Jos Moons

Jos Moons
Sint-Michielsstraat 4 - box 3101
3000 Leuven

+32 16 32 23 87

Jos Moons (Gouda, 1980) studied theology in Utrecht and Paris (Centre Sèvres), worked as a parish priest in the Diocese of Rotterdam, after which he joined the Jesuits (Birmingham / Spain). His doctorate on Lumen gentium and pneumatological renewal received the highest distinction (cum laude)

He published books on the art of spiritual accompaniment (Paulist Press, 2021), the pneumatological renewal of the Council (Brill, 2022), and synodality (Halewijn / KokBoekencentrum, 2022); articles on pneumatology, Vatican II, synodality, Ignatian spirituality, etc.; and a great number of popularizing contributions.

Currently, he is a Post-Doc Researcher for the ‘Mapping Synodality’ project (50%); a Guest Professor for inclusive ecclesiology, homiletics, and spirituality (30%); and a chaplain at the University Parish KU Leuven (20%).

query=user:U0116504 year:[1950 TO 2024] &institution=lirias&from=1&step=20&sort=scdate
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  • thesis-dissertation
    D Britto, William; 2024. Towards Greater Balance between Autonomy and Authority: The Visitation of the Diocesan Bishop to Religious of Pontifical Right in the CIC1983..
    This thesis examines the complex relationship between the autonomy of religious institutions and the authority of the diocesan bishop, especially in the context of episcopal visitations. The first chapter provides a careful analysis of the relevant canons of the CIC1983, namely c. 586 on the autonomy of religious institutions, and cc. 396, 397 and 683 on episcopal authority in the context of religious visitation. This analysis shows that there is a tendency to prioritize authority. This can lead to an imbalance between autonomy and authority, and even a violation of the autonomy of religious institutions. Because it helps to understand how relationships have been able to develop throughout history, the second chapter examines the historical context of autonomy and authority in the early Church and in the important councils. In the interaction between local bishops and monasteries, a tendency appears to give local bishops authority over monks and monasteries, at the expense of their autonomy. Over time, the recognition of religious autonomy grew, eventually leading to the explicit recognition of the concept of autonomy in the CIC1983. To balance the tension between authority and autonomy in a more fruitful way, the third chapter places the earlier findings in an ecclesiological context. Instead of the institutional ecclesiological model that currently dominates canon law, we propose the ecclesiology of synodality as a promising framework that can effectively reconcile autonomy and authority. Synodal principles contribute to a transformative approach to church governance that emphasizes listening, discernment, service, and the active participation of all members. Finally, the thesis translates synodal ecclesiological principles into concrete canon law and makes suggestions for the revision of certain canons to better reflect synodal principles and facilitate a harmonious relationship between autonomy and authority, especially in the episcopal visitation of religious. In short, the thesis argues for the integration of synodal principles into the CIC1983 and for visitation processes that promote cooperation, inclusiveness and mutual respect between religious institutions and ecclesiastical authorities.

  • journal-article
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2024. Broadening the Baptismal Foundation of a Synodal Church. A Plea for A Baptismal Ethos. Studia Canonica; 2024; Vol. 58; pp. NN - NN
    Baptism is a promising starting point for developing a synodal vision of the Church. With its emancipatory potential—the baptized fundamentally share the same dignity and mission—baptism can help replace pyramidal realities and imaginations with charismatic and complementary ones. Unfortunately, however, official documents for the Synod 2021-2024 (and theologians also) usually narrow baptism down to a static, ecclesial fact or “state” that challenges hierarchical power concentration, without much interest in the spiritual-mystical and ethos dimensions of baptism. In this essay, I will first explore the growing importance of baptism in these documents, then develop the meaning of baptism drawing on the Second Vatican Council and on the lex orandi of the rite of baptism, to conclude with a plea for a synodal ethos rooted in baptism.
    Publisher: Saint Paul University, Faculty of Canon Law
  • journal-article
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2024. De eenheid van de kerk. Drie ecclesiologische perspectieven en hun praktische implicaties. Collationes Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal; 2024; Vol. 54; iss. 2; pp. 201 - 207
    What does ecclesial unity mean when the Church is also marked by a diversity of cultures, characters, experiences, convictions, etc? This article argues that the answer to that question depends on how one imagines the Church. An institutional view of the Church will stress uniformity and, therefore, obedience. Yet the Church is also the people of God, gifted with various charisms for serving one another and the world. This leads to another view of unity, which stresses the complementarity of our different gifts. Thirdly, the image of the Church as a sacrament of God’s light and love opens up the Church to God, from whom the Church receives, and to world, which it is meant to serve. Here unity consists in relating to God and in befriending and serving our fellow human beings. These (and other) ecclesial perspectives on unity mutually complement one another; as Avery Dulles has argued so well, no single model of the Church suffices. That holds also true for ecclesial unity.

  • Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2024. Recensie ‘First Belong to God’: Paus Fransiscus helpt om met God bevriend te raken (Column Ignis). Publisher: Ignis webmagazine

    Published online
  • media
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2024. Katholiek met of tegenover de samenleving?. Nederlands Dagblad; 2024; pp. 15 - 15

  • editedbook
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2024. Witnesses of Synodality. Good Practices and Experiences. Publisher: Paulist Press

  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Een katholiek perspectief op preken. Publisher:

    Published online
  • Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. De INC-viering: liturgievernieuwing in de 21e eeuw. De parochie als spiritueel labo; 2023; pp. 60 - 71 Publisher: Halewijn

  • editedbook
    2023. Teaching and Tradition. On Their Dynamic Interaction. Publisher: Brill

  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Een kerk in gesprek: de bisschoppensynode in drie foto’s. Publisher: Ignis webmagazine

    Published online
  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Das wird man ja wohl noch sagen dürfen… Theologie & Weltsynode. Publisher: Feinschwarz. Theologisches Feuilleton

    Published online
  • chapter
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Synodaliteit: de kerkelijke bekering tot kwetsbaarheid. Dubbelzinnige kwetsbaarheid: spanningsveld tussen bedreiging en verrijking; 2023; pp. 99 - 103 Publisher: Halewijn

  • presentation
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. ¿Cómo hacerlo? Herramientas para acompañar a personas que sufren mentalmente..

  • media
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Pleidooi om voldoende te luisteren naar alle slachtoffers. De Morgen; 2023; pp. 13 - 13 Publisher: De Persgroep Publishing

  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria;Alvarez, Robert; 2023. Theologische Tischvorlagen für die Synode 2023.
    Die „Theologische Tischvorlagen“ sind eine Reihe von relativ kurzen (3-5 Seiten) Präsentationen, die in einem zugänglichen Format die akademische Diskussion über Themen im Zusammenhang mit der ersten Sitzung der XVI. ordentlichen Generalversammlung der Bischofssynode der römisch-katholischen Kirche und, allgemeiner, mit der Synode 2021-2024, zusammenfassen. Sie richten sich an alle, die über die akademischen Debatten zur Synodalität informiert werden wollen, insbesondere an die Teilnehmer der Synode 2023. Die behandelten Themen sind:1. The Practice of Synodality; 2. Participation, the People of God, and the Sensus Fidelium; 3. The Bishop in a Synodal Church; 4. Canon Law & Structures for Synodality; 5. Social Justice and Synodality; 6. Inculturation and synodality; 7. Women Participation; 8. Formation for Synodality; 9. Liturgy and Synodality. Die Tischvorlagen basieren auf Literatur in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, und Spanisch aus dem Jahr 2013-2023.

    Published online
  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria;Alvarez, Robert; 2023. Documentos informativos de teología para el Sínodo 2023.
    Estos documentos son una serie de presentaciones relativamente breves (3-5 páginas) que resumen en un formato accesible la discusión académica sobre temas relacionados con la Primera Sesión de la XVI Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos de la Iglesia Católica Romana y, más en general, con el Sínodo 2021-2024: Por una Iglesia sinodal. Los Documentos están destinados a todos aquellos que deseen estar informados sobre la discusión académica en torno a la sinodalidad, en particular a los participantes en el Sínodo 2023. Los temas tratados son: 1. The Practice of Synodality; 2. Participation, the People of God, and the Sensus Fidelium; 3. The Bishop in a Synodal Church; 4. Canon Law & Structures for Synodality; 5. Social Justice and Synodality; 6. Inculturation and synodality; 7. Women Participation; 8. Formation for Synodality; 9. Liturgy and Synodality. Los documentos se basan en la literatura en alemán, francés, inglés y español del período 2013-2023. Los Documentos informativos están disponibles también alemán, ingles, y francés.

    Published online
  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria;Alvarez, Robert; 2023. Theological Briefing Papers for the Synod 2023.
    The Papers provide comprehensive presentations on selected topics: 1. The Practice of Synodality; 2. Participation, the People of God, and the Sensus Fidelium; 3. The Bishop in a Synodal Church; 4. Canon Law & Structures for Synodality; 5. Social Justice and Synodality; 6. Inculturation and synodality; 7. Women Participation; 8. Formation for Synodality; 9. Liturgy and Synodality. There is also a paper with a Methodological Justification. The Papers are meant as a help for the members of the People of God who want to be informed about the academic conversation on synodality, particularly those who participate in the Synod 2023. These Papers are also available as Apports des théologiens et théologiennes pour le Synode 2023, Documentos informativos de teología para el Sínodo 2023, and Theologische Tischvorlagen für die Synode 2023.

    Published online
  • internet-publication
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria;Alvarez, Robert; 2023. Apports des théologiens et théologiennes pour le Synode 2023.
    Ces documents sont une série de présentations relativement courtes (3-5 pages) qui résument dans un format accessible la réflexion académique sur des sujets liés à la première session de la XVIe Assemblée générale ordinaire du Synode des évêques de l’Église catholique et, plus généralement, au Synode 2021-2024 : Pour une Église synodale. Ces documents s’adressent à tous ceux qui souhaitent être au courant de la réflexion académique sur la synodalité, en particulier les participants au Synode 2023. Les sujets abordés sont: 1. The Practice of Synodality; 2. Participation, the People of God, and the Sensus Fidelium; 3. The Bishop in a Synodal Church; 4. Canon Law & Structures for Synodality; 5. Social Justice and Synodality; 6. Inculturation and synodality; 7. Women Participation; 8. Formation for Synodality; 9. Liturgy and Synodality. Les documents sont basés sur la littérature en allemand, anglais, espagnol, et français de la période 2013-2023.

    Published online
  • chapter
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. Epilogue. Teaching and Tradition: A Creative Process. Teaching and Tradition. On Their Dynamic Interaction; 2023; pp. 171 - 178 Publisher: Brill

  • chapter
    Moons, Jozef Hendricus Maria; 2023. “A Primarily Pastoral Teaching Office” (John XXIII). The Creative Potential of the Principle of ‘Pastorality’. Teaching and Tradition. On Their Dynamic Interaction; 2023; pp. 115 - 132 Publisher: Brill
