Roberto Alomar vs Ryne Sandberg Stats Comparison | Career Head to Head

Roberto Alomar vs Ryne Sandberg Stats

Alomar has an average at the plate of .299 for his career with 1,512 scored runs and an OPS of .417. He has fanned 1,153 times and earned a walk on 1,034 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .370 on-base %. In his career, Alomar has drilled 211 baseballs over the fence while driving in 1,142 runs. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .047 in addition to racking up 4,033 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he faced a pitcher 10,465 times and has come through with a base hit 2,735 times.

Over the course of the 8,832 at-bats in his career, Sandberg has recorded a batting average of .284 and has racked up 2,504 base hits. His on-base percentage is .342 and he is the owner of a career OPS of .363. He has scored 1,372 runs and has 1,125 runs batted in. Sandberg has drawn a walk 789 times while being called out on strikes on 1,354 occasions. He has gone yard 294 times, with 3,967 total bases and also a .021 slugging percentage.

Roberto Alomar vs Ryne Sandberg Stats

Roberto Alomar Career Ryne Sandberg
2,397 Games Played 2,299
10,465 Plate Appearances 9,762
9,134 At-Bats 8,832
1,512 Runs 1,372
2,735 Hits 2,504
505 Doubles 429
80 Triples 76
211 Home Runs 294
1,142 Runs Batted In 1,125
474 Stolen Bases 351
114 Caught Stealing 111
1,034 Walks 789
1,153 Strikeouts 1,354
.299 Batting Average .284
.370 On-Base Percentage .342
.047 Slugging Percentage .021
0.417 OPS 0.363
4,033 Total Bases 3,967
208 Grounded Into Double Plays 144
50 Hit By Pitch 36

Alomar has 11 hits out of 61 at-bats for an average at the plate of .180. He has walked 2 times and has compiled an OBP of .203. On the year, Alomar has scored 4 runs, knocked in 8 RBI and has earned 1 home runs. He is sitting with an OPS of 0.449 as well as a slugging percentage of .246. He has gone down swinging 13 times while accumulating 15 bases in total.

So far this year, Ryne Sandberg has batted in 64 runs and also has tallied a slugging percentage of .403. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .308 as well as 28 walks and 94 K’s. Sandberg has accumulated 180 total bases with 118 hits out of 447 at-bats. He has recorded a batting average when batting of .264 in addition to holding an OPS of .711. He has tallied 54 runs for the year and has knocked 12 balls over the fence.

Roberto Alomar (2004) Stat Ryne Sandberg (1997)
18 Games Played 135
65 Plate Appearances 480
61 At-Bats 447
4 Runs Scored 54
11 Hits 118
1 Doubles 26
0 Triples 0
1 Home Runs 12
8 Runs Batted In 64
0 Stolen Bases 7
0 Caught Stealing 4
2 Walks 28
13 Strikeouts 94
.180 Batting Average .264
.203 On-Base Percentage .308
.246 Slugging Percentage .403
0.449 OPS 0.711
16 OPS+ 83
15 Total Bases 180
2 Grounded Into Double Play 5
0 Hit By Pitch 2