
  • Dame Maggie Smith has had a full and varied career spanning over 50 years, with notable performances in films like Sister Act, The Secret Garden, and the Harry Potter.
  • Smith's ability to play a wide range of characters, from stern to eccentric, has earned her critical acclaim and numerous awards.
  • Her performances in films like The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and Gosford Park are iconic, showcasing her talent for portraying complex and captivating characters.

Dame Maggie Smith's abundant career spans over half a century, and the actor has left a significant impact on the world of cinema with her best movies. Her cinematic journey is a testament to her talent and versatility. She has received six Academy Award nominations, winning her first in 1969 for her role in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. She's among a group of stars who have won both lead and supporting actress Oscars. Smith's captivating performances cover a wide spectrum of genres. She's appeared in everything from historical dramas to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Smith's characters have a blend of humorous and tough, no-nonsense qualities. She holds the rare distinction of achieving the triple crown of acting awards: Oscar, Emmy, and Tony accolades. Her enduring and candid persona transcends age, and she continues to be a force in the industry. For any cinephile, a Smith movie marathon is a must, and she has some truly great movies under her belt.

10 Sister Act (1992)

Maggie Smith Plays Mother Superior

Maggie Smith as Mother Superior and Whoopi Goldberg as Deloris Van Cartier in Sister Act

In the classic 1990s movie Sister Act, Smith gives one of her most memorable performances. In this fun and lighthearted hit, she plays the role of an initially stern convent leader. Her character is tasked with sheltering Deloris Wilson, a lively lounge singer portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg, who enters witness protection within the convent after witnessing a mob murder. Smith's depiction of Mother Superior's prim and proper ways provides a stark and humorous contrast to Goldberg's vibrant and edgy Deloris.

Sister Act is a heartwarming and entertaining movie, and Smith's exceptional acting contributes significantly to its enduring popularity. This film even led to a sequel, Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit, and received well-deserved recognition, including NAACP Image and People's Choice Awards. This is a film where Smith shows her ability to excel in diverse roles, but it's far from her most dramatic performance. As such, it doesn't rank among the best of the best.

9 The Secret Garden (1993)

Maggie Smith Plays Mrs. Medlock

Maggie Smith as Mrs. Medlock in The Secret Garden

Maggie Smith displays her ability to elevate a movie's overall quality with her role as head housekeeper Mrs. Medlock in the adaptation of The Secret Garden. Undeniably one of her most exceptional performances, the film revolves around a young orphan, Mary Lennox, and her cousin, both of whom exhibit spoiled and stubborn behaviors. Smith's depiction of Mrs. Medlock strikingly contrasts the children's unruly nature. Her acting not only complements the younger actors but adds a seasoned richness to the film. Smith's rendition of Mrs. Medlock earned her a Best Supporting Actress nomination.

Dickon In The Secret Garden: Character Explained (& Who Played Him)

Dickon Sowerby is one of the main characters in The Secret Garden and he's an important element of both the 1911 book and every adaptation since.

8 The Harry Potter Series (2001-2011)

Maggie Smith Appears As Minerva McGonagall In Seven Harry Potter Movies

Smith might be best known for her portrayal of Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter movies, which show some of her finest work. Playing the stern but endearing head of Gryffindor house and transfiguration professor, Smith delivers a performance that leaves a lasting impression. Her contribution to the series is particularly evident in the first film, where her character's multifaceted nature is established. Over the course of the seven subsequent movies, Smith skillfully allows the character's softer side to emerge. However, she never quite gets enough screen time for Harry Potter to rank higher among her best movies.

7 The V.I.P.s (1963)

Maggie Smith Plays Miss Mead

Maggie Smith as Miss Mead getting a drink poured for her in The V.I.P.s

An ensemble movie set in an airport VIP lounge, The V.I.P.s finds Smith playing Miss Mead, a dedicated secretary who's secretly in love with her employer, Les Mangrum. Smith masterfully brings depth and emotion to her character, so much so that her portrayal earned her a Golden Globe nomination. In a star-studded film featuring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Orson Welles, Margaret Rutherford, and David Frost, Smith's presence stands out. That's a testament to her talent, though the movies that put her at the helm rather than in an ensemble stand out even more.

6 The Lady In The Van (2015)

Maggie Smith Plays Miss Shepherd

The Lady in the Van is the true story of Miss Mary Shepherd, a homeless woman who parks her van in playwright Alan Bennett's driveway for 15 years. Smith brilliantly captures Miss Shepherd's eccentricities, portraying her as guarded and enigmatic and alluding to a hidden past. Her performance earned Smith her ninth Golden Globe nomination. Despite Shepherd's challenging and demanding demeanor, Smith infuses the character with depth and likability. Smith's performance is endearing enough to land The Lady in the Van among her top 10 movies, but it's a testament to all the other memorable performances in her career that it doesn't break into the top five.

5 Travels With My Aunt (1972)

Maggie Smith Plays Aunt Augusta

Maggie Smith as Aunt Augusta and Alec McCowen as Henry Pulling sitting next to each other in Travels With My Aunt

Travels with My Aunt, a film based on Graham Greene's work and directed by George Cukor, marked a pivotal moment in Smith's career. She embodies the eccentric character of Aunt Augusta Bertram, who takes her young nephew, Henry, on a globe-trotting adventure. Smith's portrayal is a tour de force, showcasing her comedic talents and ability to breathe life into a flamboyant character, despite being known for playing more stoic roles. Her role earned her a well-deserved third Academy Award nomination and a second Golden Globe nomination. It is undeniably among her top five best performances. However, several of her later movies are even more memorable.

4 California Suite (1978)

Maggie Smith Plays Diana Barrie

Michael Caine  and Maggie Smith as Diana Barrie and Bill Warren in California Suite

Maggie Smith's portrayal of Diana Barrie in California Suite is arguably one of her most brilliant and self-aware performances. The film, adapted from Neil Simon's Broadway play, weaves four distinct stories of guests at a luxurious California resort. As Diana, a British actress dealing with a failed awards ceremony and her marriage to a closeted gay man, portrayed by Michael Caine, Smith delivers a performance that earned her both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. Her comedic timing once again shines, and her chemistry with Caine, Jane Fonda, Walter Matthau, and Elaine May adds depth to the film.

3 Room With A View (1985)

Maggie Smith Plays Charlotte Bartlett

Maggie Smith as Charlotte Bartlett in A Room With A View

A Room with a View follows the prim and disapproving Charlotte, who serves as the chaperone for her cousin as they travel through Italy. Smith's depiction of Charlotte perfectly captures the character's inability to see the possibilities laid out before her in the live-and-let-live spirit of Italy. Smith's performance in this coming-of-age story received critical acclaim, winning her a second Golden Globe Award and a fifth Oscar nomination. A Room with a View authentically adapts E.M. Forster's book, with Smith's role as Charlotte adding depth to its exploration of burgeoning sexuality and high society. It's undoubtedly one of her best movies but falls short of being the best.

2 Gosford Park (2001)

Maggie Smith Plays Countess Constance Trentham