
📚所以今天來學這個常考字:camouflage [ˋkæməˏflɑʒ ]

n. a way of hiding or disguising soldiers, military equipment, etc, eg with paint, netting or leaves, so that they look like part of their surroundings(軍事上的)偽裝
n. the way that the colour or shape of an animal protects it by making it difficult to see in the area in which it lives(動物的)保護色
n. behavior that is designed to hide something 隱瞞
v. to hide something, especially by making it look the same as the things around it, or by making it seem like something else 偽裝

conceal(v. 隱蔽;隱藏-PBT)
decorate(v. 裝飾-iBT)
disguise(v. 偽裝;掩飾-iBT)
hide(v. 隱蔽;隱藏-iBT;CBT)
blend with circumstances(phr. 與環境相混合-iBT)

🖊️They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage.

🖊️The agent camouflaged his appearance with makeup and a toupee.

🖊️Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies.


< camou-:smoke 煙 > + < -flage:fire 火 > → 火造成煙霧可讓人掩蔽 → 隱暪。

【衍生】conflagration(n. 大火災)。


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