape

Vasilisa takes a skull with glowing eyes from the fence, puts it on a stick and takes it home. When Baba Yaga wakes and finds her gone, she is so angry with the cat, dog, and tree for letting Vasilisa go that Baba Yaga forgets about Vasilisa.

When Vasilisa brings the skull into her house, its eyes burn the stepmother and stepsisters to ashes. When Vasilisa buries the skull, a rosebush grows. Vasilisa goes to live with an elderly woman where she spins flax into a fine thread. The old woman sells it to the Tsarevich, the tsar's son. He asks for a shirt made of it, so Vasilisa makes him a shirt. He loves the shirt so much that he asks Vasilisa to marry him.

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